cutelyaware t1_iyokehg wrote
Reply to comment by enternationalist in How to solve moral problems with formal logic and probability by beforesunset1010
I've had new situations come to light that cause me to rethink my proper responses to moral questions, but I can't think of anything that changed my morality. For example I still think that it should be a woman's right to choose abortion, but I've come to believe that pro-life people have a point.
How have you changed your morality?
cutelyaware t1_iylyu0s wrote
Reply to comment by MightyTVIO in How to solve moral problems with formal logic and probability by beforesunset1010
A person's morality is simply their sense of right and wrong behaviors. It doesn't matter if you have an algorithm or not. That would only let you be more consistent with your actions. My point is that you don't get to choose your morality any more than you get to choose your sexual orientation.
cutelyaware t1_iyls8ml wrote
Reply to comment by Tinac4 in How to solve moral problems with formal logic and probability by beforesunset1010
> How do they draw the line without using numbers on at least some level?
You can't use numbers to justify your morality. You can only optimize it if your morality happens to be purely utilitarian.
cutelyaware t1_iylax98 wrote
You can't solve moral problems with math. You can only express your moral beliefs in symbolic forms and manipulate them with the tools of mathematics. If you describe a moral problems in utilitarian terms, then you'll get utilitarian results. But who is to say that a moral problem requires a utilitarian result? That's just begging the question.
cutelyaware t1_iygoxgx wrote
Reply to Couple helps rescue injured hiker who was stranded in SoCal wilderness for 2 weeks by AmethystOrator
My wife and I once hiked into the Yosemite backcountry for a few days. On the way back out we overtook another couple who were also coming out after a horrible week. On their first night going in, a bear ate all their food. They still had their fishing gear and figured that once they made it to the lake they were headed for, they could catch all their food. Of course they caught nothing, and after a day or two had to hike all the way back out. So when we met them, they hadn't eaten in at least 3 or 4 days. They very politely asked if we had any leftover food, so we were happy to give them the half a bag of roasted peanuts in the shell we hadn't finished. They pounced on it and ravished it, all the while asking what kind of peanuts they were because they tasted way better than anything they'd ever had. We felt really sad for them because they were ordinary peanuts and it was hard to see such nice people in such distress.
cutelyaware t1_iy4wpbe wrote
Reply to comment by reshef in TIL More than 80 percent of the ocean has never been mapped, explored, or even seen by humans and as a result, we know more about the surface of Mars than Earth by [deleted]
We haven't traveled Mars either. That wasn't the question.
cutelyaware t1_iy2xqw1 wrote
Reply to TIL More than 80 percent of the ocean has never been mapped, explored, or even seen by humans and as a result, we know more about the surface of Mars than Earth by [deleted]
We've seen 100% of the ocean surface
cutelyaware t1_ixyin0e wrote
Reply to A 100 sided die by DerMagicSheep
No way is this a fair die. And that's a shame because it is possible.
cutelyaware t1_ixtdpxp wrote
Reply to comment by whyunoletmepost in Bondi Beach goes nude as thousands strip off for art project by UnusualSoup
That's why it's called a morass
cutelyaware t1_ixfjmzc wrote
Gas guns court rights? Vote oil, Republican states!
cutelyaware t1_ix5b8ne wrote
Reply to comment by Maskeno in Man gets jail for joining Capitol riot after Tinder date by YouMeWeSee
He saw the TV coverage the next day, so it didn't even interrupt their date. I think it's just the very common situation where the editor who writes the headline is not the person who reported on the story. They often bend the truth for a salacious headline.
cutelyaware t1_ix2rmfh wrote
Reply to comment by F4L2OYD13 in Man gets jail for joining Capitol riot after Tinder date by YouMeWeSee
Yeah, the article says he decided to join the insurrection when he saw it on his date's TV. He could just as well have seen it in a bar. Where he saw it isn't the point.
