degggendorf t1_je9kikw wrote
Reply to comment by upcountry_degen in Mass shootings in the US since 2009. A mass shooting is defined as any incident in which four or more people are shot and killed. Since 2009, there have been 306 mass shootings, resulting in 1710 people shot and killed and 1087 people shot and wounded. ---NONE IN RHODE ISLAND! by wyzapped
> In the case of RI the local PD can deny the sale if the person doesn’t have a criminal history, but is known to have issues that haven’t involved arrest
Is there any public info about how often that happens?
Anecdotally, I have heard about different town's police captains (or maybe town charters or something?) and whether they subscribe to a "shall issue" or "may issue" philosophy; like, whether the police just rubber stamp applications, or if they do actual vetting.
But that's also second-hand likely-misremembered info too, which is why I'm interested to learn more/be corrected.
degggendorf t1_je9k10x wrote
Reply to comment by k00k in Corned beef brisket? by [deleted]
I can confirm Aldi had some this past Monday. Price was something crazy (compared to pre-Paddy's loss leader pricing) like $5.89/lb.
degggendorf t1_je9j1ta wrote
Reply to Does anyone know how I can access archived issues of the Providence Journal? Im looking for an article from March of 1974 by HunkaHunkaBerningCow
Through the NewsBank database that I have access to through my local library, there is a full-image archive of the paper ProJo from 2017, or full text from 1980. I don't see any archive for pre-1980.
If you call either your library or one in Providence, they might be able to help you though...this is the funner part of their job.
degggendorf t1_je84oqm wrote
Reply to comment by jagregory22 in Breeze Airways opens base of operations in Rhode Island by therealDrA
degggendorf t1_je84nfs wrote
Reply to comment by hcwhitewolf in Mass shootings in the US since 2009. A mass shooting is defined as any incident in which four or more people are shot and killed. Since 2009, there have been 306 mass shootings, resulting in 1710 people shot and killed and 1087 people shot and wounded. ---NONE IN RHODE ISLAND! by wyzapped
Right on, thanks buddy!
degggendorf t1_je7rln5 wrote
Reply to comment by the_silent_one1984 in Breeze Airways opens base of operations in Rhode Island by therealDrA
Ohhh I didn't realize that was all tied together, thanks for the correction/info
degggendorf t1_je7kr4w wrote
Reply to Mass shootings in the US since 2009. A mass shooting is defined as any incident in which four or more people are shot and killed. Since 2009, there have been 306 mass shootings, resulting in 1710 people shot and killed and 1087 people shot and wounded. ---NONE IN RHODE ISLAND! by wyzapped
I hope this post ages like fine wine
degggendorf t1_je7ak3y wrote
Reply to comment by _CaesarAugustus_ in Breeze Airways opens base of operations in Rhode Island by therealDrA
Wasn't Ireland Air or something doing non-stop to Cork from Greene a while back?
degggendorf t1_je7adi9 wrote
Reply to comment by beerspeaks in Breeze Airways opens base of operations in Rhode Island by therealDrA
>Airport parking in Boston is essentially twice as expensive as TF Green
Not to mention that Greene could be $0 in parking and $2 in bus fare or $20 in uber
degggendorf t1_je7a7s3 wrote
Reply to comment by NoellaChel in Breeze Airways opens base of operations in Rhode Island by therealDrA
At this point, convenience is more important to me than strictly airfare
degggendorf t1_je6tvh4 wrote
Reply to comment by therealDrA in Breeze Airways opens base of operations in Rhode Island by therealDrA
Gotcha, agreed
degggendorf t1_je6q6v3 wrote
Reply to comment by therealDrA in Breeze Airways opens base of operations in Rhode Island by therealDrA
Well yeah, of course less driving and cheaper parking with the same number of layovers is preferable.
degggendorf t1_je6hj6k wrote
Reply to comment by therealDrA in Breeze Airways opens base of operations in Rhode Island by therealDrA
nonstop > 1-stop
degggendorf t1_je6h6nu wrote
Reply to comment by therealDrA in Breeze Airways opens base of operations in Rhode Island by therealDrA
True, good point
degggendorf t1_je64yn4 wrote
Reply to comment by therealDrA in Breeze Airways opens base of operations in Rhode Island by therealDrA
> I wish more Rhode Islanders would support TF Green over Logan
Do many people not? The only reason I would ever consider the likes of Logan or Bradley is if they have a direct flight when PVD doesn't. And even then, it would be a tossup.
degggendorf t1_jdzpxp8 wrote
Reply to comment by Swamp_yankee_ninja in Providence Police Officer Surrounded by ATV Riders—Pulls Weapon, One Arrested by buddhamanjpb
>It was a hard physics lesson, but they passed and unfortunately lost.
