derkadoodle t1_j2cl6pd wrote
Reply to comment by Killersmurph in Thanks, without the woman as comparison I wouldn't have know how high 183cm is by backhandmarco
I mean it’s also in inches… it’s 6 ft tall without having to do any complicated math.
derkadoodle t1_j208mz6 wrote
Reply to comment by Protean_sapien in Creative Dry Cleaner company t shirt by KumquatSuccotash
That means those commenters are shadowbanned.
derkadoodle t1_j1xnrbt wrote
Reply to comment by General_Esperanza in The world of prosciutto ( Parma, Italy) by elsakroess
Capicola != prosciutto
With that said, that’s a whole lot of gabbagool!
derkadoodle t1_j6bos83 wrote
Reply to comment by Haunting_Berry7971 in Does Philadelphia really financially support the whole state? by drxdrg08
Doesn’t it stand to reason that if they’re generating the most tax revenue they’re also the ones supporting most of the state?