decrementsf t1_it7thbt wrote
There is nothing so equitable as the pen. Every identity can pick up a pen and write whatever form speaks to them. Argument is revealed as absurdist by using the same structure "Why are white people inexistant in japanese caligraphy?"
Bad faith.
decrementsf t1_it7szyw wrote
Reply to comment by hater_first in Why are black people inexistant in the fantasy/sci-fi genre by hater_first
You've alleged a serious grievance. The burden rests on you to prove yourself. That sleight of hand to shift burden to the accused is the signature of manipulative fraud.
decrementsf t1_it7rzl5 wrote
Reply to comment by hater_first in Why are black people inexistant in the fantasy/sci-fi genre by hater_first
> It's fine but I do care.
Bullshit. Bad faith all the way down. A couple decades ago we called this form of race baiting bigotry. Still do. Actually. Its become mainstream to voice that. The magic words were overused. The politeness that maybe the person is well meaning but misguided exhausted. The temperance of good people convinced that these problem launches are mean spirited.
decrementsf t1_it7r9jh wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Why are black people inexistant in the fantasy/sci-fi genre by hater_first
"Problem launch detected."
High school kids are taught this framing. It's presented as a way to engage in modern edgy boy humor. They're used as pawns in a broader organized shake-down racket.
Constant racialist problem baiting. Then followed up with demand for some form of concession. When it's in your workplace it's a form of racketeering. Using story telling to threaten drama for concessions of some sort. Bandits don't ride into town threatening violence anymore. It's a more sophisticated world. They threaten through narrative. The bandits have taught your kids to kick off the shake-down. Then they ride in on the heals of the edgy boy brigade and offer consulting service or some other lump sum payment to make the racialized narrative go away.
You may have noticed how it looks like a term paper when a problem launch appears. "The insufferable white supremacy of lego's." "Classical music is a lasting legacy of hate." It's exactly what it looks like.
This is due to the over production of 'studies' fields in universities. These degrees have no demand in the marketplace. No one wants the services of a person whose only skill is to incessantly sniff out forms of oppression that were solved before any of us were born. With no demand they busy themselves fabricating demand. For a time the basket catching these unneeded degrees were Starbucks and administration offices on University campuses. Then they swallowed up the universities. And now the bandits metastasize outward innovating make-work jobs for themselves by launching problems that don't exist. Create an activist leadership job for themselves around that problem. Then when the trend of it grows stale the same people launch a new problem.
The problem is there is no productive demand for that service. Its become a lazy shake-down racket. It's illegal. It's becoming mainstream to recognize how the shake-down works and what bigots virtue seeking toxic empathy can be. They do none of the hard work to build actual virtue.
decrementsf t1_it7vpol wrote
Reply to The real practical value of philosophy comes not through focusing on the ‘ideal’ life, but through helping us deal with life’s inevitable suffering: MIT professor Kieran Setiya on how philosophy can help us navigate loneliness, grief, failure, injustice, & the absurd. by philosophybreak
Frames do not need to be true to be useful. You can collect frames for thinking and put them on like sunglasses to look at a question from differing perspectives. This builds out a tool kit to be used that allows seeking optimal solutions to whatever challenge is put in front of you.
Let's be specific "the customer is always right". This is a frame. A small phrase or idea to guide how to approach a circumstance. Is the customer always right? Obviously no. Is it beneficial as a business to treat every situation as if the customer is right, even when they're not? Yes. A bad experience converted often results in the most positive reviews. Good marketing for more business. Thus the frame is useful without being true.
Your brain has a control panel. You're a robot, complete with levers and buttons connected to your brain that can be pushed. Is this true? It doesn't have to be to be useful. You can learn what creates motivation to focus yourself.
Philosophy is a warehouse filled with frames for thinking. When you're stuck the warehouse provides additional options to try on to see if it gets you un-stuck from the problem at hand. Can keep trying on a new frame until something works.
It sounds too simple but in a very literal way you can shape your experience with reality using frames. As an experiment imagine you're sitting down and looking out at your room through a pair of VR goggles. Imagine it's all computer generated and you're piloting a giant robot interacting in this space. Next time you have lose an item and can't find it try this framing. When there is an object sitting right in front of you you can't see, shifting into the VR world frame makes it possible to see the lost object in front of you. It's disconcerting that the trick works. Who knows what reality is actually made of. We can't know that. But it's a level up in that reality to learn how to put on and take off frames.
With regard to black pill material. To my opinion those are the works of poor frames. You can pick up and put on other frames to program your brain into other modes of thinking. Get unstuck. Frames can be constructed into a personal story. A personal narrative or motto that guides your actions. This builds an operating system you can control to program your brain. You find a narrative motto in Navy SEALs and many organizations to guide behaviors in a productive way. If you do not choose to construct a narrative for yourself a fraud will give you one. Manipulative frauds usually craft these as a mental prison, a feature beyond your control which takes away your agency. Breaking out of that mental prison is as easy as opening the door by writing out your own narrative. You can author your own operating system. This is another level up.