
dementedturnip26 t1_j97459y wrote

It depends. If you’re moving from elsewhere and getting a similar salary as NYC, it will feel cheap. For a lot of people though that have lived here and worked through some of the big companies like PNC they tend to pay pretty poorly and COL has really outpaced wage growth here. PNC and UPMC are notorious for paying like shit and not giving raises to existing employees


dementedturnip26 OP t1_j6o620w wrote

Yep, more than anything 15-20 story apartment towers would help, but we can’t seem to figure out how to do that.

I think a lot of homeowners also have a vested interest in not building these because of you built enough reasonably priced either apartment/condo towers it would eventually lower rent and housing costs


dementedturnip26 OP t1_j127ubo wrote

I agree. Lived here my whole life, everything is a chain.

The main upside vs the south hills is getting around is significantly easier. McKnight sucks but it sure as hell isn’t as bad as 51, and I have plenty of alternatives