
cpujockey t1_j8j8p70 wrote

> But I’d definitely hesitate to call the cops in many situations if I wasn’t.

We don't. Shit the mrs got pulled over last night for having a head light out, no registration or insurance on hand and they didn't even ticket her! St. Albans police at that! She just has to get the problem fixed and send her missing information to the PD.


cpujockey t1_j8inxss wrote

> It's not your property and shooting someone over a property issue is generally not going to win in court

Well if someone is breaking into your home - you should never shoot first, make your presence known, and be armed. Whether it be a firearm or a baseball bat, do not engage the home invader without having some sort of assurance. it's best to call the police first and then try to get an idea of what's going on.

under no circumstances should any of us just take a home invasion lightly. these are real legit crimes and I do not care how disenfranchised a person is. they hungry? - steal from a grocery store or do the lawful thing and go to a food shelf. Need drugs? steal from a fucking dept store, not a persons' home.


cpujockey t1_j8in16n wrote

> Why would you shoot them?

why invade my home? why steal my things? why incite fear in the hearts of two PoC's?

I refuse to let anyone break into my home and rummage through my family's things as if they are their own. We moved away from burlington to expressly avoid these incursions. There is no level of sympathy for those who break through locked doors and shuttered windows for their own gain, the only exception being that of a family member or someone mentally disabled.

I don't shoot first, but I am going to ask questions with a weapon drawn.


cpujockey t1_j7wdv70 wrote

> Confederate flags.. in Vermont.. you really can't fix stupid, can you?

that shit truly pisses me off. folks waving those flags have no idea that we put up a hell of a fight against the south, we were also part of the underground railroad. You'd think that the losers' flag should be a icon of getting your ass kicked - but they wear their loss with some form of white trash pride that I just don't understand.


cpujockey t1_j7lqkkf wrote

well hopefully they will see the issue for us natives as what it is and not just some ploy for white nationalism or whatever.

it's frustrating that the place I grew up, have generational roots / history is slowly trying to price me and my family out of. I get that a lot of folks think that vermont natives are all white dudes and far right or whatever, but we're mixed race, some of us liberal and some of us not liberal. We belong here just as much as any of these entitled "flat landers".
