
dc_dobbz t1_is9y63p wrote

I’m always pumped for a competitive primary. But you almost always get weak turnout for them. And then have to sit through rounds of complaints about how shit the candidates are from all the SOBs that didn’t think the primary mattered. And why ARE we still leaving candidate selection to a tiny sliver of the electorate?


dc_dobbz t1_is3g2ln wrote

I think maybe we just need to give up on the primary all together. There are many ways to make elections more competitive that don’t require people to participate in a ballot they clearly can’t get excited about.


dc_dobbz t1_is1541v wrote

The last I saw he was polling six points ahead, but I’m sure 538 is weighting the model against him based on party performance in the state. That’s good to hear anyway. I trust 538 modeling more than random poll headlines.


dc_dobbz t1_is0kki2 wrote

I would point out that, in terms of the budget, bike lanes and housing have nothing to do with each other. If you’re directing funds away from anything it’s travel lanes for cars, not public housing or shelters.