
cpujockey t1_j4g4y3o wrote

The fact that no punitive damages were awarded is fucking incredible.

UVM med should burn for this. It took only one entitled employee on vacation with a corporate laptop, a VPN connection and reading personal email to cripple the health care system.

Well done UVM med. You're not too big to fail - you're failing all on your own.


cpujockey t1_j4g45pi wrote

Yeah that is true. But you're still not out $200 bucks. Even if you bought 4 new pairs of Walmart boots you're still not out $200.

Price doesn't also denote quality. I've seen a lot of tear down videos about boots and testing from project farm and other YouTube channels. People are more interested in being a meme than practical.

I know what it's like to be poor. I was growing up and through most of my adult life. Being poor means you're paying a lot more for a lot less.


cpujockey t1_j244lp3 wrote

I agree with your points. Frankly you are quite respectable and decent, which is a change from a lot of the folks that comment in these threads.

My belief is that we should be encouraging youth to explore many different trades and occupations before the conversation of college comes up. Some folks have talent in things they've never tried or had interest in - so giving these things a try might unlock some sort of latent potential in people.

I don't want to toot my own horn - but I come from an awful educational background, special ed til 5th grade, struggled with literacy, poor math abilities and I some how found computers made sense and it changed my life. I hope that for folks struggling out there that maybe there is something out there for them like computers are for me - an accidental hobby turned career with a most unlikely individual.


cpujockey t1_j2437iu wrote

That sort of knowledge can be learned hands-on and with experience. I've built my career on experience alone. I have a lot of faith in folks to be more than the sum of their parts.

You'd be surprised how much you can learn on your own especially when it comes to small business accounting. QuickBooks and other software really help streamline the process of managing your own bookkeeping. Additionally you can hire things like a tax service or even a bookkeeper if need be. There are many services to help in this regard.


cpujockey t1_j241pjz wrote

> And at that point you’re not a trades person anymore, you’re an entrepreneur.

there's nothing wrong with that.

I myself owned a business before the pandemic hit doing IT services, and I had to eventually start bringing on part time help to get shit done. Made a good amount of paper here and there. Wouldn't trade that experience for anything.


cpujockey t1_j240edi wrote

> Right and wrong. I mean, yeah there’s tons of need for tradespeople and a lot of them make really good dough, but they cap out

you only cap out if you don't keep learning more about your trade and pickup new skills outside of your trade. In this market - you can pretty much charge what you want because there is a 6 month or more lead to get work done, or even get a call back.


cpujockey t1_j2404am wrote

> A four-year degree is the new high school diploma. It's meaningless.


you can do quite well for yourself these days if you go into the trades or even opt for vocational tech during high school via BTC.

college is a scam. I'm making 80k a year with just a high school diploma, if I can do it - so can you.