courageous_liquid t1_j1kzkno wrote
Reply to comment by Jakdracula in Coming in 2023: A $25 million rooftop restaurant for the Union League by redeyeblink
Glad to hear it, it's disgusting all around
courageous_liquid t1_j1bo1os wrote
Reply to comment by Softenthisoldarmor in Enjoying this snowy sled riding day and saw this on a neighbor’s porch in Tyrone. by Softenthisoldarmor
Weird, you'd imagine a place named after a county in Ireland wouldn't have a pub on main street. Also, yeah I passed the VFW on the way from the wine store back to the highway.
The distributor there was pretty good when I went a few months ago, though the people there wanted to have like a full 20 min conversation with me instead of scanning my shit so I could pay them and leave.
Also what's up with that building with the random woman painted on looking out the window?
courageous_liquid t1_j1b54vq wrote
Reply to Enjoying this snowy sled riding day and saw this on a neighbor’s porch in Tyrone. by Softenthisoldarmor
Ayyy took a train into tyrone yesterday. Interesting town.
I've never met a local - anywhere walkable to the train station that I can kill time over a beer during the day? I've been curious for years.
courageous_liquid t1_j169091 wrote
Reply to comment by Marko_Ramius1 in Coming in 2023: A $25 million rooftop restaurant for the Union League by redeyeblink
Fitler club is a giant piece of shit and pretends it's not arrogant but it is. Friend was a member and would take me to burn his monthly minimum. One time the front desk wouldn't let a chef getting off his shift in the elevator with us, even after I insisted, then got off and told him he could go first. Disgusting attitude.
courageous_liquid t1_j0edg6g wrote
Reply to comment by uptown_gargoyle in If you’re going to be an asshole and park in a crosswalk, at least pick the side that doesn’t block the view of oncoming traffic by RoverTheMonster
I don't really think either are necessary. There's a lot of people here making weird nextdoor-y posts lately.
And yes, get signatures from the whole block or the block captain to go to a councilperson, so they actually live in the neighborhood, which matters more than a bunch of people on the internet, many of which don't even live here.
courageous_liquid t1_j0d0bao wrote
Reply to comment by uptown_gargoyle in If you’re going to be an asshole and park in a crosswalk, at least pick the side that doesn’t block the view of oncoming traffic by RoverTheMonster
Because the only real answer is 'reddit is not a substitute for talking to your councilperson.'
courageous_liquid t1_j08560q wrote
Reply to comment by FinessingLife in Moving Mondays - New Resident Questions by AutoModerator
You may be able to take the train if Vanguard has a shuttle (I seem to remember them doing that) but otherwise that drive from the city is miserable.
I work in Ardmore (also on the mainline, but much closer), live in south philly, and I take the train and it's fairly pleasant. I used to drive out here and after a few years of that I gave up driving completely.
courageous_liquid t1_j07wyo2 wrote
Reply to comment by ObligationAware3755 in Moving Mondays - New Resident Questions by AutoModerator
$19 is the base fare and like you said, if you plan about a month out you can basically always get it.
courageous_liquid t1_j07whmc wrote
Reply to comment by FinessingLife in Moving Mondays - New Resident Questions by AutoModerator
Malvern absolutely requires a car.
courageous_liquid t1_j07qusb wrote
Reply to comment by iCantTweet in What are your favorite bars for a lonely lunch? by iCantTweet
Bonners is one of Philly's remaining S-tier dives. Stick to fried food, though.
courageous_liquid t1_j02029c wrote
Reply to comment by murphysfriend in Guy on Bike. Really loves his dogs… by conorb619
Yeah I haven't seen him in a while, last I saw him he was in the italian market like last year or two years ago.
courageous_liquid t1_j01xazs wrote
Reply to Guy on Bike. Really loves his dogs… by conorb619
Is this different from the guy that always had his two dogs (pugs?) in his bike's front basket and puts sunglasses on them and rides around?
