
danmac1152 t1_ixqdxhq wrote

Looks like fungus gnats. They usually like potted plants with overwatered soil. There’s several organic pesticides that will take care of them. AZAMax watered in and diatomaceous earth sprinkled on top of the soil liberally will take care of the adults and the larvae. They lay their eggs in the soil.


danmac1152 t1_iwpuuz7 wrote

Idk if it’s happened all along or I just noticed recently but I’ve noticed in the last 6 months or so, on quite a few occasions, the first car at a red light basically rolling through the entire intersection while the light is still red. They creep past the line little by little until they’re half way through. I honestly don’t understand the point. Life that busy for some people?


danmac1152 t1_ispc9bl wrote

Maybe if a lot of people actually put some effort, care, and pride in their job then people won’t have to get on them about sucking. Granted some people are genuinely targeted for silly reasons. But I’ve seen more than a few times, that negative, unmotivated, never heard of responsibility or accountability type of person, cry how they’re being bullied when spoken to about their performance