cutelyaware t1_ix15faj wrote
Reply to comment by Robodachi in [OC] Inspired by movie barcodes, I made some emotional barcodes for books by Campbell_MG
Have you read those songs?
cutelyaware t1_ix0zoek wrote
Reply to comment by epicLeoplurodon in [OC] Inspired by movie barcodes, I made some emotional barcodes for books by Campbell_MG
Please see the other comment threads.
cutelyaware t1_ix0ziov wrote
Reply to comment by DukeofVermont in [OC] Inspired by movie barcodes, I made some emotional barcodes for books by Campbell_MG
Speaking of tomes, that's quite the comment! I think it's fair to boil it down to easy vs hard books. That's sort of what I understood the rule to mean. IE it will turn people off to the book if they're not mature enough to make the effort needed. Personally I simply skipped all the expository sections on whaling as I found them both dry and disturbing, and not contributing much if anything to the story.
I also agree with your comparison to LOTR where I learned to simply skip over the songs. I thought they were terrible and didn't add to the story.
I think we're on the same page, which ironically supports the idea of not pushing heavy works onto young people who may reject them and then never discover those gems later.
cutelyaware t1_ix0xqq5 wrote
Reply to comment by Robodachi in [OC] Inspired by movie barcodes, I made some emotional barcodes for books by Campbell_MG
Yeah, I thought it dragged unnecessarily with those long sections on all the details of whaling. I'm also vegetarian and really dislike that sort of thing so I simply skipped over those sections, and didn't feel like I missed anything important to the story. Same goes for all the songs in The Lord of the Rings books.
cutelyaware t1_iwyes9w wrote
Reply to comment by ayyohh911719 in [OC] Inspired by movie barcodes, I made some emotional barcodes for books by Campbell_MG
It's not like that, though the well-known rule is that it shouldn't be read by anyone under 40, and I kind of get that.
cutelyaware t1_iwyeofa wrote
Reply to comment by Craygor in [OC] Inspired by movie barcodes, I made some emotional barcodes for books by Campbell_MG
Same. They were pretty much just excited about killing whales, though they were rather concerned near the end.
cutelyaware t1_ivvx5b5 wrote
Reply to comment by VanaTallinn in What was the societal role of polytheistic Mediterranean religions and their priests? by bhejda
Both are examples of protection rackets
cutelyaware t1_iv4z81p wrote
Reply to comment by Kamwind in Ugandan women drugs and robs men who suck her laced nipples. by insideoutcognito
Those are stunt boobies
cutelyaware t1_iuqpzzc wrote
Reply to comment by CarelessHisser in TIL that one third of sea level rise is from thermal expansion (not melting ice) by on_surfaces
You miss the point. I'm saying that not all physical objects expanded when heated, which you should have learned in high school physics or chemistry.
cutelyaware t1_iuqkhuf wrote
Reply to comment by xxdotell in TIL that one third of sea level rise is from thermal expansion (not melting ice) by on_surfaces
Warming ice makes it contract
cutelyaware t1_iubwfo0 wrote
Reply to comment by Killer-Barbie in TIL This palliative care paper determined that a stream of air from a bedside fan relieves dying patients of dyspnoea (breathlessness/ shortness of breath) as equally as supplemental O2. by No_Cauliflower_5489
Perhaps, but it could also simply be that without a fresh breeze, the oxygen in the room might be depleted enough from rebreathing to matter. Or perhaps more likely, the raised C2O causes problems with blood ph.
cutelyaware t1_iu3j9x9 wrote
I once dropped a knife which stuck in the floor right next to my cat's tail. She was fine with it but I was kind of freaked.
cutelyaware t1_iyomja5 wrote
Reply to comment by Wizzdom in How to solve moral problems with formal logic and probability by beforesunset1010
The moral position involved in your example is that it's wrong to harm fetuses. If you learn that drinking harms fetuses, then you haven't changed your position by then concluding that's wrong behavior. You started off believing it was wrong to harm fetuses, and you ended up still believing that. You've just updated your opinion based on new information.