This probably isn't the place for wordplay, but you could reverse a couple of those words and it would still make sense; It was a hard physics lesson, but they lost and unfortunately passed.
degggendorf t1_jdzpj2j wrote
Reply to comment by Hellsgatekeeper479 in Providence Police Officer Surrounded by ATV Riders—Pulls Weapon, One Arrested by buddhamanjpb
I think you might be missing the point that ATVs are dirt cheap and take little space to store.
Trucks and trailers are expensive and take up tons of room.
I don't think it's merely about appearances.
degggendorf t1_jdzm380 wrote
Reply to comment by Previous_Floor in 2 dead from reckless Dirt Bike riding on city streets by Flashbulb_RI
>It's pathetic that you attack people
You don't see the irony in that phrase? Hope you find a friend so you don't need to string along inane arguments based on some imagined reality. Calling out your literal, direct prejudice "prejudice" isn't an attack, it's a fact. If you don't like that fact, then change yourself.
From the way you troll through people's histories, I would have thought you'd know enough to know what you said isn't true. Or, duh, you don't care about facts you just want to argue. Silly, I should have known that.
Good luck ignoring me, I really hope it sticks this time and you can avoid jumping into conversations you're not a part of just to argue with me.
degggendorf t1_jdycyze wrote
Reply to comment by Previous_Floor in 2 dead from reckless Dirt Bike riding on city streets by Flashbulb_RI
You lonely tonight or something? You keep multi replying to me just trying to goad more arguing.
If you really need a friend, stop trying to pick a fight and just converse like a normal person. Or, just please buzz off unless you have something actually meaningful to say .
degggendorf t1_jdy9eck wrote
Reply to comment by Significant_Change14 in Hey guys, had a walking/ hiking question. by bunnybates
Fwiw there's the Alltrails website too, which I greatly prefer for planning. Bigger screen and better interface for just poking around checking stuff out. Then once you find one you want, then pull up that route in the app for mapping/tracking.
degggendorf t1_jdxgcwc wrote
Reply to comment by Previous_Floor in 2 dead from reckless Dirt Bike riding on city streets by Flashbulb_RI
I specifically asked you not to respond. If you don't even put in the effort to do as I ask when it's so dead simple, how do you expect me to put in the effort to decipher your contradictory requests to accommodate your wishes? Or are you okay being so blatantly hypocritical that you want different rules to apply to you vs everyone else?
degggendorf t1_jdwo0s5 wrote
Reply to comment by Previous_Floor in 2 dead from reckless Dirt Bike riding on city streets by Flashbulb_RI
I'm really not sure what you want from me then. Do you want me to call out your prejudice or not? You've requested it both ways now, so I'm a bit confused.
But you know what? I don't really care how you feel, I'm going to keep doing what I want. No need for you to respond.
degggendorf t1_jdwe79c wrote
Reply to comment by Previous_Floor in 2 dead from reckless Dirt Bike riding on city streets by Flashbulb_RI
Bad look....allowing you to share your opinion uncontested? Sorry, I didn't realize that's a bad thing. Next time, I'll be sure to push back on your thinly veiled racism with more vigor.
degggendorf t1_jdv8glr wrote
Reply to comment by nathanaz in What used to be across from Seven Moons? by nathanaz
This is so broad to be an essentially useless answer, but...demand. Right on that stretch of Post Road, there are vacant storefronts for any smaller businesses (think accountant of insurance agent) to move into rather than buy and build on an empty lot, and it will be better for businesses to be clumped in a plaza like across the street with Kohls, Daves, Marshalls, and soon to be TJMaxx, Starbucks, and Chipotle where someone can park once and hit all of them rather than having to get back on the road to get to the next stop.
degggendorf t1_je9kofl wrote
Reply to comment by glennjersey in Mass shootings in the US since 2009. A mass shooting is defined as any incident in which four or more people are shot and killed. Since 2009, there have been 306 mass shootings, resulting in 1710 people shot and killed and 1087 people shot and wounded. ---NONE IN RHODE ISLAND! by wyzapped
Yeah that's why I only put on my seat belt after I crash the car. I've had zero crashes! Why would I try to solve a problem that doesn't exist!