cpujockey t1_j1vu1rk wrote
Reply to comment by thqks in Vermont Gov. Scott considers banning TikTok on state cellphones by blutbad_buddy
well /r/sysadmin get's pretty spicy when you ask users to install an authenticator app on their phones. Like I get it - it's your device, but to me it's no different than putting a key on your keychain.
cpujockey t1_j1uykah wrote
Reply to comment by sicknutley in weird situation by SmokeAdministrative7
yes. and piss on the door. mark your territory.
always establish hard eye contact.
cpujockey t1_j1ud9yk wrote
Reply to comment by Hell_Camino in Vermont Gov. Scott considers banning TikTok on state cellphones by blutbad_buddy
the other factor is having an IT admin struggling to apply company policy over MDM to BYOD devices and users freaking out that even if the policy is not enabled to wipe their device that it still gives warnings that it could.
cpujockey t1_j1uaukz wrote
Reply to comment by Hell_Camino in Vermont Gov. Scott considers banning TikTok on state cellphones by blutbad_buddy
> TikTok and social media from employee phones is a significant decision.
Honestly - it's not a bad decision.
There are quite a few discussions on r/sysadmin about using OTP apps on personal devices. While I think that's a non-issue, I am starting to think we should all have a separate device for work.
cpujockey t1_j1mc3rt wrote
Reply to comment by reverievt in Water/air quality? by [deleted]
That would be the high nitrogen fertilizer.
cpujockey t1_j1mc2c5 wrote
Reply to comment by HardTacoKit in Water/air quality? by [deleted]
Why you got to say it like that? A lot of rural Vermonters and even city dwelling Vermonters are quite intelligent. After all, we're supposed to be the smartest state in the Union...
cpujockey t1_j1mbwfo wrote
Have you checked your breaker box?
cpujockey t1_j11i63q wrote
Reply to comment by TheTrickyThird in Goodbye senator Leahy. He gave his farewell speech to congress today. Thank you for representing Vermonters by CHECK_FLOKI
Indeed. I respect the guy.
cpujockey t1_j10f0p3 wrote
cpujockey t1_j0vfv6c wrote
Reply to Snow! by Vermontnewengland
Them are some nice puppers. I'm partial to cats and fish, but these two made my day.
cpujockey t1_j09hd12 wrote
Reply to comment by siltanator in RV owners caught up in Hartford towing crackdown - Vermont continues to make it harder on poor people to survive. by JerryKook
Well thank you for clarifying - I wasn't sure and thought the town was just straight up towing all the things.
cpujockey t1_j085wds wrote
Reply to comment by Twombls in RV owners caught up in Hartford towing crackdown - Vermont continues to make it harder on poor people to survive. by JerryKook
lol nimby
cpujockey t1_j07m3ih wrote
Reply to Help Save Camp Sunrise! by theorwellbugler
why not turn the land into public housing?
cpujockey t1_izk8d0p wrote
Reply to comment by DamonKatze in University Mall Applebee’s by Royal_Drawer_1794
Protein resequencing complete.
cpujockey t1_izgk836 wrote
Reply to comment by Loudergood in UVM Students Charged for 'Extreme' Dorm Damages by Hazmat1575
I'm making pretty goddamn good money now.
cpujockey t1_izg37id wrote
Reply to comment by tripsnoir in UVM Students Charged for 'Extreme' Dorm Damages by Hazmat1575
I am just waiting for you to pull the race card for this person calling out flatlander trash doing flatlander trash things.
cpujockey t1_izg2yrn wrote
Reply to comment by ImaginaryQualia in UVM Students Charged for 'Extreme' Dorm Damages by Hazmat1575
you dont work in IT do you?
cpujockey t1_iz7w9u1 wrote
Reply to comment by VermontArmyBrat in This is my commute in Vermont by portersthumb
Well they are neighbors...
cpujockey t1_iz7w3br wrote
Reply to I'M THE KING OF VERMONT!!!! by [deleted]
Give yer balls a tug. Ethan Allen wouldn't stand for this.
cpujockey t1_iy83b35 wrote
Reply to comment by VT_Runningonice in Goodbye Vermont by Greenleaf737
cpujockey t1_iy40slc wrote
Reply to comment by alwaysmilesdeep in Goodbye Vermont by Greenleaf737
it is when you think about how many people actually live here. it's not small potatoes. there are plenty of towns where "everyone knows eachother" and those towns are the most effected by the great flatlander migration.
cpujockey t1_iy40f7u wrote
Reply to comment by Most_Expert_8080 in Goodbye Vermont by Greenleaf737
I think this post serves as a gauge of how things have changed.
Our state isn't what it once was, it was unaffordable before, but now it's reached new heights and continues to push out the common vermont born resident.
cpujockey t1_ixu65wu wrote
Reply to Federally Funded Study Shows Marijuana Legalization Is Not Associated With Increased Teen Use by TheKnightwing3
Well sounds like Kevin Sabet and his SAM (smart approaches to marijuana) crew lost their war against pot. Fucking shills used to be on twitter everyday proclaiming how any of us having a toke here and there is the sign of the end times. They definitely lost their "war".
cpujockey t1_ixpxomp wrote
Reply to Looking to travel up from SW Florida with my family in January. What would be the best ski resorts for family? Our kids are 2,4 and 8 and never ski before. Looking to ski and tub. by Deep_Echidna1306
What is skiing?
You rich people have weird hobbies.
cpujockey t1_j1vv5xw wrote
Reply to Realtor Course by huskers2468
Randy Mayhew