dante662 t1_j24fjq9 wrote
Reply to comment by some1saveusnow in New Bedford trio nabbed for stealing catalytic converters in Roxbury by TomBradyBurnerAcct
A summons, a court date years in advance, and when they don't show up for it...nothing.
They'll be stealing cats again tonight.
dante662 t1_j1icawn wrote
Reply to comment by AceyAceyAcey in What are MA laws when it comes to damage from branches of neighbor's trees. I warned neighbor two years ago this would happen, in writing. by bcardarella
Pretty sure legaladvice has banned tree law posts due to too many of them likely being creative writing exercises/karma farming posts.
dante662 t1_iy69s3h wrote
Reply to comment by BradDaddyStevens in Is there life after Darwin’s? by reveazure
That something is demanding your city council/zoning board/ISD departments dramatically open up construction zoning.
No more historical districts, shadow studies, height restrictions, single-family only zoning, "tiny home" bans, density restrictions, bans on unmarried adults living together, parking minimums.
All these things make it far too expensive to build housing. We can have affordable housing, we just do literally everything possible to avoid it.
dante662 t1_ixungxz wrote
Reply to comment by tomatuvm in Three arrested with 100 pounds of fentanyl in Mattapan apartment, DA says by FuriousAlbino
By the court.
Violent crimes, no bail, remanded until trial.
Non violent, released on own recognizance.
dante662 t1_ixugehj wrote
Reply to comment by Intrepid-Hunter-5813 in Three arrested with 100 pounds of fentanyl in Mattapan apartment, DA says by FuriousAlbino
Robbery is a violent crime against a person. So taking "only $116" doesn't matter, it's the fact you robbed a human being and put them in fear of their life. It's a felony (probably more than one since most robberies use a weapon or have assault/battery charges to go along with it).
If anything, $100k is too little. Violent crimes like that should have no bail whatsoever.
dante662 t1_ixs71uq wrote
Finally saw on MassTaxConnect that a paper check was printed for me on the 23rd. Hoping to see it this weekend in the mailbox!
dante662 t1_ixoe7dy wrote
Reply to comment by Bmxing85 in How much do you pay for the internet? by accion12
Starry isn't slow, and there is no data cap.
dante662 t1_ixib2w3 wrote
Reply to Can we please get a wawa in Boston metro? Or at least have Cumberland farm step up there game?? by Few_Radish_8423
The real hotness is Stewart's.
dante662 t1_ix3ljy1 wrote
Reply to comment by raerae_47 in Eversource seeks 43% rate hike for electric customers in Mass this winter by madnu
Just install giant magnifying glasses above each panel!
Unlimited power!
dante662 OP t1_ivgjrh5 wrote
Reply to comment by cuicocha in What is more important to relieving drought: rain at the drought location, or rain/snow at the source of streams/rivers that feed into the location? by dante662
Thank you for the informative reply!
dante662 t1_iujnz09 wrote
What could they do with Defense Production Act? You get heating oil from crude refining, it's pretty similar to diesel but not sure I'd want to burn diesel in an oil furnace.
You can't just order a company to "make more heating oil". Refining crude is the only way to get it, and unless we have more refining capability I don't see what companies in the US could do. Ban exports sounds great until you realize that will force international oil prices to start skyrocketing and trigger protectionist retaliatory actions by other countries against us.
dante662 t1_iujkf0q wrote
Reply to comment by SilentR0b in New England Utility Urges Biden to Declare Emergency to Avoid Fuel Shortage by Nobiting
You immediately gain economies of scale. The massive international cargo haulers can suddenly stop at Puerto Rico on the way to Miami.
Instead we have to unload the cargo from the supermax ships, reload it onto tiny american merchant ships, then sail it back to the island. Not only does this add costs because of delays (it can add weeks to delivery times) but unnecessarily burns fuel.
You can also send emergency supplies much easier. In fact one of the reasons PR keeps getting insane delays on supplies after storms is because the government has to wait until the feds temporarily waive the jones act to send help, because we have effectively no merchant marine anymore.
dante662 t1_iuj858c wrote
Reply to comment by itsonlyastrongbuzz in New England Utility Urges Biden to Declare Emergency to Avoid Fuel Shortage by Nobiting
It's not just flagged American vessels. They have to be built here, financed here, and crewed by Americans as well.
The Jones act is the peak of idiocy and proof that governments don't understand the basics of economics.
dante662 t1_iuj81n5 wrote
Reply to comment by itsonlyastrongbuzz in New England Utility Urges Biden to Declare Emergency to Avoid Fuel Shortage by Nobiting
The Jones ACt was supposed to "protect the american shipping industry". Instead, it destroyed it.
