crazicus t1_itqvpjl wrote
Reply to comment by Goldenrule-er in Email City Council to Abolish Minimum Parking Requirements! City Council is meeting at 5:30pm on Monday, October 24th to discuss making it easier and cheaper to build new housing by eliminating requirement for unneeded parking spaces by Responsible-Bath2778
Maybe not disappear, but vehicles have been reducing in number over the past two decades in Cambridge, even as the population and employment grows. Mode share is shifting to walking, biking, and transit, and it’s a good thing.
crazicus t1_itqvfko wrote
Reply to comment by wittgensteins-boat in Email City Council to Abolish Minimum Parking Requirements! City Council is meeting at 5:30pm on Monday, October 24th to discuss making it easier and cheaper to build new housing by eliminating requirement for unneeded parking spaces by Responsible-Bath2778
Then you should be in favor of measures that reduce the number of cars on the road, right?
crazicus t1_itqe5zz wrote
Reply to comment by General_Corner_8466 in Email City Council to Abolish Minimum Parking Requirements! City Council is meeting at 5:30pm on Monday, October 24th to discuss making it easier and cheaper to build new housing by eliminating requirement for unneeded parking spaces by Responsible-Bath2778
As someone who doesn’t and will never own a car, this helps me. It makes housing cheaper.
crazicus t1_itqe07s wrote
Reply to comment by Goldenrule-er in Email City Council to Abolish Minimum Parking Requirements! City Council is meeting at 5:30pm on Monday, October 24th to discuss making it easier and cheaper to build new housing by eliminating requirement for unneeded parking spaces by Responsible-Bath2778
Sideswipes and doorings happen as a result of poor bike infrastructure, not because people don’t have parking in their buildings.
crazicus t1_itqdu5j wrote
Reply to comment by Goldenrule-er in Email City Council to Abolish Minimum Parking Requirements! City Council is meeting at 5:30pm on Monday, October 24th to discuss making it easier and cheaper to build new housing by eliminating requirement for unneeded parking spaces by Responsible-Bath2778
Not a developer. I don’t want parking minimums because parking goes underutilized in Cambridge and it makes the cost of living higher for everyone, including those that don’t own cars.
crazicus t1_itqd26o wrote
Reply to comment by wittgensteins-boat in Email City Council to Abolish Minimum Parking Requirements! City Council is meeting at 5:30pm on Monday, October 24th to discuss making it easier and cheaper to build new housing by eliminating requirement for unneeded parking spaces by Responsible-Bath2778
Inman Square isn’t a town on 128, thankfully
crazicus t1_itqcucb wrote
Reply to comment by SmashRadish in Yet another accident at the Franklin and Brookline Streets intersection by SpyCats
Too bad automatic enforcement is illegal in Massachusetts
crazicus t1_itqc3ye wrote
Reply to Starbucks in Central Square by vbm-seaside-71
Am I just insane or are people talking about a different Central Square here? Like I get that seeing homeless people may make you feel uncomfortable but people here are describing it like it’s a damn war zone.
crazicus t1_itq3a79 wrote
Reply to comment by RetiredBrainCell in Cambridge completely eliminated parking minimums yesterday!! by RealBurhanAzeem
They can pay for it at a complex that does have enough parking for them.
crazicus t1_itofnvu wrote
Reply to comment by ClarkFable in The NIMBYs are reviving the traffic board to hold up bike lanes by IntelligentCicada363
It’s not really related to what was said though. OP didn’t claim it was solely a Cambridge issue nor that Cambridge alone can fix it. The point was just that it’s a small number of people blocking things for everyone else. Splitting hairs over nothing here really
crazicus t1_ito32w9 wrote
Reply to comment by taylorhayward_boston in The NIMBYs are reviving the traffic board to hold up bike lanes by IntelligentCicada363
As of 2019, 28% drove alone to work vs 7% riding a bike to work. I imagine that the bike share has increased since then since there’s been improvements in the bike network and the pandemic got more people onto bikes as well.
crazicus t1_ito259o wrote
Reply to comment by ClarkFable in The NIMBYs are reviving the traffic board to hold up bike lanes by IntelligentCicada363
It is the same bullshit though, just in each individual town in the region
crazicus t1_irbeg9c wrote
Reply to comment by IamUnamused in Most property owners will again receive tax relief through a process drawing increased discontent by b00gerbear
It would be far more effective to just pay that money out to the renters directly then than the property owners
crazicus t1_iu19scr wrote
Reply to comment by Snoo_97625 in ‘A 24-hour neighborhood’: Wu outlines plans to bring downtown Boston back to life - The Boston Globe by TouchDownBurrito
Every neighborhood needs to change to adapt to a growing city, and no single neighborhood should bear the burden of all of the change needed.