
dataminimizer OP t1_j1yx4gv wrote

I appreciate your comment, your personal experience, and your rationale, and I’m sorry you feel unsafe on Metro. That’s definitely a problem. I’m not unreasonable and I won’t try to vilify you for choosing an Uber over Metro while on a night out. As long as you’re not drunk driving, whatever you prefer is fine by me!

While I’m generally pro-transit/walking/biking as a means of getting around the city, and have a strong distaste for the way car-dependent thinking and engineering perverts our city, that’s another story. This post was specifically about dangerous drunk and impaired driving.


dataminimizer OP t1_j1yss0j wrote

The only conclusion I can draw from this comment is that you must always adhere to speed limits, stop signs, and other traffic laws with religious devotion.

Unless of course you think the traffic laws are the ones that are acceptable to be broken because “you’re not hurting anyone” and the 15 seconds you could save are really important?


dataminimizer OP t1_j1vo6mo wrote

If you think 32 people killed a day is no big deal, I wonder if you’d think differently if you had to tell each one’s family that they had been killed, but that it’s okay, since it’s like 0.000001% of the US population.

These are preventable deaths. Please stop drinking and driving. You’re going to hurt or kill someone eventually.


dataminimizer OP t1_j1vn0sj wrote

100% agree we should stop organizing our communities around cars. Our cities should be easily walkable and bikeable and transit should be clean, safe, reliable, and regular. As you say, it’s as much a racial justice issue as anything else. Minorities would not be harassed by police and pulled over for pretextual reasons if they weren’t in their vehicles, where Fourth Amendment protections have been seriously eroded.

That said, “Every day, 32 people in the United States die in drunk driving car crashes. That’s one person every 45 minutes”. Drunk driving is worse than sober driving and you shouldn’t ever do it.