cwalton505 t1_j9zvdln wrote
Reply to comment by drivermcgyver in How can I help New Hampshire legalize recreational weed? by cat-gun
Then fucking cite something dude. I speculated this fucking years ago but there has been no traction on it on any official standpoint I've seen.
cwalton505 t1_j9zv7jv wrote
Reply to comment by juicebronston in How can I help New Hampshire legalize recreational weed? by cat-gun
It's paywalled. Can't read it.
cwalton505 t1_j9zv2rw wrote
Reply to comment by juicebronston in How can I help New Hampshire legalize recreational weed? by cat-gun
Quote one
cwalton505 t1_j9zicnw wrote
Reply to comment by AnythingToAvoidWork in How can I help New Hampshire legalize recreational weed? by cat-gun
Interesting user name in this subject matter
cwalton505 t1_j9zi5kw wrote
Reply to comment by procrastinatorsuprem in How can I help New Hampshire legalize recreational weed? by cat-gun
He decriminalized it at least. Dems Hassan and Lynch vehemently said they would shoot down anything. I'm guessing you prefer to ignore that thought with your state voting bit
cwalton505 t1_j9zhqzx wrote
Reply to comment by drivermcgyver in How can I help New Hampshire legalize recreational weed? by cat-gun
Speculation at best, stop saying it like it's fact. It could be a bunch of other different stupid reasons.
cwalton505 t1_j9zhkoj wrote
Reply to comment by Krayzewolf in How can I help New Hampshire legalize recreational weed? by cat-gun
This keeps coming up about the state wanting to monopolize sale as it does with liquor but it's speculation at best.
Edit: please someone tell me where this has been actually stated officially and I'll happily stand corrected. But you can't.
cwalton505 t1_j9uiyot wrote
Reply to comment by SillyIce in Why is New Hampshire the last state in New England remaining that still has not legalized weed yet? by throwawaypdtm
Well no one ever posts about trying to do something about it.
cwalton505 t1_j9ub0pt wrote
Reply to comment by nhbruh in Sununu calls for eliminating 34 licenses, 14 regulatory boards by rocio719
Exactly my point
cwalton505 t1_j9ua4ho wrote
Reply to comment by warren_stupidity in Why is New Hampshire the last state in New England remaining that still has not legalized weed yet? by throwawaypdtm
Like that darned Maggie Hassan!
cwalton505 t1_j9u6ww7 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Why is New Hampshire the last state in New England remaining that still has not legalized weed yet? by throwawaypdtm
This is possible but it is speculation and not fact
cwalton505 t1_j9u6q9c wrote
Reply to Why is New Hampshire the last state in New England remaining that still has not legalized weed yet? by throwawaypdtm
Why are people still just finding out about this and making a new post every day is my question
cwalton505 t1_j9u669l wrote
Reply to comment by MethBearBestBear in Sununu calls for eliminating 34 licenses, 14 regulatory boards by rocio719
Based on the time I went to Supercuts i left there with the impression they certainly didn't study to cut hair.
cwalton505 t1_j8wpnmk wrote
Reply to comment by Arthur-Morgans-Beard in Northern NH - Anyone else smell that this morning? by Danadroid
Sub seems to get a lot more traffic the last 6 months than it used to, and there's been a bit of a shift in personalities
cwalton505 t1_j89ck87 wrote
Reply to comment by WhoAmI-666 in Interesting find on hike today. by WhoAmI-666
Pretty sure they would have refused as they slithered away anyhow
cwalton505 t1_j89b27f wrote
Reply to comment by WhoAmI-666 in Interesting find on hike today. by WhoAmI-666
All of our politicians seem to get by fine without one
cwalton505 t1_j85rze8 wrote
Reply to comment by TurretLauncher in Bakery Owner Sues [Conway] New Hampshire Town After Officials Demand He Paint Over Donut Mural Made by High Schoolers by ArbitraryOrder
Say what you want, agree or disagree as much as you want, but there are sign laws everywhere.
cwalton505 t1_j85kvzz wrote
Reply to comment by TurretLauncher in Bakery Owner Sues [Conway] New Hampshire Town After Officials Demand He Paint Over Donut Mural Made by High Schoolers by ArbitraryOrder
Let's see what the courts say over us two idiots then eh?
cwalton505 t1_j85ga2p wrote
Reply to comment by TurretLauncher in Bakery Owner Sues [Conway] New Hampshire Town After Officials Demand He Paint Over Donut Mural Made by High Schoolers by ArbitraryOrder
I don't see how that changes anything from a legal standpoint. And I will reiterate the sign is fine and they should adjust the bylaws.
cwalton505 t1_j856z7s wrote
Reply to comment by TurretLauncher in Bakery Owner Sues [Conway] New Hampshire Town After Officials Demand He Paint Over Donut Mural Made by High Schoolers by ArbitraryOrder
Dude you're 20 years late to make that comment accurate. But for your enjoyment: No cap, fr fr.
cwalton505 t1_j856kev wrote
Reply to comment by cat-gun in Bakery Owner Sues [Conway] New Hampshire Town After Officials Demand He Paint Over Donut Mural Made by High Schoolers by ArbitraryOrder
they can be more restrictive but not in violation of. FFS you and the sundown laws..
You can prohibit the sale of alcohol in a county or town. That's more restrictive but not in violation of the fucking constitution. What do you not understand? A permanent sign on a business is not protected via the first amendment or the constitution. Good lord.
cwalton505 t1_j852x6n wrote
Reply to comment by cat-gun in Bakery Owner Sues [Conway] New Hampshire Town After Officials Demand He Paint Over Donut Mural Made by High Schoolers by ArbitraryOrder
Your continued correlation of this sign issue to historical abject racism in multiple threads is fucking weird and I am not going to get into it past here. This is not even close from a morality standpoint, and its gross to compare the two like they are equivalent. The people in the town can change the sign law as they all agree on and deem fit. A sign is not a person. Comparing this silly sign issue as a tribulation to those oppressed by sundown laws is fucking disgusting honestly.
cwalton505 t1_j851x5l wrote
Reply to comment by cat-gun in Bakery Owner Sues [Conway] New Hampshire Town After Officials Demand He Paint Over Donut Mural Made by High Schoolers by ArbitraryOrder
well that's not really pointing out a NH law unless you want to source one. Its a completely off the deep hyperbolic statement. State and town laws can be more restrictive than the US or State constitution but they cannot be in violation of it, and as dumb as the people trying to take down this sign are, they're within regulation to do so. The people in the town should change that.
cwalton505 t1_j851fb5 wrote
Reply to comment by cat-gun in Bakery Owner Sues [Conway] New Hampshire Town After Officials Demand He Paint Over Donut Mural Made by High Schoolers by ArbitraryOrder
I'm also in favor of donut murals on a donut shop, but lets figure it out so we have laws that make sense and we are in line with what we have all agreed upon.
cwalton505 t1_j9zxvl5 wrote
Reply to comment by juicebronston in How can I help New Hampshire legalize recreational weed? by cat-gun
Sorry I missed the part where you shared an article with me on a different reply as I'm going through one at a time. Also as I said there on my other reply, its paywalled. I'm not a mass guy I don't subscribe. I appreciate this link and will take a look