dc551589 t1_ivqh4kk wrote
Reply to comment by Mittsu3 in Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly wins re-election, defeating GOP challenger Derek Schmidt, NBC News projects by Hrekires
dc551589 t1_ivlsij9 wrote
Reply to comment by Pete-PDX in Reports of alleged voter intimidation and interference in NC ahead of Election Day by Zen1
Agreed, as with another commenter, that I forgot Citizens United.
As far as how ranked choice voting is an improvement is because it’s a much fairer way to do things. What I mean is that the way ranked choice works is you pick your first choice, then second, third. etc. Think of a primary. Let’s say you really liked Maggie Hassan but if she couldn’t win your next choice would be Bernie, and let’s say your third is Biden. If Hassan doesn’t get enough votes to win there’s an instant runoff and the vote you cast for her would turn into a Bernie vote. Then if Bernie couldn’t do it the same thing would happen and your vote would turn into a Biden vote. Now imagine your first choice is Bernie but you HATE Hassan. You’d put whoever else as your second choice and then if Bernie doesn’t make the cut you won’t have wasted your vote. It would go to your second choice, or the candidate who “ranks” second for you. The current system is how you end up with Biden and a ton of democrats saying they don’t hate him but there not thrilled with a lot of aspects of his presidency.
ETA: ranked choice voting would only really show its benefits with more than a two party system in general elections. Although, it would eliminate people getting mad at people (justifiably) who vote for small third party candidates which, in the current system, is like throwing your vote away.
dc551589 t1_ivlncqh wrote
Reply to comment by flaker111 in Reports of alleged voter intimidation and interference in NC ahead of Election Day by Zen1
Great additions. I don’t know how I missed reversing Citizens United. Among other things, that’s THE major contributing factor to allowing politicians to be easily bought.
dc551589 t1_ivl0t4p wrote
How to save America:
-Get rid of the Electoral College
-Expand SCOTUS
-Eliminate the filibuster
-Make Election Day a national holiday and/or allow simple mail in voting to be accessible everywhere
-Put an upper age limit on holding office
-Rank choice voting
Lastly, the current Republican Party needs to dissolve. Any remaining moderate (for America) republicans can form a new right wing party. Neo-liberal democrats can be the center party and we NEED a truly progressive party.
dc551589 t1_iuri2qr wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Need a hunting and fishing partner by Shot_Professional_38
This is a short parody of Pulp Fiction but it’s Dick Cheney et al. Genuinely funny. https://youtu.be/2ehCwns7mGc
dc551589 t1_iurh2n5 wrote
Reply to comment by Maximum_Passion1865 in New Hampshire: Republican contender rebuked by school for litter-tray claim by Black6host
This is basically an r/oldpeoplefacebook haha! “Get off my page,” “get out of my phone!”
dc551589 t1_iu9zx01 wrote
Reply to comment by Dollhousefurniture in They seem like nice enough but, anyone else kind of think the guys on Chaos and Kindness are super cringy? by [deleted]
They’re basically the local cable version of those people who film themselves giving homeless people money or food. Frankly, if I was homeless, I wouldn’t want a camera shoved in my face to “get my reaction,” either. I’d take the money, but I’d feel exploited in that it’s very reasonable to assume they wouldn’t have done it if there was nothing in it for them.
dc551589 t1_iu9z0jx wrote
Reply to They seem like nice enough but, anyone else kind of think the guys on Chaos and Kindness are super cringy? by [deleted]
Yeeeeessss! Before I say anything I’ll say that I recognize the good they’ve done/do and helping people and lifting them up is always good.
Now, that said… the whole tone of the show seems super manufactured and fake. Their energy is off putting in the sense that it feel disingenuous, which then makes it worse when they’re interacting with people with developmental disabilities, and makes it feel like they’re using them as props so they can get a public pat on the back. That’s harsh and probably not entirely fair, but there you have it.
dc551589 t1_itojtbo wrote
Reply to comment by Berneraccountbuddy in State Rep Kat McGhee is accused of using $150,000 in government funds to close down a public beach at Rocky Pond in Hollis (now accessible to just her and a few other families) by kauffj
Thanks for acknowledging the situation! 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂
dc551589 t1_itojj8a wrote
Reply to comment by pahnzoh in State Rep Kat McGhee is accused of using $150,000 in government funds to close down a public beach at Rocky Pond in Hollis (now accessible to just her and a few other families) by kauffj
As always a non-answer is a non-answer. Please at least try.
dc551589 t1_itnlqaw wrote
Reply to comment by nhmo in State Rep Kat McGhee is accused of using $150,000 in government funds to close down a public beach at Rocky Pond in Hollis (now accessible to just her and a few other families) by kauffj
A new phrase I came across recently was “he’s got 2 brain cells and they’re tied for 3rd place,” and I feel like that’s applicable to this “journalist.”
dc551589 t1_itnlgss wrote
Reply to comment by pahnzoh in State Rep Kat McGhee is accused of using $150,000 in government funds to close down a public beach at Rocky Pond in Hollis (now accessible to just her and a few other families) by kauffj
Oh man! You need to go read my comment from earlier where I predict this EXACT response from republicans lol. Give it up, we’ve wised up to your rhetorical tricks and we’re not falling for them any more. Both sides are NOT the same.
dc551589 t1_itnl1zq wrote
Reply to comment by RickyDaytonaJr in State Rep Kat McGhee is accused of using $150,000 in government funds to close down a public beach at Rocky Pond in Hollis (now accessible to just her and a few other families) by kauffj
And they complain about “anonymous sources” and this “journalist” won’t even use their real name haha
dc551589 t1_itne0cm wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in State Rep Kat McGhee is accused of using $150,000 in government funds to close down a public beach at Rocky Pond in Hollis (now accessible to just her and a few other families) by kauffj
It’s a sad state of affairs when this is my train of thought reading this:
-someone did something sketchy and selfish, probably a Republican. -reads the first paragraph: wow, that’s a lot of bias. -sees it’s a democrat -ahh, republican propaganda
Now, the problem with stuff like this is that republicans will look at that and say, “see? You went in with a bias, you’re just as susceptible to propaganda,” and completely ignore the fact that we think that way because time and time again it’s been revealed that republicans lie, ignore laws, traffic children, sexually assault children, cover up all manner of abuse.
It’s the equivalent of watching someone slap someone else in the face over and over and over and the next time you see them you suspect they might slap someone and they clutch their pearls and gasp and say, “that’s offensive! You’re just as likely to slap someone as I am, you’re discriminating against me.”
dc551589 t1_itmawaw wrote
Reply to State Rep Kat McGhee is accused of using $150,000 in government funds to close down a public beach at Rocky Pond in Hollis (now accessible to just her and a few other families) by kauffj
Dude… that article lol. That is a rag. I mean, I’m all for accountability so if she did it she needs to go down for it but that article isn’t news.
dc551589 t1_it7u42r wrote
Reply to comment by lizzybnh in ENOUGH!!!!! by lizzybnh
Please don’t let stupid ads stop you from learning about the candidates and voting! You can easily go on their websites and read their plans. In most cases only one will actually have a plan but that should be all the information you need to see who’s interested in governing and who’s interested in spreading hate and fear.
dc551589 t1_isufr4p wrote
Reply to Ponytail, by me by GenericOnlineName
I love this as small-town lore for a horror story. It also, as a concept, reminds me a bit of Junji Ito. Love it!
dc551589 t1_ivrzf89 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Missouri legalized weed; must all backwards states legalize it before us? by BSPINNEY2666
I was trying to sing this in my head, on tempo, etc. !!