
crua9 t1_j41zc6e wrote

>But why does it feel like the technology is DOA? Why isn't it seeing mass adoption?

It's because you didn't live or know what happen in the early early days of the internet.

A good few months back a lawyer on the hill. He stated that when he was getting started the prosecution office he was with would not use email. Simply because they didn't trust it and didn't think it was going to go anywhere.

Keep in 1983 is considered the official birthday of the Internet. The technology and stuff is so new that we're talking about, if I had to compare it it would be compared to the early 80s. We already have some web hosting in the web free space. Look up ipfs. But it's very crude.

More than less you're more likely familiar with mid to late stage technology. And this is an early early stage. Basically the technology to build the technology which builds what you want is just starting to be made.

>Why is the community more concerned about money than the greater good of the internet?

It has always been like this. Even with normal internet. Look at those who bought a ton of domains before the dot com boom. And look at how things are now.

The average person also will not care about the technology. And to be blunt to the average person will not persuade the technology one way or the other. The average person is more than less about making as much money as possible. This has more to deal with social and economic problems then anything else in my opinion. Like they can't afford to learn about the technology and they don't have the mindset to learn because they are trying to survive.

(UPDATE: Sorry for the typo. I was using my speech to text on my phone when I wrote this)


crua9 t1_j419y18 wrote

Not really. There is development and hype cycles. You just seen a hype cycle.


The same is happening in AI. Like ChatGPT coming out created a hype cycle, but because there really is nothing new to show after a bit other than neat things it can do. The hype will die and it goes back in development cycle as all the other companies and so on develop their own AI.


As someone who tries to stay in the mix with Web3 and this stuff I can tell you there is a TON of work being done. One thing that is being done is there is talks with social media places to link up with decentralized systems to better identify a given person. Moreso, unstoppable domains (a web3 domain place) is talking to a number of places with using your web3 domain to log into given sites like Twitter and so on. So when you talk to someone, you know exactly the person you talking to is legit or the same person with the same username in other places.


crua9 OP t1_j3zwnxv wrote

I was thinking it as the older studios will just start using AI. But what you talked about is just a company not keeping up with the times.


Sadly, a companies job is to make as much money legally as possible. So if a company refused to use AI or at least start intergrading it. Then that's more on them being a bad business vs anything else.

Again, the workers are the ones that end up getting screwed no matter what.


crua9 OP t1_j0k3624 wrote

>Are you interested in chemical engineering by any chance? Also, I’m curious, are you planning to pursue formal education for this?

My background is in technology. I currently have 4 degrees, but I'm not planning on doing one in chemical engineering. My degrees are in Aerospace, general computer, network engineering, and a higher network degree with a focus on cyber security.

I looked into chemical engineering, and there just isn't any jobs in that in my area. Right now I mostly invest and deal with blockchain technologies to make money. I seriously doubt I will work again for someone in technology. There just isn't any jobs in that in my area, and there is personal reasons.

More than less, I was born in the wrong place and time to heavily worked in the robotic field. And unless if I get a heavy influx of cash. I seriously doubt I will ever be able to do anything serious in it outside of what I'm doing now.

It is what it is.



Remember this post and all in it was just a "what if". In this case, what if you were super rich like Musk.


>the exo skeleton you’re referring too would it resemble something that Ironman wears

To be honest, if I was developing military robots that is what I would aim for with our troops. Like a bunch of iron man full battle armor.

But with things outside of a live action environment where you are getting shot at. You only need something to help you run/walk longer, carry more, and so on. I can't remember off the top of my head, but if I recall right firefighter suites are 50 lb or so. Then if you have to move beams or something that might of fallen, pick up a person, and so on. An exoskeleton would made it like walking in a park.

Like it would be something like this but a better form factor or


That doesn't look as cool, but keep in mind on my end it would've been about data collection.


>Can you explain to me what do you mean by data collection in regards with the exo skeleton?

You can put sensors all over the thing. This lets you know how the person moves in that job, how often they move in a way, and so on. If you attach special cameras to their uniform it can scan the room while they are doing their job.

You can then take this data and make simulations and use AI or people to find the best build for a robot for such an environment.

It's similar to how Amazon has their workers wear stuff for data collection. This giving the AI more data to help better train their thing. And robots can eventually just do the job.


crua9 OP t1_j0jx83a wrote

>Will they be drones? Robotic humanoids? Autonomous machines?

