darockerj t1_j08xzr9 wrote
Reply to comment by SomeRandomStunaud in Did anyone do the Philly Cheesesteak challenge in high school? by Uptalker
And the young local folks!
darockerj t1_j08xwar wrote
Reply to comment by katthekat in Did anyone do the Philly Cheesesteak challenge in high school? by Uptalker
Also went to high school in Fairfax, graduated 2015. I must not have been cool enough to know about this, lol.
darockerj t1_ixiuld5 wrote
Reply to comment by fusion260 in Richmond’s Pulse has been a surprise success. Other cities and states are taking notice. by fusion260
I keep seeing it suggested, but anyone who genuinely expects an underground rail system to come to Richmond is either naive or out of their minds.
I also come from NOVA and love to use the Metro up there, but it's made for a much bigger population (and much higher commuting population, at that) and famously comes plagued with its own delays. Much as I think trains are cool, a bus route is a much cheaper and suitable solution for Richmond. Love the Pulse for commuting.
darockerj t1_ixitv3i wrote
Reply to comment by lame_gaming in Richmond’s Pulse has been a surprise success. Other cities and states are taking notice. by fusion260
Yup. It's why I never use the Pulse outside of commuting hours, but moreso about frequency.
I thought about taking it to a spot about two miles from Scott's and the arrival time went from 15 minutes to 30 to none at all. Last time I try that.
darockerj t1_ix8lh41 wrote
Reply to comment by Vajama77 in I've ridden the bus 3 times and I'm already pissed by _RetroBear
I've never had a significant issue taking the Pulse to work. Maybe a delay by a few minutes, but nothing too bad, especially if you're tracking with the GRTC app (not Apple Maps).
It's outside of commuting hours that I've had significant issues.
darockerj t1_iwrm8li wrote
Reply to comment by bwolf180 in Any local shops sell circuit components or computer parts? by WAYOFTHEMFKNFIST
I used to live right by there and didn’t realize how much I took it for granted till I moved 😭
darockerj t1_iwqfwlh wrote
Not really in Richmond, from what I've found. If you want to make the trek, there's a Micro Center in Fairfax.
darockerj t1_iwqf5ds wrote
Reply to comment by Arachnotron45 in Any local shops sell circuit components or computer parts? by WAYOFTHEMFKNFIST
I really wouldn't recommend this place. They charge way too much for what they have, and a lot of what they do have is pretty outdated.
I'd just shop on Newegg or Amazon, or consider a trip up to Micro Center in NOVA.
darockerj t1_iug0zge wrote
jesus christ. it’s one of those things that’s horrific on such a massive scale that your anger is bigger than your person. good on her for doing the work, as well as anyone she’s worked with.
darockerj t1_iu50d4h wrote
Reply to comment by Mother-Ad-8142 in Richmond's Bi-Weekly Restaurant Thread by Danger-Moose
oh HELL yeah
always down for a new ethiopian place
darockerj t1_iu5094e wrote
Reply to Richmond's Bi-Weekly Restaurant Thread by Danger-Moose
any recs for restaurant week? 👀
darockerj t1_ituoh38 wrote
Reply to Hope everyone is having a better Wednesdaily than the former police chief. What Halloween plans do you have? by big-heck-nah
this marks the n^th year in a row where i procrastinated on getting a costume and making plans. idk, never been a huge halloween guy and i was especially less interested these past two years.
gf has plans, so maybe i’ll come up with something.
darockerj t1_itpx790 wrote
Reply to comment by Friendly-Path-3888 in Anthem refusing to refund Arcade Fire tickets by porterpilsner
ah true, you're right. totally forgot about that.
darockerj t1_itlqhx1 wrote
Reply to comment by coconut_sorbet in Mondaily, anyone? by OopsImACrow
Great advice, thanks!
I think my initial impressions were off by starting on a team that wasn't always receptive to questions (really kinda toxic), so I got that drilled in my head. Gonna need to get over that at some point, haha.
darockerj t1_itlq94l wrote
Reply to comment by ppc2500 in Anthem refusing to refund Arcade Fire tickets by porterpilsner
Ok, that's what I figured happened. A lot of question marks fired off in my head when I saw that all three nights were suddenly not sold out.
Could also be that they added tickets to avoid the market being suddenly flooded with resale tickets from people who don't want to go anymore.
darockerj t1_itlmp47 wrote
Reply to comment by TryOurMozzSticks in Anthem refusing to refund Arcade Fire tickets by porterpilsner
apparently so. didn’t even realize they were doing that.
especially weird since IMP typically only does that when the first night sells out. guess they really banked on all of these selling out.
darockerj t1_itlmb6x wrote
Reply to comment by coconut_sorbet in Mondaily, anyone? by OopsImACrow
Thanks! Great advice, I appreciate it.
Only thing is that I feel like I'm better at asking for help in an office, where I can see who's busy and actually see how they react when I ask them for help. Being fully remote has been a tough shift for me, but I need to just get over that I guess, lol.
darockerj t1_itlkurj wrote
Was this show ever sold out? I thought it was, but I got a notification from Ticketmaster saying to buy tickets for it which "[I] thought were gone" (or something like that).
I just wanna sell mine, man. Beck was the whole reason I was going.
darockerj t1_itlkmk7 wrote
Reply to comment by The_Prospektor in Anthem refusing to refund Arcade Fire tickets by porterpilsner
I've been frustrated by this too. I'm sure it's buried in their terms of use, but I figured my ticket would be my ticket to sell and at whatever price I wanted.
darockerj t1_itl3w7t wrote
Reply to comment by Jusmine984 in Mondaily, anyone? by OopsImACrow
You’re right, and I know; I’m just bad at that. I feel like I ask too many questions for someone at the level I’m at and I worry it’d reflect poorly on me.
Also I only know two people who could help me and one of them was on vacation.
darockerj t1_itkzhh9 wrote
Reply to Mondaily, anyone? by OopsImACrow
I've been stuck on this ticket for a week and suck at asking people for help. Really convinced they'd fire me if given the chance - given how precarious things have been in tech lately, I wouldn't be shocked.
We'll see if this coffee and muffin can soothe me.
darockerj t1_iszf05v wrote
Reply to comment by ThrowRA99 in Cupertino's has the best bagels by STREAMOFCONSCIOUSN3S
probably a source of endless debate and this might not be the best answer, but i love the wavy gravy at the fancy biscuit
i don’t eat meat, so my options for biscuits and gravy are very limited, let alone a biscuit paired with anything at all. super filling, not too expensive, and good coffee too.
darockerj t1_iszelc9 wrote
Reply to comment by diocboedskes in Cupertino's has the best bagels by STREAMOFCONSCIOUSN3S
I remember liking them when they had them at the café at my old job, but I don’t think I’ve had one since. Might be nostalgia goggles.
IMO Chewy’s has the best bagel in town, but Nate’s lost me even more when I started having to wait so long for my order.
darockerj t1_ir6lpcy wrote
Reply to comment by isabellla321 in Train to Ashburn! by albinotuba
a friend got me in once for a secret tour. really not much to look at - no branding, not even a lot of people, just somewhat large rooms with stacks of servers all whirring away. it’s probably interesting if you’re a dork in the industry who likes to hear stats about how much traffic they process and to see that in person. otherwise, it’s no different from any other server room.
darockerj t1_j0br44h wrote
Reply to comment by Rapturehelmet in Rainy Thursdaily by shhimhuntingrabbits
you get a ticket to the tour? i got one shitty seat, but i’ll be trying again friday morning.