
cowperthwaite OP t1_iz208ej wrote

Superman building will have rents for those in the 80-120% AMI range. But also, that's being protested because it serves the upper echelons.

I can't find any stories where I've quoted state officials recently, but the state uses the term "workforce housing" to refer to 80-120% AMI.

This development in Warwick is in the 80% range.


cowperthwaite OP t1_iz1d3sr wrote

It's tied to being house burdened (30% of income on rent) at 60% AMI, although utilities factor into it too.

Here's a spreadsheet that breaks down wage/hour, /month, /year, and what 30% is per year/month.

Second tab has what 60% AMI is, what 30% is/month.

AMI table:


cowperthwaite OP t1_iz1agef wrote

>The development would be just more than half a mile away from Kennedy Plaza, 0.2 miles from the bus stop in front of the Providence Public Library and a few hundred feet from the bus stops on West Franklin and Westminster streets, which are served by Bus Lines 17, 18, 19 and 31, Shaw said. The development would also be about a mile from the train station.


cowperthwaite OP t1_iz14ioe wrote

Current plans (linked in article) call for more parking, which the developer needs to submit an application to RI Housing by January, but future plans would reduce the amount of parking involved.

Nice area too: Bayberry, Slow Rhode, Moniker, Beer on Earth, Y Noodle & Bar, the new Y Shabu Shabu, the ice cream place.

Didn't make it into the article: Building can be so dense/tall only because it's affordable. Market rate building wouldn't have been allowed that density.

Link is in the article, but here's what 60% of AMI looks like:


cowperthwaite t1_iymymbi wrote

Reply to comment by jt_tesla in Check your headlights! by lugo2

People don't. It's crazy, both the quantity and the pure unwillingness to turn on lights, or engage.

I begin with lights flashing, lots, so it can't be mistaken for a dip in the road, then I go with turning my fog lights on and off, then I turn my lights on and off, then I beep, and then finally, if possible, I drive past, making hand signals.

Without fail, it doesn't work.

I was walking down by the library recently and someone was stopped at the red with their lights off and once of the security guys for a restaurant across the street spent a good minute trying to get the driver to turn their headlights on.


cowperthwaite t1_iymhf0b wrote

>Rhode Island Energy announced Monday that it has started provided the credits, totaling $50 million, to each of its customers. The credits are being provided as part of an agreement last spring with the office of Attorney General Peter F. Neronha. The agreement helped clear the way for Pennsylvania-based PPL to purchase the Narragansett Electric Company, which it renamed Rhode Island Energy.