cumberlandbloos OP t1_iv1ddar wrote
Reply to comment by gutsberserk13 in Since the election is in 5 days, here's a website that shows Pennsylvania congressperson's thoughts on legalizing weed by cumberlandbloos
That's a bummer because evidence-based policies save lives.
cumberlandbloos OP t1_iuxlzdy wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Since the election is in 5 days, here's a website that shows Pennsylvania congressperson's thoughts on legalizing weed by cumberlandbloos
Just doing my part
cumberlandbloos OP t1_iv1tfir wrote
Reply to comment by gutsberserk13 in Since the election is in 5 days, here's a website that shows Pennsylvania congressperson's thoughts on legalizing weed by cumberlandbloos
Yes absolutely. The criminalization of these substances has done absolutely nothing to reduce their consumption or the dangers associated with them. Decriminalization + treating drug abuse as a medical problem instead of a criminal justice problem is an evidence-based approach that is proven to reduce addiction, disease, violence, and overdose deaths. Portugal is the best example of this but similar policies have been tried elsewhere. The question is not whether meth and heroin are terrible (of course they are), the question is what policies are best suited to save lives. At this point, anyone who is pro-drug prohibition is essentially pro-overdose and pro-drug related violence. Decriminalization is necessary as part of a holistic, evidence-based approach to drug policy that treats it as a medical and mental health issue.