
dgkimpton t1_jbx4kia wrote

For example https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/sci-tech/fda-approved_novartis-s-new-475-000-cancer-drug-among-most-expensive-ever/43482544

Also, how do you square "upper middle class" with not being wealthy? I definitely consider them wealthy. Frankly even poor Westerners are wealthy beyond belief compared to a significant portion of the planet. Where do you draw the line?

Medicine/healthcare has always started by being available to those who could afford it, and eventually become more widespread. This is no different. It's insane to expect it to work any other way because the development costs have to be paid somehow.


dgkimpton t1_iz0xlyk wrote

Indeed. It's only a tiny hop from "unskilled labour" (which is inherently badly named) to doing "skilled labour". Programmers like to joke that it's OK to make an AI because they will at least be needed to program the AI's... but fail to realise that a general purpose AI that can outthink a human will quickly become able to program itself. We'll be left only with manual labour, and even that for only a short period until robot bodies are cheap enough.


dgkimpton t1_ixlm8q4 wrote

That would be life changing for so many people. Innovations like this offer hope for the future in the way few other things can. I'm crossing my fingers this translates easily to Humans and is widely rolled out (I would imagine if it isn't rolled out widely we'll just get mutations developing that overcome the new immune capabilities).