courageous_liquid t1_izt3yb2 wrote
Reply to comment by DeltaNerd in Talks of buildings a new stadium… how about a new bus terminal? by mburn14
Yeah, we'll certainly see. As far as I remember the best performing synchro models indicated removing the 76 onramps there (I forget which alternative was chosen though) so it may lose some connectivity.
courageous_liquid t1_izp416r wrote
Reply to comment by DeltaNerd in Talks of buildings a new stadium… how about a new bus terminal? by mburn14
From a planning sense, sure, but Amtrak owns that. And drexel owns the rest west of it, USPS owns south, etc.
courageous_liquid t1_izokcgl wrote
Reply to comment by kaisertralfaz in Talks of buildings a new stadium… how about a new bus terminal? by mburn14
They'll just keep privatizing public space.
courageous_liquid t1_izok0k8 wrote
Reply to comment by Suitable-Cattle-9348 in Talks of buildings a new stadium… how about a new bus terminal? by mburn14
It doesn't make any sense because one is privately funded and one would ostensibly be publicly funded.
courageous_liquid t1_iyletyp wrote
Reply to Pat Toomey was one of the 43 Senators who killed sick leave for rail workers by GraffitiTavern
Hot reminder he was scared to come to Philly, the largest city in his state. He's an absolute clown.
He manned the candy desk at the impeachment, like a child, and also filled it with the void of santorum.
courageous_liquid t1_iyldtlv wrote
Reply to comment by themoneybadger in People sitting in Parked Cars at all hours of the day? by uey-tlatoani
I walked up 21st and 22nd while they were filming on and off and they told me a bunch of times not to walk through there while they had enormous piles of trash sitting on the sidewalk like clowns.
I'm not even a hardass, they didn't care and neither did I.
courageous_liquid t1_iyhuv6e wrote
Reply to comment by hethuisje in People sitting in Parked Cars at all hours of the day? by uey-tlatoani
> And the other day I saw one of the security people tell a few pedestrians that they couldn't walk down a certain street, even though there didn't seem to be anything going on there.
And that's when you tell them to fuck off and just keep walking. Not like they're allowed to do shit. I walked through all the sets that were constantly being shot in that area for like 5 years.
courageous_liquid t1_iydylfm wrote
Reply to comment by Rivster79 in D.C.’s police department is recruiting in Philly, offering a $20k hiring bonus. The Philadelphia Police Department isn’t worried. by redeyeblink
I saw these ads the other day on a zipcar depot on broad and thought the exact same thing.
Good luck commuting like 2 hours to work from outside the beltway because there's no way they could afford or desire to live anywhere in actual DC.
courageous_liquid t1_iyb8y4a wrote
Reply to comment by TransportationNo5560 in Does anyone organize neighborhood holiday caroling? If so, any advice? by Republican_Wet_Dream
No idea I just always stumble into them while getting shit for the holidays/7 fishes. I'm sure you can just show up the eve or the day before with the same shtick and they wouldn't be too upset.
courageous_liquid t1_iya0i9g wrote
Reply to Does anyone organize neighborhood holiday caroling? If so, any advice? by Republican_Wet_Dream
There's a group that does this with a shopping cart full of booze every year in the italian market. They're always hammered and it's honestly the only caroling I enjoy.
courageous_liquid t1_iy9vps4 wrote
There's an absolute ton in Packer Park, which feels much more like the Northeast or even somewhere like Upper Darby.
Tried to walk through there one time when a subway expressed to the stadiums because phils games and the buses were fucked. It's wild.
courageous_liquid t1_iy8oy81 wrote
Reply to comment by randompittuser in Milton Street, Former Pa. State Senator and Philly Mayoral Candidate, Dies by Saint_2022
That's so Kaufman-esque.
I also love the touch of admitting he's been accused of a lot of things but never been found guilty, then going with the start of every street hustle I've ever heard - "Now what I'm trying to do for you, right here..."
Musical number really ties it all together.
courageous_liquid t1_j1qd3sl wrote
Reply to comment by ericds1214 in Moving Mondays - New Resident Questions by AutoModerator
Here's the opendataphilly source. Last updated about 5 years ago, but streets that are permit almost never revert to non-permit, so starting from there is better than nothing.