
cpujockey t1_ixpx3zc wrote

Ding ding ding!

Politicians give zero fucks. As long as there is a bustling tourism industry they will not move a finger to help the common person. Coupled with the fact they are still paying people to move here and remotely work is yet another way the native Vermonter is being pushed out.


cpujockey t1_ixmalqf wrote


cpujockey t1_ivfbhxn wrote

> Meanwhile not building pathways to climb the class ladder.

yep and that's the real shitty thing about it all.

some of us grew up here, started to make it, and now that we're ready to go on to the next chapter of our lives - we're being told by latte sipping flatlanders to move out cause we cant afford to buy or rent.


cpujockey t1_ivf4nes wrote

lol cellular in VT? no chance bud. ATT works in most places and so does verizon. There is not a definite best carrier as we have terrain that sucks for wireless signal propagation and shitty infrastructure.