
dillrepair t1_itn0b8g wrote

There really is never enough time… no matter how much freedom or money you might have… this is not to say that those with very little or almost nothing do not deserve more it’s more to say that the reason people get so greedy is they realize there is never enough time no matter what… so they take and take when the real way to get more freedom and time is to give more to everyone, because when we all have some freedom we all have time for joy too.


dillrepair t1_ithxars wrote

This shit right here ^^. And dude the truth is 90% or more of people my age (older millennials) don’t have a fucking clue either. I at least pay attention and vaguely understand the terminology and some of the implications discussed here/in article. But the truth is generally most people are not focused on what makes things run or keeps them running whether it’s an internal combustion engine or a cloud service and their device… or the healthcare system. It’s not as easy to fix things as people think, but when we have a big picture understanding coupled with the ability to drill down into the details it at least makes it easier. Wish more ppl would pay attention…. And you know, perhaps maintain or obtain a high school reading level/comprehension and critical thinking abilities


dillrepair t1_it8iahb wrote

It seems to me that Orwell wanted it to be deliberately vague and let readers allow their understanding of recent events and horrors to creep in. Just the way that hitler and fascism had crept in.. 1949 originally published just for instant context. So it’s yes and no… AND imo most importantly that it could happen anywhere. Of course this is all just speculation on my part but it seems logical. Anyway it’s one of my favorite books ever… and I still remember the first time I read it at 18 and my mind was blown… and I couldn’t stop reading the last 3rd of the book… even though it was 1am…. I had that pit of the stomach feeling but couldn’t stop. It’s only happened a handful of times reading.


dillrepair t1_iszd1ph wrote

Just get some size small N1B welco military extreme cold weather mukluks with an extra wool felt insole and a good wool liner. They’re cheap … even after buying liners and doubling up on insoles… and they’re warmer and lighter than any expensive commercial cold weather boot I’ve ever owned even in -20…. as long as they aren’t soaking wet they will insulate… but tbh if it’s warm enough for any liquid water around then you are fine with a size too large rubber boot and 2 pairs wool socks…. Honest to god all I do is work outside at home whenever I’m not at work in upper peninsula type weather… and those kamiks, although stylish, will probably be colder than my oversized rubber boot solution (which I use rubber logging boots for when the weather is between 40f and 25f, or anytime slush mud etc)

The trick is to insulate the bottom of your foot from the cold ground and then keep them dry enough for the air inside/ wool to do it’s job insulating… below 20 or whenever the stuff outside you actually want the boot to perform in is going to stay frozen then you want the entire boot to breathe somewhat because then the only enemy is moisture in the lining which usually only comes from perspiration

Not,trying to be pushy bc I know this isn’t really answering your recommendation question but I figured a set of criteria or reasons for why something could be good is better than a simple recommendation … and I’ve just been over this myself for a few winters in the past and disappointed so much trying different expensive supposedly bifl (as recommended by various ppl or internet) boots and most turn out to be a joke when it comes to real world performance, so it basically comes down to having a set of muck/mud boots for the wet cold, and mukluks for the extreme frozen cold… and honestly the military mukluks are actually (imo) kind of stylish in their own odd way…. I’m a dude tho. But none of my exes have regretted getting a pair. Plus it’s hilarious when people say something about them and youre laughing all the way to the perfectly warm dry feet bank and they have the white cold prune toes. At a certain point… function over form.


dillrepair t1_irq5z68 wrote

I’m now frequently scared to leave my property and I’m a guy and “all” the cops and DA did was make up a misdemeanor charge that got dismissed. Ruined a year of my life. That’s “all”. But this… Hell yeah I’d be gone if this shit happened and I was a woman. Honestly I’m sorry but fuck the police and the prosecutors. They’ve been gone from “doing good” for a long time. All these guys are friends and have WAY too much to gain from doing favors etc… you know … what we would call corruption. If they’d make shit up about a guy with zero criminal record for 40 years and who’s a benefit to society saving lives at a hospital… they’d make shit up on anyone for a favor. They don’t give a fuck about lives ruined.