
cpujockey OP t1_is2tqu8 wrote

I thought it might be useful to someone out there to document my experience. I've done some YouTube videos on my channel about some of the tools I bought in my journey of guitar building. So I figured it would be a cool thing to do. I also just really wanted to experience the legal market as I haven't had a chance to.


cpujockey OP t1_is2th1k wrote

In retrospect I probably did not need a new pipe or the salve that I bought there. Part of the problem is, I wanted to find something that was close to a product called muscle freeze that an ex given me years ago as I fucked up my back in September. I only bought the pipe because well the other one's clogged and I need to invest in some IPA to clean it properly.

After reviewing my receipt 14 fucking dollar sales tax on top of I think $25 of cannabis tax is kind of crazy.

But that's just how shit is in this marketplace right now.


cpujockey OP t1_is2ilz0 wrote

yeah, back in the early 2000's shit was all over the place for price. good shit was hard to come by, but when we found it - maaaaaaaaaaaaan it was awesome. I haven't found anything to this day like the OHS that my buddy let us take a tiny hit of once that fucked me and another buddy up for like 2 hours on my moms porch. fuck that was a blast back then.


cpujockey OP t1_is2idr3 wrote

ok. so you are saying that me having to deal with lazy drug dealers from the time I was 17 till now is a lie to you? I've seen all sorts of shit, dudes doin pills with girls, coke, you name it. the early 2000's was a wild fucking time. I also got ripped off a few times too. fun times.

what the actual fuck. I have been a big proponent of the legal market, DIY home grow and all that jazz ever since I took my first puff back in 2004. I am optimistic about the legal markets because the create jobs and taxable revenue as well as new businesses. As someone that identifies as a conservative it might seem daft to you that I can appreciate cannabis considering the national platform is full of a bunch of cucks.

I am very pro cannabis, legal or home grow, the illicit market was fun, but ultimately, I'd like to see people growing real enterprises with this.

Give yer balls a tug.


cpujockey OP t1_is0yuia wrote

I'm always a stiffler for prices. I grew up poor after all. I know the market is just starting to take shape, it's going to take some time.

I spent more than I'd like to, but I am happy to support this new business as they are exactly what I hoped for in the legal market: a place that sells weed that isn't a fucking meme (420 culture shit) and does so respectfully with really well trained staff.


cpujockey OP t1_is0ttdo wrote

> but it was significantly better (and easier to get) than most of the private market stuff I've had.

Private market has a lot of ups and downs. definitely nice too have a retail space where I can just go to and not bother some dude sleeping or whatever. I was impressed by the quality of the herb @ flora though.

> I'm fine with paying that for accurate measurements of THC levels.

very much a benefit of having a legal market. Don't have to rely on a dude trying to hype some bullshit and calling it something crazy and telling me its amazing when its really not. Very refreshing to see data on the products online and also how clean the place was.