darthvirgin t1_j2nixdz wrote
Reply to [OC] Shrinkflation has hit my Breakfast Burrito last year. This is the last 7 years of Saturday breakfast burrito weight from the same restaurant. I have been tracking them in excel. You can see a covid dip between Jan - Aug 2020. by chiefd59
Ah, ounces. A unit of measurement used by the US, Liberia, and Myanmar and no once else.
darthvirgin OP t1_j2ev2ov wrote
Reply to comment by No-Freedom-1995 in Can anyone else stand Roy Dotrice's performance of the Song of Ice and Fire books? by darthvirgin
Sure is! Though I think he made most of the characters sound like they weren’t bristling with intelligence 😉
darthvirgin t1_j22abrx wrote
Reply to comment by Alexi_Reynov in Audiobook performers have set the bar too high. by Thatoneguy0311
They’re also married to each other.
darthvirgin t1_j1ue5tm wrote
Reply to AskScience AMA Series: I'm Here to Talk About Roots and Shoots: How Plants Prosper in the Desert and What it Means for Agriculture and Biodiversity, AMA! by AskScienceModerator
What’s the most interesting or impressive adaptation of dessert plants, or one that’s particularly unique?
darthvirgin t1_j1kz1ov wrote
Electric cars don’t have a hot engine to rely on for heating the cabin and instead use resistive heaters. Huge power draw. There. Saved you a click. Shame on OP for posting without this explanation.
darthvirgin t1_ixvbt38 wrote
Reply to Frequency and Success of every score in the group stage of the world cup over the period 1998 - 2018 (current world cup format) [OC] by authorPGAusten
You shouldn’t be using a connecting line for the percent advanced since the only possible values are integers, and given that the data is pretty noisy. Would be better to use bars or dots.
darthvirgin t1_ixqky8o wrote
I actually love that luxury brands like Benz and Mercedes are doing this. Continue to tax the people who have more money than sense.
Some will argue this will trickle down to the lower end brands if consumers don’t balk, but I don’t think so. Since the more mass market brands are fairly commoditized, they largely compete on price, so it’d be a bad strategy for say, Toyota or Chevy to do this. They might try, but they’ll see a lot more pushback from potential buyers than the luxury brands would.
darthvirgin t1_ixho24j wrote
Reply to the secret history by donna tartt by Harvo223
I was pretty angry when I finished this book. Felt utterly pointless and I’ve no idea why it’s so adored.
darthvirgin OP t1_iuk9p5u wrote
Reply to comment by Funny_Science_9377 in The Thing (1982) -- the scene with MaReady checking on Blair in the cabin by darthvirgin
darthvirgin OP t1_iuikk81 wrote
Reply to comment by Sensitive-Menu-4580 in The Thing (1982) -- the scene with MaReady checking on Blair in the cabin by darthvirgin
Not sure why so many people are commenting on not noticing the noose. I never suggested I missed it. My post is about the interpretation. It’s literally centre of the frame from both angles the scene is shot at. It’s impossible to miss
darthvirgin OP t1_iugof0z wrote
Reply to comment by Slick_36 in The Thing (1982) -- the scene with MaReady checking on Blair in the cabin by darthvirgin
I never implied I thought the noose was put up by the Thing though.
darthvirgin OP t1_iuglypz wrote
Reply to comment by Douglasqqq in The Thing (1982) -- the scene with MaReady checking on Blair in the cabin by darthvirgin
Agreed, but it’s not super clear how the assimilation process works, and there are other characters who it evidently mimicked quite perfectly as they’re doppelgängers in multiple scenes.
darthvirgin OP t1_iugjpr5 wrote
Reply to comment by Creative-Cash3759 in The Thing (1982) -- the scene with MaReady checking on Blair in the cabin by darthvirgin
You definitely ought to watch it. As to where, that's entirely dependent on which country you're in. In Canada my only option was to rent/buy or pirate.
darthvirgin t1_iu1vqyi wrote
Reply to comment by NebulousStar in What are some books that you found interesting to read, but were also very confronting? by ssunnysidesup
“Walking” in that context is a gerund, where the verb acts as a noun, BTW.
darthvirgin t1_iu0fy4h wrote
Reply to What are some books that you found interesting to read, but were also very confronting? by ssunnysidesup
In English you can’t say “very present participle verb”. Well, you can, but it’s pretty broken English. Imagine saying “my day was very walking”.
darthvirgin t1_jahz2nt wrote
Reply to comment by Likeitisouthere in [oc] Did I organize Star Wars entire timeline in correct order? Keep in mind technically a viewer can only watch one Film/Show at a time (games excluded) by Likeitisouthere
You seem confused about whether you’re graphing specific films/shows etc or specific characters. Why would “Solo” represent Han Solo’s lifespan in this chart when essentially every other entry is a specific movie/show/book? The logic of your chart is not internally consistent.