cpujockey t1_iv3napq wrote
Reply to comment by dyingbreed6009 in With Republicans threatening violence if election results don't go their way and voter intimidation out in full force what is Vermont doing to combat this? by [deleted]
Give yer balls a tug.
We got flatlanders here. They're mostly in Burlington and they're learning our ways. With time in the community comes respect. St the end of the day we'll all be helping push each other's cars out of snow banks cause that's what we do.
cpujockey t1_iv3n2np wrote
cpujockey t1_iv3n15a wrote
Reply to comment by Buujabuu in With Republicans threatening violence if election results don't go their way and voter intimidation out in full force what is Vermont doing to combat this? by [deleted]
I think for the most part the Rinos here are gunna be ok. Douches like Malloy might loose their minds - but they'll likely be drowning themselves in cheap gin and rent boys.
cpujockey t1_iv1xy9k wrote
Reply to comment by thunder-cricket in Another fake foliage pic from a big influencer by Twombls
cpujockey t1_iv0q50f wrote
fuck this guy.
yet another reason to hate his guts.
cpujockey t1_iuzg861 wrote
Reply to comment by thunder-cricket in Another fake foliage pic from a big influencer by Twombls
You're a good sport dude. I'ma give you an updoot
cpujockey t1_iuyzah7 wrote
Reply to comment by thunder-cricket in Another fake foliage pic from a big influencer by Twombls
What? What's that? I can't hear you over your mom gargling my boys.
cpujockey t1_iuwfgsx wrote
Reply to comment by meinblown in Another fake foliage pic from a big influencer by Twombls
ur mum is a flatlander!
cpujockey t1_iuwfeys wrote
Reply to comment by thunder-cricket in Another fake foliage pic from a big influencer by Twombls
my balls remain untugged
cpujockey t1_iuwddah wrote
Reply to comment by thunder-cricket in Another fake foliage pic from a big influencer by Twombls
> Both of these things are true, you cranky fuck.
in time only one truth will prevail.
cpujockey t1_iuw9ee7 wrote
Reply to comment by meinblown in Another fake foliage pic from a big influencer by Twombls
> while depositing their tourist money.
I aint making money off flatlanders. Who is?
cpujockey t1_iuw9bir wrote
Reply to comment by meinblown in Another fake foliage pic from a big influencer by Twombls
Give yer balls a tug.
This is a state where people and families live.
Not some fucking fall wonderland full of pumpkin spice lattes and instagram photo ops.
cpujockey t1_iujmns4 wrote
Reply to Courthouse Wedding in Vermont? by xxdinolaurrrxx
Uh yeah you can do the marriage certificate thing - but you cant get party / white girl wasted at the court house.
cpujockey t1_iuhv0m9 wrote
Reply to comment by darcy1805 in Addison County Community Trust raise rent yearly with ZERO improvements! by nolyfe27
So what you're saying is you're a land lord apologist.
No one gives a shit about us over there. They are profiting off of us and evicting people for stupid shit. We have legitimate concerns about safety that fall on deaf ears.
Darcy - I am sure you're one of the office workers. Especially pulling info from their site.
cpujockey t1_iuhue4d wrote
Reply to comment by Hellrazor32 in Accurate by seanner_vt2
> So the minimum wage in Vermont has to double in order for full time workers to afford a 1 bedroom renta
And watch - if it ever were to double land lords would double rents. unscrupulous fucks always looking for new ways to bleed people.
cpujockey t1_iudwd0c wrote
Reply to comment by ArkeryStarkery in Malloy Trash. I’m so sick of seeing these pop up all over Chester and Springfield. Seriously, it is beyond ridiculous the amount of signs everywhere. by BeneficialQuestion75
He must be a Jan 6er
cpujockey t1_iuayz3i wrote
Reply to comment by Revolutionary-Lie198 in What are those books and mailers Vermonters are receiving? by DaddyBobMN
Don't worry dude, Even some of this conservatives that have faith think that this is dog shit behavior too. This is a pretty classic move by these fucks, and it happens a lot more often than you would think.
cpujockey t1_iuays66 wrote
Reply to comment by InformationHorder in What are those books and mailers Vermonters are receiving? by DaddyBobMN
Yeah they're supposed to be a church, they could have used that money to actually do things that Jesus did and asked us to do. Instead, these clowns waste paper and money trying to send their literature to the most non religious state in the Union. Good job. I think I hear a Jehovah witness knocking on my door...
cpujockey t1_iuaxvbl wrote
Reply to comment by missoularat in Addison County Community Trust raise rent yearly with ZERO improvements! by nolyfe27
You sure you're not the cuck?
cpujockey t1_iu9plcp wrote
Reply to comment by thrudvangr in Addison County Community Trust raise rent yearly with ZERO improvements! by nolyfe27
Well that's something that the right and left constantly do to each other if we are going to break it down by politics. But this is kind of a universal thing no matter where people lay in the spectrum of politics.
You have people doing the whole learn the code thing, and then you have folks going learn to weld.
Frankly I'm under the belief that mobile home parks do have a certain value and appeal for folks and that should be not discounted. After all, they are quite nice communities and they are pretty affordable.
And I understand a lot of folks are of the impression that renting an apartment is the best way to live because it affords them the luxury of being in the center of commerce and where people are but that's not always the case for the folks that want to have a lot of hobbies that are loud like woodworking and such. Like I can't rent an apartment and run a benchtop planer without pissing off all my neighbors in an apartment building, But I can do such things in a trailer park with nobody batting an eye. In fact sometimes some of the neighbors come and hang out and talk shop with me so it's kind of cool.
These are just different lifestyles for different people just as much as some people go into trades and some people go into higher ed. I understand the frustration of both sides of the equation as I've been on the receiving end of a lot of people telling me that I'm an idiot for not going to school yet I'm doing quite well for not going to school. It's not often you hear about somebody that had issues learning how to read and write and was in special education reaching a pretty senior position in information technology without a college degree.
Different strokes for different folks.
cpujockey t1_iu9o4p6 wrote
Reply to comment by DaddyBobMN in Addison County Community Trust raise rent yearly with ZERO improvements! by nolyfe27
I've seen you talk shit. Not about me. But about being a trailer park resident and that is absolutely reprehensible.
cpujockey t1_iu9jbcy wrote
Reply to comment by Twombls in Vermont ICBM missle silos by airhogg
The true great reset.
cpujockey t1_iu9j4re wrote
Reply to comment by Sufficient-Voice-210 in Addison County Community Trust raise rent yearly with ZERO improvements! by nolyfe27
You know it's not such a dumb thing when it works right. But the fact of the matter is the park only wants to micromanage when it comes to kicking this out, and anything to do with improvements or repairs to the area itself go to the wayside.
Look at some of my comment history you can see that there's a lot of shit going on here.
cpujockey t1_iv3nku8 wrote
Reply to comment by seanner_vt2 in With Republicans threatening violence if election results don't go their way and voter intimidation out in full force what is Vermont doing to combat this? by [deleted]
I'm a proponent for firearms ownership. Truth is real firearm owners look at their arms as a last resort and aim to deescalation and don't go waving their shit around storing the pot. We're not all eager to start 'blastin'.