darrellbear t1_iu745lo wrote
Reply to comment by bDsmDom in James Webb Space Telescope snaps new, super-spooky image of Pillars of Creation by OkOrdinary5299
Look up the Boogeyman Nebula. Here, I'll find it for you:
Click on the pic to enlarge.
darrellbear t1_isvyyac wrote
Reply to dressing a cutoff wheel by DadOfFan
Sounds like you're using a grinding wheel as a cutoff wheel.
darrellbear t1_isvo9kc wrote
Reply to comment by bryman19 in The long lasting impact of the St Helens eruption. WA, USA [OC] [2560 x 1707] by PDeXplore
The ash, the washer fluid wasn't a factor. The ash was actually very gritty, sharp edged particles like sandpaper or worse.
darrellbear t1_isuwlld wrote
I was living in the Colorado high country at the time of the eruption. I got up the next morning to drive to work. My windshield was dirty, I turned on the wipers and squirted washer fluid to clean it. I ruined my windshield instantly.
darrellbear t1_isrhg1z wrote
Reply to comment by Iz-kan-reddit in TIL: Airplanes take off and land into the wind. They takeoff into the wind to reduce the groundspeed required to lift and land into it to reduce groundspeed when landing. by Key-Code-4296
This is why aircraft carriers turn into the wind when launching or landing aircraft.
darrellbear t1_isjwrd5 wrote
You're going to have to dress the corners of the door and/or the frame with an angle grinder. Relieve them a bit so they don't touch.
ETA: or the flats, as the case may be. I've never seen a door like that.
darrellbear t1_isfcut7 wrote
Reply to comment by -BigMan in Milky Way core over La Palma [OC][1017x1600] astrorms by ruslan_merzlyakov
If you draw a line from the tip of the Teapot's spout to the bowl of the Pipe, the center of the galaxy is in the middle.
darrellbear t1_isdj42m wrote
Reply to comment by -BigMan in Milky Way core over La Palma [OC][1017x1600] astrorms by ruslan_merzlyakov
It's dark nebulosity along the plane of the Milky Way galaxy, and it's many trillions of miles (many light years) away, as are the stars. See the dark cloud shaped like a pipe, just right of the Milky Way, above center? It's called the Pipe Nebula. The center of the galaxy is a little to the lower left of the bowl of the Pipe, behind the one band of dark nebulosity. The Teapot of Sagittarius is on the left side of the Milky Way, opposite the Pipe. The stem of the Pipe points right at Scorpius the Scorpion. The Pipe also forms the back leg of the Dark Horse, which extends to the upper right. You can make out its crooked front leg, neck and head.
There is a ton going on in the pic, I won't bore you with it all.
darrellbear t1_irlu212 wrote
There is a dark pipe-shaped cloud to lower right of center, it's called, well, the Pipe Nebula. It also forms the back leg of what's called the Dark Horse--its body, bent front leg and head extend to the upper right. See it? Also, the center of the Milky Way galaxy lies just to the lower left of the bowl of the Pipe, in the middle of the dark cloud.
darrellbear t1_iqu41i5 wrote
Reply to Andromeda (M31) by P3n1sD1cK
There are actually three galaxies visible in the image--Messier 31 is the big one. The round fuzzy to the left is M32, the oval fuzzy to the right is M110. Both are satellite galaxies of M31, like the Magellanic clouds are to our Milky Way.
darrellbear t1_iuduzht wrote
Reply to Orion pictured on mobile phone. by asu1474
You also managed to catch the head of Taurus the Bull at upper right--the V shaped asterism is the Hyades star cluster, which forms the bull's head. The red star there is Aldebaran, the Eye of the Bull. If you extend the two legs of the V toward the upper left the two bright stars you see are the tips of the bull's horns. The planet Mars is presently hanging out between the tips of the horns; I don't see it in the image.
Betelgeuse is the bright reddish star at Orion's top left (his right shoulder as he's facing us).