
datatadata t1_iuiyyxj wrote

Yeah it may seem a little complicated but you are filing both NY and NJ so you don’t get double taxed and get credit for your NJ dues (based on what you paid NY throughout the year via each paycheck). You just need to file nonresident NY and resident NJ forms and you are set.


datatadata t1_iuiybci wrote

I have lived in Manhattan (UWS) and Queens (LIC) prior to moving here. I love it here. First of all, I like saving $ by not having to pay the NYC income tax. It’s a pretty large chunk of money actually (~3.8%). Also, transportation wise, PATH is convenient (enough). I also travel quite a bit for work and United is my primary airline so proximity to EWR is great. Lastly and most importantly, it’s just so more much peaceful here IMO: more space, more trees, fewer people (relatively).


datatadata t1_iton6m1 wrote

$2,300 minus $2,085 is $215, not $500. Yes, it feels like it's a $513 increase, but you can't look at it like that. You were just too used to the discount + additional benefits (free wifi and water)