
courageous_liquid t1_j332pll wrote

That's why they help coordinate with media.

As someone who has done a lot of community outreach and public open houses in the city, it's really fucking hard to reach the public. Everyone has a different preferred method. We try to hit the centralized sources first, but usually they only run it once so if you miss it, you miss it.


courageous_liquid t1_j2us0ea wrote

We could treat people that murder people with cars the same that murder people with weapons, for a start.

I'm willing to support reform for rehabilitation to lessen recidivism but it's insane to think you can recklessly murder someone and get off scott free.


courageous_liquid t1_j2urevb wrote

Just some very minor disagreements -

>They use shit quality materials and stretch everything out as much as they can.

Partially true, the aggregate mix is typically specced out in the RFP and can't really be deviated from but the contractor will do everything they can to bend on that.

>Then you have tolls, obviously not going towards roads or bridges.

Again, partially true, turnpike tolls go to a lot of things that aren't roads or bridges (ITS projects, SEPTA until the lawsuit) but the turnpike on average does a pretty decent job at road maintenance.

>It's all these welfare queens living out in the middle of nowhere. Us upstanding metropolitans have to foot the bill for all the 4 wheel drive dickheads who live on a 5 mile road with one house.

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not but unironically yes, a thousand times yes. AADT of like 35 and gets repaved every 4 years vs. 100k AADTs that are basically pothole centrals. Unreal.


courageous_liquid t1_j2s5uv7 wrote

Yeah, it's helped me somewhat with Russian (primary reason I use it), though it's incredibly frustrating because it's wrong like 10% of the time when it comes to syntax (i.e. I send screenshots to my in-laws and they're like yeah the way you said it is fine even though it got marked wrong).

Definitely has helped with my Italian, though.


courageous_liquid t1_j2eug6f wrote

Suburban and you can either walk south or hop on the subway at 15th by going through the tunnels (confusing) or get on the subway by going down the awful stairs at dilworth park next to city hall.

You can look at the parade route and determine where to get off if you take the subway, or just walk and size up where crowds start to wane.