
courageous_liquid t1_j1bo1os wrote

Weird, you'd imagine a place named after a county in Ireland wouldn't have a pub on main street. Also, yeah I passed the VFW on the way from the wine store back to the highway.

The distributor there was pretty good when I went a few months ago, though the people there wanted to have like a full 20 min conversation with me instead of scanning my shit so I could pay them and leave.

Also what's up with that building with the random woman painted on looking out the window?


courageous_liquid t1_j169091 wrote

Fitler club is a giant piece of shit and pretends it's not arrogant but it is. Friend was a member and would take me to burn his monthly minimum. One time the front desk wouldn't let a chef getting off his shift in the elevator with us, even after I insisted, then got off and told him he could go first. Disgusting attitude.


courageous_liquid t1_j0edg6g wrote

I don't really think either are necessary. There's a lot of people here making weird nextdoor-y posts lately.

And yes, get signatures from the whole block or the block captain to go to a councilperson, so they actually live in the neighborhood, which matters more than a bunch of people on the internet, many of which don't even live here.


courageous_liquid t1_j08560q wrote

You may be able to take the train if Vanguard has a shuttle (I seem to remember them doing that) but otherwise that drive from the city is miserable.

I work in Ardmore (also on the mainline, but much closer), live in south philly, and I take the train and it's fairly pleasant. I used to drive out here and after a few years of that I gave up driving completely.


courageous_liquid t1_iyhuv6e wrote

> And the other day I saw one of the security people tell a few pedestrians that they couldn't walk down a certain street, even though there didn't seem to be anything going on there.

And that's when you tell them to fuck off and just keep walking. Not like they're allowed to do shit. I walked through all the sets that were constantly being shot in that area for like 5 years.


courageous_liquid t1_iydylfm wrote

I saw these ads the other day on a zipcar depot on broad and thought the exact same thing.

Good luck commuting like 2 hours to work from outside the beltway because there's no way they could afford or desire to live anywhere in actual DC.


courageous_liquid t1_iy8oy81 wrote

That's so Kaufman-esque.

I also love the touch of admitting he's been accused of a lot of things but never been found guilty, then going with the start of every street hustle I've ever heard - "Now what I'm trying to do for you, right here..."

Musical number really ties it all together.