damnatio_memoriae t1_je5ggv4 wrote
Reply to comment by Cooking_with_MREs in 47 years ago, on this date in 1976, WATA Metrorail service began operating. Source: Council of the District of Columbia by TimAppleBurner
i believe they built a completely separate track to bypass the station altogether so as to not spoil the surprise.
damnatio_memoriae t1_je5g2qq wrote
Reply to comment by Yellowdog727 in 47 years ago, on this date in 1976, WATA Metrorail service began operating. Source: Council of the District of Columbia by TimAppleBurner
it wouldn't even be light rail. it would be the stupid H St street car.
damnatio_memoriae t1_jdevepw wrote
Reply to comment by SSG_SSG_BloodMoon in Historic Flatiron Building sells for $190 million at auction by Orener
trickle down housing
damnatio_memoriae t1_jddx2i2 wrote
Reply to comment by 40characters in Historic Flatiron Building sells for $190 million at auction by Orener
the only thing i dont like about it is i wouldnt be able to afford the penthouse.
damnatio_memoriae t1_jcsg7ya wrote
Reply to comment by Powerful-Attorney-26 in NYC Subway Fare over last 120 years adjusted for inflation by dust1990
no idea if that's true but thats about what i would've assumed, give or take -- so doesn't that kind of make the previous comment somewhat meaningless?
damnatio_memoriae t1_jcntxx8 wrote
Reply to comment by curiiouscat in NYC Subway Fare over last 120 years adjusted for inflation by dust1990
lol i still do the subway/bus transfer trick. been doing that for over 20 years.
damnatio_memoriae t1_jcntq55 wrote
Reply to comment by Luke90210 in NYC Subway Fare over last 120 years adjusted for inflation by dust1990
can you even transfer it to a new card anymore? i haven't needed to in a while but someone told me they couldn't do it not too long ago. but they might have been trying to combine multiple cards.
damnatio_memoriae t1_jcntexx wrote
Reply to comment by gault8121 in NYC Subway Fare over last 120 years adjusted for inflation by dust1990
might as well add in housing costs and other costs of living.
damnatio_memoriae t1_jcnsya4 wrote
Reply to comment by Die-Nacht in NYC Subway Fare over last 120 years adjusted for inflation by dust1990
1000%. the subway is a service that makes the city a desirable place to live, work, and do business. it enables people to move freely and cheaply throughout the city throughout the day and night, visitors and citizens alike. the goal is not to make a direct profit off of these people for the city. the goal is to use public funds to benefit the public -- to spend tax dollars to improve the lives and livelihood of the citizenry and visitors to the city.
damnatio_memoriae t1_jcnsk6c wrote
Reply to comment by ChrisFromLongIsland in NYC Subway Fare over last 120 years adjusted for inflation by dust1990
do you have a source that the fare used to cover the cost? because that seems incredibly unrealistic beyond maybe the first few years. the fare literally didn't change until after WWII.
damnatio_memoriae t1_jcnsdt1 wrote
Reply to comment by IIAOPSW in NYC Subway Fare over last 120 years adjusted for inflation by dust1990
stipulations to prevent companies from screwing the public?
imagine such a world...
damnatio_memoriae t1_jcnryvr wrote
Reply to comment by ManhattanRailfan in NYC Subway Fare over last 120 years adjusted for inflation by dust1990
used to be a whopping 20%. when they dropped it to 15% it was a big deal.
damnatio_memoriae t1_jaq9nn7 wrote
Reply to comment by NorseTikiBar in Corner stores worth going out of the way for? by BoogerPresley
it's still pretty much a generic minimart but they have a wide selection of beer and the sandwich menu seems to be kind of a semi-permanent pop-up type of thing. i think it has more limited hours than the shop itself.
damnatio_memoriae t1_jaq9hl1 wrote
Reply to comment by dclizzy in Corner stores worth going out of the way for? by BoogerPresley
rodman's is the fucking best.
damnatio_memoriae t1_jalgknx wrote
Reply to comment by clorox2 in NYC is more ethnically diverse, less racially segregated, report finds by Ice_Business
washington heights is awesome but it feels like it's on the cusp of ruin.
damnatio_memoriae t1_jadx2w9 wrote
Reply to comment by 10ngfingers in Burned up car near Chinatown by 10ngfingers
I think I see the problem. It must have been on fire recently.
damnatio_memoriae t1_jadwsh4 wrote
shitty teenagers in [insert arbitrary boundary]? I couldn't have imagined such a terror would exist.
damnatio_memoriae t1_jadwaob wrote
Reply to comment by ExpertComfortable761 in Why are the kids in NE so terrible? by schmillischnede_dad
Like with anything it's a small but vocal percentage that are the shit heads.
damnatio_memoriae t1_jad0qyg wrote
Reply to comment by monstercello in two car jackings one person shot by MyTornArsehole
Works every time
damnatio_memoriae t1_jabnps1 wrote
Reply to comment by ClusterFugazi in two car jackings one person shot by MyTornArsehole
i mean... not... yet.
damnatio_memoriae t1_jabnlwk wrote
Reply to comment by sad_heretic in two car jackings one person shot by MyTornArsehole
or the city you can afford
damnatio_memoriae t1_ja6v9ds wrote
Reply to comment by astoriaboundagain in Eric Adams’ brother stepping down as mayor’s security adviser by LouisSeize
ah, the american dream
damnatio_memoriae t1_ja6toik wrote
Reply to comment by LongIsland1995 in Madison Square Garden could move across street, executive tells Midtown neighbors by nickgarber
i kind of disagree. that line of thinking is how we got the shithole that is penn station today. if you aim for "just functional," you'll almost certainly end up with "less than functional."
damnatio_memoriae t1_ja6tkv3 wrote
Reply to comment by anObscurity in Madison Square Garden could move across street, executive tells Midtown neighbors by nickgarber
i'm all for restoring penn to its former glory, but i kinda thought the extent to which that was ever realistically gonna happen was moynihan hall. plus... what's the point of moynihan hall, if penn is rebuilt in place of msg? i mean i'm all for more space, don't get me wrong, but msg + moynihan is a 4 block footprint. even for penn that seems like overkill, or at least, it seems like something the city wouldn't do. the biggest problem with penn is it's a fucking maze of mishmashed hallways, tunnels, and disparate waiting areas. if it were open and spacious like the original, moynihan would seem kind of redundant.
but now that i think about it, if they're gonna rebuild MSG between 6th and 7th, is there any opportunity to lean even further into it and expand access to the platforms all the way over to 6th ave where they could connect penn to NQRW/BDFM and PATH trains? that might actually be a really cool opportunity to really improve things -- or fuck midtown up even more spectacularly, lol.
damnatio_memoriae t1_jegsfbf wrote
Reply to The Metro is the reason my car stays in the garage for weeks at a time. Without it, I would be driving 3-4 days a week. How much more frequently would you be driving if it weren’t for the Metro? by SuperBethesda
i never drive but tbh i don't even use metro either. i walk or bike everywhere i need to go but that's only because the nearest metro stations to me are all farther away than most of the places i need or want to go. if metro had more extensive coverage of the city and ran more frequently i would use it regularly. fuck cars though.