cpujockey OP t1_jao16kc wrote
Reply to comment by DiscoKittie in Beware of Norovirus! (stomach bug) by cpujockey
symptoms pretty much tell a diagnostician everything they need to know. no one wants to be around that shit. that's why they dont "test" for it.
cpujockey OP t1_jany4qz wrote
Reply to comment by deadliftothersup in Beware of Norovirus! (stomach bug) by cpujockey
cpujockey OP t1_janxiki wrote
Reply to comment by wayfarout097 in Beware of Norovirus! (stomach bug) by cpujockey
get your fluids! rest up!
cpujockey OP t1_jangjpg wrote
Reply to comment by thestateisgreen in Beware of Norovirus! (stomach bug) by cpujockey
24 hours
cpujockey OP t1_janbznz wrote
Reply to comment by HomeOnTheMountain_ in Beware of Norovirus! (stomach bug) by cpujockey
it was brutal.
cpujockey OP t1_janbuxz wrote
Reply to comment by QuicheSmash in Beware of Norovirus! (stomach bug) by cpujockey
not use public bathrooms, prepare your own meals, and wash your hands after touching ANYTHING.
cpujockey OP t1_janbpui wrote
Reply to comment by TigerPusss in Beware of Norovirus! (stomach bug) by cpujockey
that's not always the case.
Me and the Mrs were down for 48 hours. She's still suffering a bit. We're not 100%.
This shit is dangerous as it has the potential to really dehydrate a person despite best efforts.
cpujockey OP t1_jan4fc4 wrote
Reply to comment by birdable in Beware of Norovirus! (stomach bug) by cpujockey
It was about 48 hours of sickness for me. I'm still feeling like I'm lacking a lot of energy after. I'm just glad not to be a garden sprinkler from both ends of my body.
cpujockey t1_jambc7h wrote
Reply to comment by edave22 in Why do Vermonters do The Line™️ rather than passing? by Ulimaatissaq
> The risk isn’t worth saving a few seconds on your commute.
try telling that to some of the new vermonters that believe our roads are like Mass or NJ. They care not for anyones' safety. Essentially, you're in their way.
cpujockey t1_ja2wqqk wrote
Reply to comment by kellogsmalone in Senate panel advances major housing bill, overhauling municipal zoning and Act 250 by DaddyBobMN
Complaints get expensive and end up pissing off land lords. Ain't no way I can risk that in this housing shortage.
cpujockey t1_j9viwrw wrote
Reply to comment by EscapedAlcatraz in Senate panel advances major housing bill, overhauling municipal zoning and Act 250 by DaddyBobMN
> We are going to ruin the State.
already is.
cpujockey t1_j9vitvz wrote
Reply to comment by Galadrond in Senate panel advances major housing bill, overhauling municipal zoning and Act 250 by DaddyBobMN
> We can definitely house folks without compromising VT’s forests so long as we densify and use land that has already been developed upon.
actually there's good lumber in those forests which make incredible guitars, furniture and other products.
Vermont Maple and Walnut is by far the highest quality wood for musical instruments I have ever had the pleasure of working with. We also have other species that folks find ideal for instruments.
I am not saying cut down the forests, but I am saying that it wouldn't hurt to take down a few acres here and there to build up some more rural living areas or even carve out a good plot for infrastructure projects like broad band.
cpujockey t1_j9vi83y wrote
Reply to comment by you_give_me_coupon in Senate panel advances major housing bill, overhauling municipal zoning and Act 250 by DaddyBobMN
> I agree about the single-family homes
but I hate hearing my neighbors. I like wood working, running CNC machines, and playing my guitar loud. Can't do that in a giant people box.
cpujockey t1_j9vhypk wrote
Reply to comment by appa-ate-momo in Senate panel advances major housing bill, overhauling municipal zoning and Act 250 by DaddyBobMN
> single-family homes
i like my single family home though. hopefully those units never go out of style and the those big people boxes can be built where people want them.
cpujockey t1_j9vhllw wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Kelley Stand is not plowed! No charging stations either! by SVTer
which is why if I was a smarter, more educated person, I'd draft a 21 point plan to get vermont into manufacturing! but that's a whole other conversation.
cpujockey t1_j9vgk4r wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Kelley Stand is not plowed! No charging stations either! by SVTer
ha it was just a joke but seriously - there's a lot of floridians (typically elderly and white) that own a summer house up this way and complain about property taxes.
cpujockey t1_j9vcfgy wrote
Reply to comment by -sallysomeone- in Kelley Stand is not plowed! No charging stations either! by SVTer
I know a lot of rednecks around here that HATE floridians.
cpujockey t1_j9vc8yv wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Kelley Stand is not plowed! No charging stations either! by SVTer
there's other states they can flock to. I am certain the climate here in vt is not what they are used to anyways.. plus floridians have enough property bought up here in VT to start a revolution. good riddance.
cpujockey t1_j9v675n wrote
Reply to comment by BrigAdmJaySantosCAP in Kelley Stand is not plowed! No charging stations either! by SVTer
nah the rules changed. if you can stomach a few winters - you've earned your spot.
I don't call the refugee community flat landers - they are welcome with open arms. They are good folk and always have my support.
cpujockey t1_j9v3bon wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Kelley Stand is not plowed! No charging stations either! by SVTer
typically flatlander vermonters that haven't earned their standing. takes years to become a vermonter.
cpujockey t1_j9v34ci wrote
Reply to comment by GreenPL8 in Anyone familiar with the 'Worker Relocation Incentive Program' by Blindsay04
Well there is a demand for a lot of things. I am sorry I did not draft a business plan or prospectus to submit to you to see how such and investment would play out. I am just a dude with a high school diploma - I am not an economist. I can tell you though that a services based economy is dog shit. Production is the only way.
cpujockey t1_j9v2jmy wrote
Reply to comment by GreenPL8 in Anyone familiar with the 'Worker Relocation Incentive Program' by Blindsay04
doesn't have to be. but manufacturing jobs have a lot of personnel required for operations which means more jobs for regular folks.
cpujockey t1_j9uzpvm wrote
Reply to comment by GreenPL8 in Anyone familiar with the 'Worker Relocation Incentive Program' by Blindsay04
> If wealth is built faster outside of Vermont than people who stay here will continue to fall behind
which is why we need to embolden production and incentivize manufacturing / craft goods exports. pretty much we just need to make shit and get it out there.
cpujockey OP t1_jaook02 wrote
Reply to comment by EveryDayIsAGif in Beware of Norovirus! (stomach bug) by cpujockey
Burlington, and all around.