
could_use_a_snack t1_j1zyywz wrote

I'd buy this if it popped them on at a time.

You fill a hopper. It funnels the kernels into a little cup that heats it with IR and when it pops it shoots out into a bowl, letting the next kernel in. It would need to be quick though, maybe a minute to fill a bowl. Pop Pop Pop Pop Pop Pop Pop Pop Pop Pop Pop Pop.


could_use_a_snack t1_ivg81fc wrote

Naw that's just making a different problem. Female mosquitos need blood as a food source to produce eggs. (Or something like that) If they can't use blood they would need to find a different food source and whatever that ended up being would also be a huge change to the ecosystem.

Humans need to develop a way to fight the disease within the human population so as not to disrupt other species.


could_use_a_snack t1_ivfqdd7 wrote

It's like a car. 99% of the parts are identical, if you looked at those parts you would be able to determine that it is a Toyota Corolla. But you need the other 1% to identify the trim package. And if something is different in that first 99% then you might want to take a real good look at it.


could_use_a_snack t1_ivfp3z8 wrote

Agreed. I've brought up similar concerns in the past, and once was told that bats don't eat mosquitoes. Just prepare for a lot of trolling. People really hate mosquitoes.


could_use_a_snack t1_itvdo3x wrote

Homelessness is the default. Before people were people they were homeless, living wherever, eating whatever, etc. Once people started manipulating their environment they realized that they could build shelter with "work" and work became the go to lifestyle of people. Now we've been a working people for so long that homelessness seems like a failure. If people stop "working" they will eventually become homeless again.


could_use_a_snack t1_irhf18y wrote

I don't really understand how this could even work.

I just built a lighted sign for an event I'm doing that says PARKING with an arrow. It's made up of little lights that are spaced about 2 inches apart. The letters are about 9 inches tall and the sign takes over 200 lights!

I did a bunch of small tests and this design came up as about optimal. It can be seen (and read) from a decent distance, and uses the least amount of lights to do this. But if you are more than about 100 feet away you can't really read it.

If I read the article correctly they are talking about 50 satellites, what are they going to advertise? 50 dots isn't enough to do much. Even the old fashioned dot matrix printers wouldn't be able to spell much of a word with 50 dots. I just don't see this happening.