day7seven t1_iu7qllu wrote
Reply to 9 ladies pose for camera in Istanbul 1950s by Kaaan145
day7seven t1_iu4uyj2 wrote
Reply to comment by TheAres1999 in why Elon musk is A true Edison of our time ? by zaham_ijjan
I think both of their greatest skills are being hype men. Not many people have the ability to make millions of customers so loyal to their brands.
day7seven t1_iu4ootp wrote
Reply to comment by TheAres1999 in why Elon musk is A true Edison of our time ? by zaham_ijjan
Kind of like Steve Jobs but neither Apple nor Tesla would have accomplished as much without Steve Jobs and Elon Musk. Sure other people did most of the work but they would not have as much success without their cult leaders.
day7seven t1_iu4o1f9 wrote
Reply to comment by foootrest in How can I remove a headless screw from a shower valve? by foootrest
Do you have something for scale, the size of it will make a difference in what options you have.
day7seven t1_iu4mp79 wrote
With the way the economy is going, by next year people may prefer free potatoes so they can feed their family.
day7seven t1_irnkdjx wrote
Reply to How the mother's mood influences her baby's ability to speak. Scientists found even children whose mothers suffer from mild depressive mood that do not yet require medical treatment show early signs of delayed language development. by Wagamaga
Babies learn to speak from copying others. And a depressed person usually speaks less.
day7seven t1_ir7g3i1 wrote
Reply to comment by BigPharmaWorker in [Tool] Free fitness app with Reddit's best workout routines. Use it to finish 2022 strong! by michaelenzo
Best app I'll ever download but am too lazy to use
day7seven t1_iqoti65 wrote
Reply to comment by VespiWalsh in Effect of COVID-19 Vaccines on Reducing the Risk of Long COVID by mightx
And is it like Russian Roulette where there is the same chance each time so if you get COVID a bunch of times you will most likely eventually get LONG COVID?
day7seven t1_iue3rda wrote
Reply to These old gold Crayola crayons have turned green with age by DiamondFlame
They should rename the colour to Fool's Gold.