
cpujockey t1_iu9i5ac wrote

That's not true.

Any idiot can become a real estate agent and grow capital quickly. It's just a matter of doing a Randy Mayhew course and joining a real estate cult.

Don't make this an us versus them thing in regards to the working class. Because essentially the educated and the working class are the working class It's these fucking wannabe property managers and fake 501c's running this park that are causing trouble.


cpujockey t1_iu9hybx wrote

It's because you're talking shit to a bunch of people that have families here and the elderly.

Like did you not hear any of the shit being said here? There's a fucking woman being evicted because she is a victim of domestic violence. The roads are so fucking bad here that I've lost a rim and fucked a couple of tires.

The property management is supposed to be a community housing trust much to the same degree of CHT which every one of the folks here on the Vermont subreddit and Burlington subreddit have lauded as champions of affordable housing and all that bullshit. Yet the folks that are actually living here know that this property management company is making money grabs every single year to ensure that they're raising prices enough where we don't get a say in it or have the ability to challenge it. They have also deferred maintenance on roads and tree removal which is causing lots of safety concerns for the residents here.

I get that we are part of that homeowner class that everyone seems to hate when they're on the rental side of things - But the fact of the matter is we're in the muck just like everybody else It's just the onus is much more on us for when it comes to dwelling repairs and appliance issues. So while some of us might not pay as much rent compared to the rest of you the cost usually balance out into the black compared to some of you folks.

I just want to reiterate that there are families and elderly people here that are on fixed incomes.


cpujockey t1_iu9hiba wrote

Why diminish the hardship of a domestic violence victim being evicted for be exactly that?

There's also seniors here on fixed incomes with diabetes. You know that that means they're going to have to start rationing insulin?

Look we all got it hard right now but the fact of the matter is we can be working together to fight these unscrupulous landlords and phony property management companies. We could literally band together here in the park and all go on rent strike making a meaningful impact against their bottom line and make them sweat for once. I believe we're at a cross roads where we can actually accomplish that and I hope to unify my neighbors to do such a thing.


cpujockey t1_iu9gxv3 wrote

You realize that's just for the land right?

Like a lot of people here still have to make payments on their trailer, they have to have insurance as well! On top of that they still have to pay property taxes on it and maintain the dwelling.

There's also a lot of elderly folks here that are on fixed incomes that are getting fucked on insulin right now. Do you really want these folks to have to make hard choices about rationing insulin over a $20 price hike on the lot rent? Especially considering that the park management is not doing fuck all to help us. There's many projects that have gone to the wayside, people getting evicted for being victims of domestic violence, potholes that are in excess of 5 and 1/2 in deep, and trees that are ready to fall down that were promised to be taken down by the park months ago.


cpujockey t1_iu9gmpp wrote

Well that's a little hard when you have the renter class calling us retards for owning a trailer because some of us pay less for our dwelling than theirs. Sure OP's original comment about the $20 thing is just the straw and the camel's back to him. But if you read further from my comments and others you'll see that there is a clear history of neglect from the park management.

I would even say that there's some level of malice. They are evicting One of my friends from the park that is a victim of domestic violence and evicting her for that very reason.

I say that if there was any journalist with half a brain cell they would look at this thread and start interviewing us residents about our experience here. Because we are renters just like other renters but the only difference is we own the dwelling, not the land.

The funny thing is, The park management is supposed to be a 501c non-profit much like CHT. Yet they run this place like they're a bunch of slumlords.


cpujockey t1_iu9g89q wrote

Trash, water, snow plowing and maintaining roads. They suck at all these things.

I can't tell you how many times the trash guy comes here and totally ignores our cans because they're not exactly on the edge of our property. Like if you have to make these guys walk another 3 ft they will totally ignore your trash can.


cpujockey t1_iu9fpm1 wrote

You understand that we're not paying rent in the classical sense where you have a landlord that takes care of your dwelling. We're paying lot rent which we put a trailer on while we own the dwelling we don't own the land.

The point of this community trust is to make sure that we have utilities like water, paved roads, trash removal, and plowing.

We never have our roads plowed in time for us to get to work. So historically I've had to be late for work because my car can't even leave the park because of how bad the roads are not just because of the snow but because of the condition of them.

I've had to replace a rim from damage done by the potholes here in the park.

There's a gal that's getting evicted because she is a victim of domestic violence.

We also have a playground that isn't much need of repairs and is absolutely a rust bucket.

We also have to deal with the fact that we can't take a shit without telling us that we're in the wrong on how we do it. Basically if we make any modifications to our porches they freak out.

There's also this project where they're supposed to be taking down these trees that have been fucked by the ash borer beetles that has not been addressed and was supposed to be taken care of during the summer.

My girlfriend was supposed to move in earlier this year with her kids but it took over 7 months for them to process her rental application. We've decided to look elsewhere.

I understand that You may think that we're getting it easy but a lot of us here are already still paying off our homes, paying these lot rents, and have to be responsible for the maintenance and repair of our dwelling.

The way that ACCT has managed this park has been absolutely atrocious. We can't even meet with them in person because their offices have been shuttered permanently because of COVID. Additionally our park manager has not been reachable for the last 5 months.


cpujockey t1_iu8s3vl wrote

I'm over the feeling of loss and sadness. I am however filled with anger that these working-class families in this community have been exploited and live in fear of eviction for the smallest of infractions.

