
degggendorf t1_j8dankh wrote

As others have mentioned here, it sounds like the one you were told about is the RIRRC landfill in Johnston.

But check out other neighboring towns with municipal transfer stations, which may (or may not) be easier or cheaper for you. In NK (just because it's what I know, not that it will be your best option), you can drop off construction debris for $200/ton with a $10 minimum. I don't think there is a residency requirement for bulk drop off, or if there is it definitely isn't enforced.


degggendorf t1_j8d40k5 wrote

NYT: "Netflix Dropped Chris D’Elia Show After Sexual Misconduct Allegations"

Which concludes with:

> Other streaming platforms have pulled content with Mr. D’Elia. Hulu, Amazon Prime Video and Comedy Central are no longer hosting an episode of the comedy show “Workaholics” in which Mr. D’Elia plays a child abuser. Mr. D’Elia’s comedy special from 2013 is also no longer available on Comedy Central’s website.


degggendorf t1_j8d30eh wrote

>This is the hill these PVD subreddit weirdos wanna die on??

It's bizarre how people come out of the woodwork to go bananas protecting the honor of specifically sex offenders. You don't see them jumping to make sure no one calls them a "sunglasses thief" until they're convicted, but they sure are motivated here. Really makes you wonder (read: worry) about their ulterior motive.


degggendorf t1_j8c1w4p wrote

IDK, I'm totally happy to have any event posted here, assuming it's real people posting events they're interested in and not just some hack promoter spamming their own stuff.

But I don't think I've noticed the latter around here at all.


degggendorf OP t1_j8bbewf wrote

>Hope this helps!

Of course, thank you!

>A little muddy and icy right now in a few areas - and some frozen dirtbike/atv ruts - but nothing a light gravel tire can't handle.

Oh nice, sounds like a blast

> I like to ride them as long as I don't see any horses. Bikes are supposed to yield to horses and I try not to piss anyone off.

Good to know, thank you! I'll make sure to brush up on my etiquette rules before going.

>. (If you want to just touch the other state border to say you crossed the state by bike, you could hop off the East Bay bike path in Warren and head towards MA from there.)

Good call, that sounds like a good plan.

Thank you for all the help!


degggendorf OP t1_j8bayv6 wrote

>If you're into unpaved dirt, I find the Airline Trail in CT to be a great challenge.

Oh yeah! That starts just around the corner from where another bikey friend of mine lives.

>You may want to also try the Blackstone River Bikeway

For sure! The cross-state-to-Bristol route is currently most exciting to me, but Blackstone is a close second for sure.


degggendorf OP t1_j8ba17e wrote

Gotcha, thank you! Think I'll sit out that section for now (at least as a cross-state fun ride) and support Bike Newport with their efforts to improve things. If they/we can get a strip down the whole of Aquidneck like there is between the Coddington and Newport Storm breweries, that would be sweet.


degggendorf OP t1_j8b9h60 wrote

>the rest is in pretty rough shape

Hah, perfect. That actually makes it sound better to me.

My "gravel bike" is a hardtail xc mtb with gravel combo tires, so should be imminently doable.

Thanks for the route link, I'll invest some more time to look though it. Thanks!