
degggendorf t1_j869xmk wrote

Oh good call, not only do you obsessively comb through histories, you go ahead and make stuff up about people too. Thank you for making this thread a greatest hits playlist of your weirdest behavior.

>jokes" about homeless people in -33 degree weather


>harassing women on here



degggendorf t1_j80m862 wrote

Idk, I think the Providence Metro Area is kinda implied with those types of questions. Even if not, a relevant suggestion outside of the OP's boundaries can still be helpful for others.

Like the 🚨Thai Food Emergency🚨 post for yesterday...OP did say "in Providence", but the not-technically-Providence suggestions are better for me.


degggendorf t1_j7xq10i wrote

>trying to say crime is down

It literally is:

>I don’t see the big deal of having a crime article esp when it takes place in PVD’s downtown

That's cool, you can have your own preference.

But to be clear, I don't think people's issue is a crime story posted here, it's every crime story being posted. I would prefer this sub be a highlight reel of the most interesting/relevant/discussable things, not just a repository for every single story in any given category. I wouldn't want to hear about every single restaurant opening, wouldn't want every single concert, every single fire, every single violent crime, etc.

But, again, I'm just trying to help explain what you're seeing, not trying to change your mind on anything; you're obviously welcome to keep your own preference.


degggendorf t1_j7xloxs wrote

It's more about the op than this one story in particular. Nothing wrong with people knowing about a crime, but this guy exclusively posts every report of any violent crime in the city, and constantly promotes how dangerous the city is. Then proceeds to get, well, weird in the comments with anyone he perceives as disagreeing, as you can see here.


degggendorf t1_j7xj2px wrote

You have an amazing ability to shove your head in the sand, and deny deny deny, huh?

What exactly do you think I'm lying about? I even posted the link for you, just go ahead and quote what you're talking about maybe?

>you didn't get a response to your little love letter

I didn't write any love letters....? But again, great bald faced lie. Amazing lack of integrity, and you're making my point for me. Please continue.