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Removing this - can you re-post with images in an imgur album instead of on dropbox?
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crabapplesteam OP t1_jadlkk7 wrote
Reply to comment by GraphicsbyAndre in How do you know when to replace or fix a shed? by crabapplesteam
Right on. That's what my brother recommended too. Thanks for the reply.
crabapplesteam OP t1_jabt4ba wrote
Reply to comment by oldcrustybutz in How do you know when to replace or fix a shed? by crabapplesteam
Hey - I cannot thank you enough for the amazingly detailed reply. It took me a bit to google a bunch of stuff in there, but I have a much better understanding of the job ahead of me now. The big thing I didn't even consider until now is drainage, and hopefully that will be more clear once I get some of the trash and leaves out of the way.
Just two quick questions if you don't mind - You say "Back prime and paint the wall" - what exactly do you mean by 'Back prime"? I couldn't figure it out, even with google. Just prime and paint both sides of boards before putting them up?
Also you said, "You basically want to make sure the bottom of the wood is not touching anything except the concrete.... and there's a couple inches of drainage below the wood as well." - What exactly am I looking for with the drainage, and what do you mean by 'below the wood'? Just make sure there's a channel around the concrete? I'll check the sill plates are in good condition and are only touching the concrete for sure, but i'm not sure what else to look for.
Thanks again. Truly.
crabapplesteam OP t1_jabibcl wrote
Reply to comment by vir-morosus in How do you know when to replace or fix a shed? by crabapplesteam
That's a really really helpful tip. Thanks for commenting.
crabapplesteam OP t1_jabhy5f wrote
Reply to comment by Mildly_Angry_Biscuit in How do you know when to replace or fix a shed? by crabapplesteam
That's mind-blowing you could spot T1-11 siding like that - holy crap. Thanks for all the comments - I'll certainly do some more research and document the project so i can post it on this sub. I love that solar idea - despite the tree it actually does get quite a bit of natural sunlight, so it might be worth looking into. Thanks again for the great ideas!
crabapplesteam OP t1_jabene6 wrote
Reply to comment by Remo_253 in How do you know when to replace or fix a shed? by crabapplesteam
Yea good call. Someone else suggested using a sponge with mildew remover, and I think that's the path I'll test first.
crabapplesteam OP t1_jaas267 wrote
Reply to comment by Zone_07 in How do you know when to replace or fix a shed? by crabapplesteam
Thanks so much for writing that out - very very helpful! I spent the past 20 min looking into mildew removers.. haha.
And thanks for that shed skirt website - that's very helpful as well. Gave me a few good ideas of what I can put there.
crabapplesteam OP t1_jaala7c wrote
Reply to comment by exiestjw in How do you know when to replace or fix a shed? by crabapplesteam
Understood. Thanks for the reply.
crabapplesteam OP t1_jaakgoq wrote
Reply to comment by aseedandco in How do you know when to replace or fix a shed? by crabapplesteam
Will do - that's the very first thing I'll do! Any tips? I was was thinking of pressure washing it until someone on here said not to. Based on that, I think my plan is to just use a broom..
crabapplesteam OP t1_jaa95ly wrote
Reply to comment by HemHaw in How do you know when to replace or fix a shed? by crabapplesteam
Oh interesting - why not?
I was thinking of putting some kind of coating over the roof tiles, based off of what some other folks had said - and part of that process is pressure washing. I'd love to hear your opinion on what other options I have.
crabapplesteam OP t1_ja9v5ou wrote
Reply to comment by Adam2013 in How do you know when to replace or fix a shed? by crabapplesteam
haha - yep. that's the plan. gonna get started next time I visit.
crabapplesteam OP t1_ja9u884 wrote
Reply to comment by pessimistoptimist in How do you know when to replace or fix a shed? by crabapplesteam
Right on. Thank you so much for that - i was feeling a bit lost of how to approach this, and this gives me the perfect starting point.
crabapplesteam t1_jdvbkgy wrote
Reply to How to Change Color on Exterior Thin "Stone" Veneer by Affectionate_Leg_686
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