It's illegal to ship port-to-port within the USA if the ship isn't:
A) built in the USA
B) Financed in the USA
C) Flagged in the USA
D) Crewed by americans
Because of this, Hawaii, Alaska, etc have staggering prices because an international cargo vessel heading from China to, say, Long Beach, cannot first stop at Hawaii and then continue to LA. In fact if it goes to LA it can't then go back to Hawaii.
We have almost no merchant marine in this country and the shipping we do have is outrageously expensive. Killing this stupid Act is one of many things we need to have done decades ago, but won't, because "muh jobs".
Spoiler alert: international maritime shipping has almost no American presence whatsoever. The jobs are already gone. We should at least stop paying extra for no reason.
dante662 t1_iuiqw5y wrote
Reply to comment by di11deux in Lithuania is readying itself to retaliate with full force to any potential Russian attack | World News by Sofie-Forsberggg
A decade assuming their economy was actually growing, and corrupt government officials weren't stealing at every turn.
Their army will never recover under current conditions. Only once putin is gone, russia splits up into constituent republics again, and the war crimes trials start up, and the reparations start up, will any external national (other than Iran and China, it seems) do anything to help them.
dante662 t1_iuigpk3 wrote
Reply to comment by ThisOneForMee in They caught the Brighton Peeping Tom by capnlumps
They did get finger prints from one of the scenes (posted on here last week, he left muddy handprints on the window of a fire escape, trying to open it).
dante662 t1_iuee2gd wrote
Reply to comment by Wtf_is_this1234 in Mass. Tax Refunds Will Start To Flow On Tuesday by husky5050
You're getting down voted because the Reddit echo chamber's cognitive dissonance is so bad they know they have to ad hominem preemptively to justify their nonsensical political stance.
Raising taxes is just the next progressive litmus test... If you aren't for it, you must be a racist white supremacist.
Even if you are 100% right. We are collecting rescue 3 amounts of taxes at the state and federal level. Spending is totally out of control and the reason we are on the verge of hyper inflation.
When the politicians can't admit they caused the problem, they redirect attention elsewhere. It would be funny if it didn't work perfectly every time.
dante662 t1_iu5wfpc wrote
Reply to comment by steamedfarts in Whats up with traffic today? by jamesland7
Same reason everyone does, they don't want to have to rely on someone else for their trip home.
Need to run out the door to make a specific commuter train, and if it's cancelled, might be hours of waiting or shuttle buses. Sure, doesn't happen that often...but everyone would rather be in their own car, with their own sense of control over the situation.
It doesn't help that we spent the past 2.5 years beating people over the head with COVID and social distancing. Huge numbers of people are still never going to get into a crowded elevator ever again, let alone a subway train. Shit, I see people wearing masks walking down the street, outside, alone. Of course people would rather drive.
And that doesn't even get into the high profile media reports of random nutcases attacking people on public transit. Everyone's on edge.
dante662 t1_iu49gny wrote
Reply to Whats up with traffic today? by jamesland7
As the other commenter said, Friday is WFH day for hybrid folks who only get one or two WFH days a week.
Reducing the number of cars by as little as 10% has gigantic impact on traffic (just as increasing by 10% can be crippling).
dante662 t1_iu49cke wrote
Reply to comment by therealcmj in Orange Line Speed Restriction Removed? by __ashke__
Of course now I'm watching the red line slowly creep up.
Can't wait for the "secret" December shutdown to take affect.
dante662 t1_iu48zct wrote
At what point do those old-timey seesaw carts start looking like a reasonable option?
dante662 t1_itrioso wrote
My my my, how the turn tables.
dante662 t1_itmlg4e wrote
Reply to comment by vbm-seaside-71 in Starbucks in Central Square by vbm-seaside-71
The passing out has been happening for 5+ years, right in front of CSB.
I called 911 at least twice because I was worried I was watching an OD in real time.
And my SO wouldn't walk through that area by herself at all. Constant, nonstop harassment by the junkies.
dante662 t1_j259ea7 wrote
Reply to comment by hawaiianbarrels in New coronavirus subvariant, XBB, now widespread in New England by uxd
People see what is happening in China and their disconnection with reality really hits home.
You cannot "contain" covid. You can stay locked down forever, or you can live with it. You can't semi-lock down, semi-mask, etc. All you are doing is creating more opportunities for the "triple-demic" we are seeing now due to lack of seasonal (and normal) virus circulation.