
danimal1010 OP t1_ixhfz1i wrote

Wow, I just got back from being overseas for a year. I forgot how many assholes live in this city. Names only go so far. Contracts only work if you can serve them court papers. Police only try to locate for a period of time then they move onto another case. I filed a police report as the other victim. If I can tell the police "she works here" they can go arrest her. I thought reddit might help out but I forgot it's overwhelming populace of douche nozzles like you.


danimal1010 OP t1_ixh5ghp wrote

This is Trey and Mira Leezer. They are scamming people on craiglist. They are taking deposits to apartments that they do not own. I was personally a victim 2 days ago. I found another person that got duped 3 weeks ago. I believe she works downtown near Market Square. I have heard she formerly worked at the Market Exchange. He stays out in Clairton near the Clairton bridge. Any info on either of them would be amazing. They are robbing peoples ability to put a roof over their heads.