Both cops and firefighters you need robotic humanoids. Like with both you can use drones, but they have limits. Like with the cop one, drones are loud. It is just the laws of physics. Like a fully electric car going down highway is also loud due to wind and tires. There is some things you can't fix.

And with firefighting having it go into a burning building isn't smart. 3 things a fire needs to stay alive.

  1. Oxygen
  2. Fuel
  3. Heat

Take away one, and it will go away. But, add more of 1 and it burns hotter. A drone is likely to push more oxygen in the burning building.


As far as other types of robots. You might find something better. But it has to have legs and arms. Both firefighters and cops don't go on regular stuff. So wheels won't work.

Again, they can use other things like drones which fly around on the outside for more intel. But the bulk of the work will have to be a humanoid.


>Also what material would be best?

I have no idea. Like I don't have musk money, and that would be one of the things a lab needs to figure out. Even more with the firefighter one.


>There’s already some security robots being placed at hospitals for parking lot surveillance

A lot of those are basically cameras on wheels. Like they can't actually stop anyone. And they tend to get damaged by people.


>so I think the first place to start for fighter fighters is to create some basic programmable robot machine on wheels with the tech with have to create some type of remote controlled robot that can be driven to carry out victims from dangerous situations.

I highly suggest you to go and ask your local fire fighting area if they need help during training. That you are wondering about that.

Wheels can't go up steps. They can't go around a fallen beam. And it needs to be quick. Every second counts.


Lets say hypothetically I had musk money. I would develop an exoskeleton for the fighters. On my end, it is to collect data to help train and make simulations.

When I get a functional robot I would then make a way where it can be remotely controlled. This letting someone on the outside do the highly dangerous things. But on my end again more data collection.

Then I would have it be added as a partner. Like it will fight fires along with humans. And after a point it will phase out all the humans. Like if they are around it isn't for the dangerous work. You could even modify the trucks where the robots are on the outside and when they get where they need to they detach and start working. Add self driving to the mix and areas that need firefighters but can't get the staff can now have them


crua9 OP t1_j0jn1jt wrote

Well I think there is a few things needed beyond that for robot cops. Like we need robots to be more of the normal. Having an army of robot cops beat up someone or arrest people makes for a pr nightmare. Even if everything was above board and a human would do it.

This is why I would pick firefighters. It's less risk, it gives a good image, and it does really save lives. Like there is a ton of firefighters that get killed or hurt every year. And the gases are really causing cancer.

Imagine the image of a robot firefighter pulling little kids from a burning building. IMO that will gain a lot of public support


crua9 t1_izhiomb wrote

Here is a back and forward

Person A: Max Tegmark (I beleive) compares it to us worrying about destroying an ant colony while constructing a highway. It isn't even a consideration

Person B: Do you like your fridge or should we go back to ice boxes? Keep in mind fridges save lives because you can store medical stuff.

Person A: wants fridges over ice boxes

Person B: the biggest industry in the world and history was the ice industry. What killed it was the fridge.

So pick killing the biggest industry humans ever known. But in return countless people can get medical stuff, food can go to more places, and so on. Or keep that industry, all the people working it in the job, etc. But have everyone who is living today thanks due to the fridge dead.

There is always outcomes to every choice. Sometimes good and sometimes bad. But a simple risk assessment shows way more lives and way more good will come with AGI. And like the fridge. Even if you delay it, it will still come out at some point.


crua9 OP t1_izbu1hq wrote

Really? Because the NSA has offices with the ones in the USA and by law in China you will have offices for the CCP.

And your comment about Apple shows how little you know. On the local level sure. But when they send it to higher levels they get in.

I'm done with this back and forward because again you keep overlooking it only takes 1 hack. And every counter I give which disproves what you said you devert


crua9 OP t1_izbs98s wrote

Not exactly. There was malware that was attached to some applications due to what a developers were developing the applications on. And the malware got into a boatload of android devices and other devices.

We can do the Tit for Tat all day, but at the end of the day it has been proven that cyber security is not top issue for most. In fact many companies and the government itself views it has a henrance since it does not make money and this has been argued within board meetings and other places.

Hell we are talking about State levels. Meaning groups that can afford and do use spies to sabotage things all the time. How hard would it realistically be to either bribe or get someone in place to upload an update. Perhaps they know what it is or more likely they don't. And in this you made a back door for the state level to do what they want when they want how they want

It only takes one and I mean one attack to do large scale damage.