My anger is fueled by the fact that the park wants to evict a victim of domestic violence because they are a victim of domestic violence. We also have people that are elderly on fixed incomes paying market prices on insulin trying to budget living in the only affordable place that they can which is here.

I'm embolden by the fact that these families have nowhere else to go and this was the only option for a lot of them. My hope is that together we can all stand up and make a difference.


cpujockey t1_iu8rpk9 wrote

Well my father died and he left me this place. I had to fight for it because Medicaid wanted to take it.

I kept it and fought for it because his best friend was still living here and was dying of alcoholism and diabetes.

Yeah it's a choice for me to be here, But my intentions were good. The park on the other hand has failed us. And I'm going to start talks with the rest of the residents here and see if we can unionize and put an end to this dumb shit. Addison county community trust wants to be too much like CHT, and they can't even get leases done in a timely fashion.


cpujockey t1_iu8qk0z wrote

Do you think it's a little daft that our property management is completely shut off to the public and we cannot meet with them in their offices? Or the fact that we've seen price increases without the option (which is in our agreement) to contest them because they're within the $0.50 of the margin of where we can actually contest? Or the fact that they're evicting a victim of domestic violence for being a victim of domestic violence? Or the fact that we have all these dangerous roads and trees that are ready to fall down that they have promised that they will fix and take care of yet they don't. Or how about the fact that our park manager Chris has been completely unavailable to listen to our concerns while unable to do her own job. My girlfriend wanted to move in here 7 months ago... It took them 7 months to process a rental application to add her to my lease.

So before you sit there and claim that we're being sore losers about this why don't you look at the facts that are coming from some of the tenants here. We're constantly getting eviction letters thrown around at us for stupid shit. And there's not been any community " Town Hall " for the last 3 years for us to voice our concerns directly to them in a manner where they cannot run and hide behind a keyboard or email address. They never answer their fucking phones too.

So yeah that's the problem I have.


cpujockey t1_iu8pplk wrote

Fuck you. The shit to do with the roads and the trees is all on the park to take care of. They promised to take care of these things for the last 6 years that I've been here and nothing has happened. They have their offices locked and no one can enter because they're so scared of COVID. These fucks are also eviction happy and are kicking out somebody that is a victim of domestic violence.

Give yer balls a tug.


cpujockey t1_iu8plgs wrote

Yeah but you're forgetting that a lot of folks here in this park are still paying off their trailers and they're required to have insurance as well. So that can easily get them up to your rent, or even higher! On top of that they are responsible for all the appliances, maintenance and repairs that need to be done to their dwelling. So you actually have it easier than a lot of folks here. On top of that there's a litany of shit that's been going on here that is absolutely fucking disgusting. Go ahead and read some of my comments and see how you feel about this trailer park.


cpujockey t1_iu8pcvl wrote

Dude you're not getting the point here. It's not about $20 Read up a little bit more. These fuckers are eviction happy. They haven't done shit. We all have damage done to our cars because of the roads. And they refuse to take down these trees that they said that they would that are likely to fall on our fucking trailers. They also have their offices completely closed off to the public because they're so fucking worried about COVID. So what the fuck are we supposed to do?


cpujockey t1_iu8p7cs wrote

Give yer balls a tug!

This is just one of the fees that homeowners here have to pay. A lot of folks have to spend $1,200 to $1,300 a month for the loan on their trailer, insurance, and lot rent. It adds up pretty quickly.

On top of that, owning a trailer on rented land doesn't give you the same luxuries as renting an apartment like having a landlord come fix shit. So a lot of us have to repair our trailers when shit goes south. Compounding this insult to injury, say if you have to repaint your porch because you fail inspection because the paint looks like ass or it's run down in certain areas You have to pay that all out of pocket. So there's a lot more responsibility to the homeowner here than just renting an apartment from an unscrupulous landlord. Trailer parks are supposed to be in affordable option for the working-class family. Addison county community trust consistently has failed us in keeping our road safe and doing their due diligence with plowing, salting, sanding, and just about everything else regarding care and maintenance of the park. There is a rusted out swing and slide set that nobody does anything with and it's supposed to be our little park inside the park...

Simply put these fucks are taking our money and not making any meaningful reinvestment into the community that they say that they care about so much. So while you may think this is just an issue of $20, this is an issue of compounding more and more rent within certain margin where we cannot contest it. We have our hands tied on what we can actually do about these pieces of shit.

For example there is a lady in the park who's being evicted who is a victim of domestic violence because the owner of the trailer beat the living shit out of her and went to jail. So now she's getting evicted, and even though the trailer is owned by the asshole's family and there's been talk of giving her the trailer she still has to vacate the park because of the sins of the person that lived in the trailer while she was living there. Makes a whole lot of sense right? Makes a whole lot of sense that a trailer park would evict a tenant that's a victim of domestic violence and was brutally beaten because it makes sense to them...

You smell what I'm cooking here?


cpujockey t1_iu8op2j wrote

You know if you knew some of the historical price hikes maybe you would see that this is just another cash grab.

They are allowed to raise prices within a certain margin without having a community quorum about it. They always get it within 50 cents of that. So they basically get the maximum that they can ask for without asking us.

You might think of this as just $20. But I want you to think of the grander implications that some of the folks that live here are still paying for their trailer which means that they have another monthly payment on top of their rent payment with also insurance. So some folks are actually spending upwards of 1200 to 1500 a month.