cote112 t1_j8wudp7 wrote
Reply to comment by Solidsnakeerection in Northern Michigan man blows up beaver dam with explosives, floods neighbors’ properties by TheHiddenApp
So is their inevitable death.
The flooded area returns to meadow and eventually forest because of the years of flooding and sediment deposits.
cote112 t1_j8wu08n wrote
Reply to comment by mooseman1776 in Northern Michigan man blows up beaver dam with explosives, floods neighbors’ properties by TheHiddenApp
Beavers gotta beave.
But there has to be limits to which people leave nature alone. If honey bees started building millions of hives in elevator shafts of every building in major cities, nobody would be saying "Leave the bees alone".
cote112 t1_j8iide0 wrote
Daily "focus" on goals
cote112 t1_j8as6mm wrote
Reply to comment by Hustler-1 in This is what the sky looked like during the spacex rocket launch by Zommerfeld
Well I think they planned on doing the boost back somewhere around Hawaii to land in the water for the first orbital launch. Don't know if that's changed.
cote112 t1_j88uqva wrote
I'm assuming the launch of the Starship will have a pretty decent contrail plume. If they time it right.
cote112 t1_j84xz8u wrote
Reply to comment by Team_Ed in [OC] More than 130 earthquakes rocked Turkey in 48 hours by MePiyush
They should probably change the seismic scale to 0-100 to show the difference between the big quakes and small to medium ones. Cause 5.6 sounds pretty close to 7.6, but it's not.
cote112 t1_j6n9epx wrote
Reply to TIL your computer keyboard is 20,589 times dirtier than a toilet seat. The average office keyboard has 3,543,000 colony-forming units (CFU) of bacteria per square inch while your average toilet seat only has 172 CFU per square inch by SappyGilmore
I try to disinfectant wipe mine once a month.
cote112 OP t1_j6l71ks wrote
Reply to comment by Gothmog_LordOBalrogs in My oldest American coin turned 100 by cote112
Well by the mid 90's the dollar had really begun it's decline so yeah the age of paying for things with change was over.
cote112 OP t1_j6l5ulz wrote
Reply to comment by Gothmog_LordOBalrogs in My oldest American coin turned 100 by cote112
Oh wow, arcades probably got some pretty sweet Dad collections stolen by kids who needed to Double Dragon.
cote112 OP t1_j6l4x95 wrote
Reply to comment by Gothmog_LordOBalrogs in My oldest American coin turned 100 by cote112
Oh I definitely did that to get a Screwball from the ice cream man. Who even knows what I gave that guy. Just some coins I found
Honestly it's my Dad's fault for not giving me an allowance for doing chores.
cote112 OP t1_j6l4re0 wrote
Reply to comment by Gothmog_LordOBalrogs in My oldest American coin turned 100 by cote112
Oh I definitely did that to get a Screwball from the ice cream man. Who even knows what I gave that guy. Just some coins I found
Honestly it's my Dad's fault for not giving me an allowance for doing chores.
cote112 OP t1_j6l024f wrote
Reply to comment by O-hmmm in My oldest American coin turned 100 by cote112
Dimes are thin compared to the other coins regardless of wear and what it's made of.
cote112 OP t1_j6kzp5f wrote
Reply to comment by Willmatic88 in My oldest American coin turned 100 by cote112
That is nuts. I think I have three.
Someone must have recently died and a family member probably just dumped a bunch at the bank.
cote112 t1_j6k775l wrote
Reply to comment by dwellerofcubes in It takes 30 minutes to get there. I’ll be there in 10. by PM_me_your_pee_video
Yeah I wasn't getting Motor Trend on TV then so it was only magazines, posters and matchbox cars.
cote112 t1_j6k6wy3 wrote
Reply to comment by Rumpleskillsskills in [Homemade] A Parent’s Lunch: Ham and cheese with bacon on a pretzel bun, goldfish, and some fruit snacks by Rumpleskillsskills
The pretzel bun is the only adult thing.
cote112 t1_j66puhe wrote
Reply to Wake up Humans, Alex Garland, 2015 by GarageCrowking
I heard a very wise man say that humanity was in the middle of the game you at arcades pushing the quarters over an edge.
cote112 t1_j6228rf wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Glacier National Park [3024x4032] [OC] by jdawg09
cote112 t1_j61hdn8 wrote
Reply to Glacier National Park [3024x4032] [OC] by jdawg09
Probably much much better irl.
Although I've heard about swarms of flies and mosquitoes the size of butterflies. So I'll stick with your photo.
cote112 t1_j5q2j6y wrote
I was at the gym and saw Ross and Phoebe trying to get it going on a pool table. But I guess that doesn't count.
cote112 t1_j57vh4w wrote
Reply to comment by GeorgeOlduvai in TIL The famous "rods from god" concept of a space-based weapons system of orbiting tungsten rods was developed by science fiction writer Jerry Pournelle. by BitterFuture
And then you watch 'The Expanse' and that's the ultimate weapon of mass destruction.
cote112 t1_j52zv6m wrote
Reply to comment by Ok-disaster2022 in [Homemade] Reverse Seared Tomahawk Steak by smokenkitchen
It's sorta a bummer when you start making food better than most restaurants. At least to me.
I used to really enjoy being waited on when I got to go out and now so many times, it's mid food with subpar service.
cote112 t1_j4w6pu7 wrote
Reply to [homemade] Oreo Cheesecake by tiggermita
Looks great. Inspired me to make something else.
cote112 t1_j4eib0s wrote
Reply to The aurora was on full display this week in Anchorage Alaska 01/12/2023 01:43am. [OC] 3239x5757 by MoBambaNYC
Couple class x flares will do that
cote112 OP t1_j3e7im0 wrote
Reply to comment by liaisontosuccess in [OC] Pine in the Rock. Massachusetts [3346x1888] by cote112
Maybe I'll 'Karate Kid 2' it
cote112 t1_j9prdfe wrote
Reply to comment by dhebert1980 in Spring is right around the corner! Here's a beautiful rhododendron bush blooming in California's Coastal Redwoods. [OC][1333x2000] by Austinjamesjackson
Azaleas are a different plant. They are related though.