
cpr4life8 OP t1_j057dm2 wrote

Well at least we know we can trust the party that tried to overthrow the fucking government. Jfc dude, get real. This is a real problem that has been a problem for decades and has been discussed for decades and there has been no action. And fuck head Toomey just shit all over it knowing that the GOP is taking control of the house.


cpr4life8 OP t1_j056o2p wrote

"While there is no record of Senate sessions on the bill, advocates say the key issues over the roles of enablers, including financial advisors and others who set up trusts and other conduits to take in shadowy money, has been debated for decades.

The alarm over enablers — or go-betweens — in moving the money has led to “thousands of hours of congressional discussions,” said Nate Sibley, a research fellow with the Hudson Institute’s Kleptocracy Initiative.

He said the troubling concerns about people who help kleptocrats and others secretly plow their money into the US dates as far back as 9/11, but the most recent surge to pass reforms was triggered by explosive reporting in the Washington Post and the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists which showed how the U.S. has increasingly become one of the world’s foremost havens for dirty dollars."

It's been discussed.


cpr4life8 t1_izkbgpc wrote

If you're near Pittsburgh I would suggest you check out Grandpa Joe's candy shop. There's one in the strip district and there's also one in Mount Lebanon, but I know they have other locations as well. That's where I go for my craft soda, mainly root beer in my case. They carry a large variety and they have several different brands of Birch Beer on the shelves as well.


cpr4life8 t1_iyrb375 wrote

Why spend the money on a new plate when you can just transfer the existing one?

I mean, as a motorcycle rider I appreciate it because those fees fund the motorcycle safety courses, which allows PA residents to take them for free. But I don't see the point in spending money on something and then giving that something back.


cpr4life8 t1_iyj02u4 wrote

I work in the water and wastewater industry so I understand why municipalities have to bill residents for the service, as it's very costly to treat and distribute water, maintain the infrastructure necessary for the process, pay people who operate the water and wastewater treatment plants, buy the chemicals & equipment involved, etc. Many people think their property taxes pay for this, but that's not true. Maybe in a rare exception, but overall the utility bill you pay is what goes towards maintaining the service.

One of the big issues I used to hear all the time when I was a mfg rep for treatment equipment - the utilities make money that could be put back into the facilities to maintain and upgrade the service, but that money is frequently diverted to other things. I distinctly remember one wastewater superintendent in KY who was livid that his town had redirected a bunch of money from the sewer treatment plant to a fund to build a new park...because there was an upcoming election and parks are seen, whereas no one ever thinks about what happens after they flush the toilet. That is until they flush the toilet and things go wrong.

I have no issues with the normal operation of the way water and sewer is provided and billed for and so on...but I have major issues with people that do things to contaminate our groundwater and then basically walk away with a slap on the wrist. I will never understand how people put money before something that actually sustains life. I mean regardless of where we are in the world we're all drinking water and invariably there is some entity jeopardizing that water, by doing things like fracking, in the name of profit.

*Edit - typo