desperaste t1_j6b02jp wrote
Reply to comment by Only-Engineering6586 in Transition probabilities (shown as percentages) between successive letters in the names of girls born in 2021 in the USA [OC] by kilopeter
A few of those aren’t terrible tbf
desperaste t1_j67e8ia wrote
Reply to comment by grandmasterfunc in Rate of Americans reporting long-COVID symptoms declining by RockMakesStew
Fibromyalgia is a fake illness
desperaste t1_j5exv3m wrote
Reply to [Image] "If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.” ~ Marcus Aurelius by Butterflies_Books
I have newborn twins who won’t sleep at night. I estimate that my insomnia is due to that. I have no power to revoke it. Stupid quote
Submitted by desperaste t3_1068pxa in movies
desperaste t1_j2z2hc2 wrote
Reply to [OC] Data visualizations on r/dataisbeautiful based on the top 100 upvoted posts of 2022 by Metalytiq
I would have thought peoples daily mood grid would be #1
desperaste t1_iublps0 wrote
Reply to LPT request: how to unstuff a stuffy nose? by alejo_s
For acute usage while trying to get to bed: thrust your tongue up into the roof of your mouth then tap your forehead (in between your eye brows and up a touch) then repeat these two actions over the over. It’ll oscillate your sinuses and you’ll see temporary relief that’ll last approx 15 minutes (enough to fall asleep)
desperaste t1_j6hngub wrote
Reply to comment by Wight3012 in What are some shows that were advertised to one demographic, but became successful outside of the target demographic? by blqckwidow
I’m jealous you got to so recently watch it for the first time. I wish I could forget it so I could watch again for the first time