cubedude719 OP t1_jd3c4c1 wrote
Reply to comment by Good-Effective-8442 in Wildflower Blooms in Southern California after a Record Water Year! [OC][2101x2500] by cubedude719
Hope y'all get to see it!
cubedude719 OP t1_jd3c3gm wrote
Reply to comment by _Terrapin_ in Wildflower Blooms in Southern California after a Record Water Year! [OC][2101x2500] by cubedude719
And here it comes again...
cubedude719 OP t1_jd3c2bj wrote
Reply to comment by rgray92082 in Wildflower Blooms in Southern California after a Record Water Year! [OC][2101x2500] by cubedude719
Just driving around through the right areas can be pretty magical
cubedude719 OP t1_jd3bzgd wrote
Reply to comment by Banana_Pete in Wildflower Blooms in Southern California after a Record Water Year! [OC][2101x2500] by cubedude719
There's no actual quantifiable "this is a super bloom" aside from a human saying "yeah this is one"
I wouldn't say this is one, but I also wouldn't say I was there during peak. The one in 2019 was much bigger.
cubedude719 OP t1_jd16z9g wrote
Reply to comment by syo505 in Wildflower Blooms in Southern California after a Record Water Year! [OC][2101x2500] by cubedude719
I'm glad I went there when I did, people don't know about it quite yet so crowds were minimal. Still want to go back during peak though!
cubedude719 OP t1_jd0rkit wrote
Reply to comment by dorepan in Wildflower Blooms in Southern California after a Record Water Year! [OC][2101x2500] by cubedude719
Hahaha nope probably a different one. I'm guessing your blooms will be a little earlier but similar time line- don't know first hand though
cubedude719 OP t1_jd0pr6p wrote
Reply to comment by dorepan in Wildflower Blooms in Southern California after a Record Water Year! [OC][2101x2500] by cubedude719
Go in about 10-14 days, I think it'll peak around then
That is if we're thinking of the same one
cubedude719 OP t1_jd0kqmk wrote
Reply to comment by KmartQuality in Wildflower Blooms in Southern California after a Record Water Year! [OC][2101x2500] by cubedude719
Yes, but it's not at peak yet. Hard to tell when that will be or if will reach the same levels that 2019 did.
cubedude719 OP t1_jd0gew9 wrote
Reply to comment by SoBadit_Hurts in Wildflower Blooms in Southern California after a Record Water Year! [OC][2101x2500] by cubedude719
Thank you much!
cubedude719 OP t1_jd0an3q wrote
Reply to comment by SoBadit_Hurts in Wildflower Blooms in Southern California after a Record Water Year! [OC][2101x2500] by cubedude719
I know exactly where ya are, it's probably a good thing they shut down that area, y'all got wrecked in 2019.
cubedude719 OP t1_jczxwc5 wrote
Reply to comment by Master_Shake23 in Wildflower Blooms in Southern California after a Record Water Year! [OC][2101x2500] by cubedude719
Can't wait! Really surprised these BLM or state park areas don't send a lot of their law enforcement to ticket people during these years.
cubedude719 OP t1_jczxsfh wrote
Reply to comment by Dear_Love_47 in Wildflower Blooms in Southern California after a Record Water Year! [OC][2101x2500] by cubedude719
Hahaha some areas down there are absolutely like living in window xp right now
cubedude719 OP t1_jczjv3g wrote
Reply to comment by kenlasalle in Wildflower Blooms in Southern California after a Record Water Year! [OC][2101x2500] by cubedude719
The yellows in the background may be Mustard, couldn't get close enough to tell. I have seen plenty of Mustard blooms along the roads this spring though.
This hillside area doesn't seem to have many poppies, even in the areas the Mustard isn't in either. Those are much more common further south.
cubedude719 OP t1_jczjem8 wrote
Reply to Wildflower Blooms in Southern California after a Record Water Year! [OC][2101x2500] by cubedude719
It's no secret anymore, California gets that special S-word in the spring after a wet winter (preceded by so many drought winters). I don't think its at peak yet in this location, but I had to drive out there while I was down in the area to check. This hillside is the only one that really looked like this, when I saw the bloom in 2019 it was darn near every hillside. More pics will be coming on my Insta! @seanaimages
Wish I could've gotten a better foreground, but we were staying BEHIND the barbed wire fences. Stay off the damn flowers if you choose to visit!
cubedude719 OP t1_jbtrnm5 wrote
Reply to comment by Dry_Worldliness_4619 in An incredibly rare, windless morning in Many Glacier, Glacier National Park, MT. [OC][5568x3712] by cubedude719
Many Glacier always comes through with good wildlife compared to the rest of the park. Thanks!
cubedude719 OP t1_jbrijkn wrote
Reply to comment by BKlounge93 in An incredibly rare, windless morning in Many Glacier, Glacier National Park, MT. [OC][5568x3712] by cubedude719
Thank you so much! I appreciate it alot, thanks for checking it all out.
cubedude719 OP t1_jbqozzy wrote
Reply to An incredibly rare, windless morning in Many Glacier, Glacier National Park, MT. [OC][5568x3712] by cubedude719
Taken while on a summer camping trip in Glacier National Park. I spent the summer working for the park fisheries crew, getting paid to hike around and fish, but the place is so damn amazing that I kept getting back out into the wild on my weekends as well. More pics are on my website and insta! Https://
cubedude719 t1_j0y1kj3 wrote
Reply to comment by darkwing42 in Over 67,000 DraftKings Betting Accounts Hit by Hackers by chrisdh79
Yeah, that prop was a weird one
cubedude719 OP t1_jd3ca1w wrote
Reply to comment by 800meters in Wildflower Blooms in Southern California after a Record Water Year! [OC][2101x2500] by cubedude719
Guaranteed. It's just one of the most frustrating things about going to see these blooms - kinda like the other side of the coin. You'll see amazing flowers and you'll see people trampling in them.