discogeek t1_ixzctch wrote
Reply to comment by dherrmann in The danger of for-profit water companies such as Aqua America by [deleted]
You should send a similar letter to the Attorney General and PUC. They both have the ability to help with price gouging when it comes to utilities too.
discogeek t1_ixuksv5 wrote
Reply to Becoming a PA Resident - Can I apply for car title transfer/tags the same day I go to get my PA license? by crispyedamame
Check the list of IDs accepted (you only need one of them). One of them is "A valid Pennsylvania 15-day temporary internet driver license or identification card renewal credential and expired DL/ID."
discogeek t1_ixc9lbd wrote
Reply to comment by AladdinDaCamel in Streets of Harrisburg on a Saturday night evening. by GalaMoruu
I was thinking Herr; I lived in the white building in the 90s (or an identical looking one on Herr).
discogeek t1_ixatgfa wrote
Reply to comment by all4whatnot in Jan. 6 rioter who filmed Pelosi laptop theft jailed after jury convicts her on 6 counts by imll99
I'm gonna go with 12-15.
discogeek t1_iwshw04 wrote
Reply to comment by Mijbr090490 in Democrats win control of Pennsylvania state House · Spotlight PA by dotcom-jillionaire
2010 was when they lost it. 30 years since they held both chambers, but GOP still has the state Senate.
discogeek t1_iwlt6yw wrote
That's how 100% of Representatives in DC do it. If you want to talk to him directly, best option is to call his scheduler and set up a meeting, or else arrange to see him at a public event.
discogeek t1_iwgh7om wrote
Reply to comment by discogeek in Car registered / plated in PA, moved to NJ, now back in PA still have plate by PlaneTry4277
I also just noticed you said you already ordered the camera card from PA. If you did it through the mail you'll be waiting a few weeks if it's just been two. I'd call your state rep and ask them if they're able to expedite its delivery; they often can speed things up if you ask.
Otherwise, if you're doing it through the mail, 6 weeks is about average.
discogeek t1_iwggy3h wrote
Reply to Car registered / plated in PA, moved to NJ, now back in PA still have plate by PlaneTry4277
If you never got a NJ license and your PA one is less than 30 days, you can try to renew online. You'll get a temp card you print out and carry with you until you get the new camera card and go to your PennDOT office to get the actual card.
If you got a NJ license then your PA one would have been invalidated; you can still try online but they might request additional information and/or you might have to go take the vision test and all again. In any case, they'll tell you when you try online.
And your DL number will stick with you for your entire life, the one on your expired card is the one you use. It'll be that number on your updated DL too, they stick with individuals for life, you're never assigned a new one.
Kind of the same with your car. You're supposed to transfer it after you move (I don't know the timeframe for NJ) but if you didn't then you'd still be on the list for Pennsylvania. Again, I'd try renewing online and see if that does it. Transferring a car across state lines is more difficult than a DL and you'll probably have to pay transfer tax / get a notary / other kinds of painful stuff.
discogeek t1_iw8vpof wrote
Reply to comment by PPQue6 in First snow in northwestern PA looking like it’s going to stay by electricpollution
Still coming down south of 90.
discogeek t1_iw3xhhw wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Move Over Law Ticket - Has anyone had luck getting fees/points reduced? by nooneyouworkwith
Someone needs a Snickers.
discogeek t1_iw3wo1r wrote
Reply to Move Over Law Ticket - Has anyone had luck getting fees/points reduced? by nooneyouworkwith
I know of easily 20 people in the same situation, their defense was that they didn't know about the law.
If you challenge it and go in front of a magistrate, usually the response I've heard is that not knowing isn't their problem, it's your responsibility to know, and the law is to enable safety for law enforcement and emergency professionals so it should be a lesson. 100% of them failed in getting anything reduced. One of them got thrown into jail overnight for escalating things and screaming at both the cop and magistrate at the hearing, so don't do that.
You definitely can try and if you get a sympathetic judge they might agree with you. I'm sure it's happened to some people who went that route. My anecdotal stories don't mean you'd be in the same boat.
discogeek t1_iw3vrvf wrote
You'd need to check with whatever township it's in. Like here's East Bradford's policy.
If it's on public property you could always report your neighbor for littering; take a picture or it'd be a he-said-she-said situation though and probably would only end up in hard feelings for both of you and police grumbling about it being something they can't do anything about without hard proof.
discogeek t1_ivkn9ka wrote
Reply to comment by LetoCarrion in Mailed my ballot off 3 weeks ago. They still don't have it by Annahsbananas
Reading comprehension doesn't seem to be your strong point here.
discogeek t1_ivgukit wrote
Reply to comment by CoalCrackerKid in Here Are Some Voting Poll Reminders for Election Day! by daywalkerredhead
Size matters.
discogeek t1_iv0h7da wrote
discogeek t1_iurmows wrote
Reply to comment by JediLion17 in $10 a day for jury pay is absurd if Pennsylvania says they are holding fair trials. by Jazzlike_Breadfruit9
You can get out of jury duty for hardship reasons. All you seem to be doing is making up excuses for not fulfilling your civic duty.
discogeek t1_iurgng9 wrote
Reply to $10 a day for jury pay is absurd if Pennsylvania says they are holding fair trials. by Jazzlike_Breadfruit9
It's not a fair trial for the jury; it's a fair trial for the accused. You're obligated as a member of society to participate, and (supposedly) every class / race / orientation / ideology is required to participate.
That's how things work. Everything else in your post honestly is just complaining. We don't do jury duty for the benefit of the jury, we do it to keep a civil society.
discogeek t1_iu5lppd wrote
What a good dog.
discogeek t1_iu3q4sm wrote
Reply to comment by godofleet in PA Bill Would Suspend Registrations For $250 In Unpaid Turnpike Tolls by alfdud
They passed another law this week that you can't have your license revoked for non-driving offenses.
discogeek t1_itsincb wrote
Reply to Wife’s ballot envelope didn’t have her return address or a bar code to identify that it was her’s by ProducePete
You can contact your county election office. Since ballots aren't opened until Election Day, they'd have it marked as received or not, but not much else. It's legal and standard for the election office to tell voters if their ballot was received or not, and she can ask if the printing error disqualifies her ballot.
Her vote definitely isn't lost, you might have to do a few phone calls to confirm and fix but it's not all that difficult.
Good luck.
discogeek t1_itsica1 wrote
Reply to comment by narwhalfinger in Wife’s ballot envelope didn’t have her return address or a bar code to identify that it was her’s by ProducePete
Oooh a link!
discogeek t1_itrpf1h wrote
Was it three hours?
discogeek t1_ithfn38 wrote
Hard to believe there's any more damning evidence that the vote count was biased besides (*checks notes*) claiming it happened two weeks in advance.
discogeek t1_itcc7pq wrote
Reply to comment by turfly1995 in Getting working paper questions for a high schooler by [deleted]
This is false. You don't need working papers to apply for a job or be offered a job, as OP stated in his question. You either misunderstood or are incorrect.
"And here is my curiosity my question is, was chick fil a legally allowed *to hire me* without any working papers for my age?"
discogeek t1_iycidvr wrote
Reply to comment by ahhhhhhhhyeah in At least 2 Pennsylvania counties fail to certify election results by deadline by BoggyRob
"In 2022 we threw out Luzerne County votes because of a paper jam... in 2024 we threw out Philadelphia's votes because some pillow salesman made a documentary that aliens manipulated the minds of voters there."