dislikebuttonz t1_j6pj11w wrote
Reply to comment by leadnuts94 in Weekly What Should I Buy Thread and Order/Shipping Thread by AutoModerator
in day to day tasks you literally won’t notice a difference unless you do the extremist of tasks. Go for a 13 pro it sounds like that’s your best option
currently e sim only unfortunately sucks for travelers
dislikebuttonz t1_j6piv4w wrote
Reply to comment by ya_girl_drake_420 in Weekly What Should I Buy Thread and Order/Shipping Thread by AutoModerator
i’m gonna add onto this & say if you get them from a retailer that’s not an apple store (walmart, target, best buy etc), they have a 14 day return policy so you can actually return any pair of airpods as long as you bring the receipt or proof of purchase if they don’t fit you well
dislikebuttonz t1_j6pifww wrote
Reply to comment by Sarvadi in Weekly What Should I Buy Thread and Order/Shipping Thread by AutoModerator
11 should be fine
dislikebuttonz t1_j6phc7l wrote
Reply to comment by Moon-Unity in Weekly What Should I Buy Thread and Order/Shipping Thread by AutoModerator
dislikebuttonz t1_j6ph72j wrote
Reply to comment by proudbakunkinman in Weekly What Should I Buy Thread and Order/Shipping Thread by AutoModerator
In this case i’d get the 14, ONLY because ur getting $50 more in that gift card. but let’s say you weren’t getting free airpods or the gift card, you should stick with the 13. Sure it has 4GB of ram compared to the 14s 6 but who cares? You’ll eventually close your apps after you’re finished using them just like any normal person due to muscle memory. You’re paying $100 extra for 1% actual changes
TDLR, in this case i’d get the 14 but for the extra money on the gift card only. If you didn’t have these deals then the obvious choice would be the 13
dislikebuttonz t1_j6pgl2r wrote
Reply to comment by Elastic_Throttle in Weekly What Should I Buy Thread and Order/Shipping Thread by AutoModerator
both would be powerful enough for it. however since the 13PM has 120hz you will benefit from the higher refresh rate if the game even supports it
dislikebuttonz t1_j68xqkw wrote
Reply to comment by blaine12100 in Weekly What Should I Buy Thread and Order/Shipping Thread by AutoModerator
iPhone 13
dislikebuttonz t1_j68xot6 wrote
Reply to comment by Cyb3rOperator in Weekly What Should I Buy Thread and Order/Shipping Thread by AutoModerator
then iPhone 13. the 11 would last like 3 more years of ios updates
dislikebuttonz t1_j67fyxx wrote
Reply to comment by nmdrio in How long does iPhones last? by Bismarck_seas
maybe he meant software support? because technically the S9 released in 2018 doesn’t have the latest android version
dislikebuttonz t1_j67e6jk wrote
Reply to comment by I_AM_A_TOASTER42069 in Weekly What Should I Buy Thread and Order/Shipping Thread by AutoModerator
SE 2020 or a XR. SE cause it’ll last longer with software support, XR because it has by far the best battery compared to the SE, XS & X
dislikebuttonz t1_j67e0cb wrote
Reply to comment by rosebudpillow in Weekly What Should I Buy Thread and Order/Shipping Thread by AutoModerator
iPhone 11 easy. sure the tech nerds are gassing up the XS’s display (which there is some truth to it it’s actually better than the 11) but it’s not that much better how they hype it up to be. the 11s display would be good for everyday usage
anyways id get the 11 because it’ll last longer & it has a much better battery life that you’ll appreciate more often
dislikebuttonz t1_j67dtvs wrote
Reply to comment by AboutKemosabe in Weekly What Should I Buy Thread and Order/Shipping Thread by AutoModerator
probably because it’s 99% the same phone as the base 13 & he realized he got ripped off $100 so he’d rather use extra money to get his moneys worth on a 14 pro
dislikebuttonz t1_j67dqgr wrote
Reply to comment by blaine12100 in Weekly What Should I Buy Thread and Order/Shipping Thread by AutoModerator
what’s your budget looking like?
dislikebuttonz t1_j67dm5e wrote
Reply to comment by Informal_Upstairs136 in Weekly What Should I Buy Thread and Order/Shipping Thread by AutoModerator
13 pro tbh
dislikebuttonz t1_j67dk7p wrote
Reply to comment by ulala-not-a-streamer in Weekly What Should I Buy Thread and Order/Shipping Thread by AutoModerator
this is my opinion so take it how you want. for $400 more you’re getting the dynamic island, AOD, 48mp camera & the safety features apple made a big deal about.
i didnt mention 120hz, the zoom cam or the macro cam because you can get those 2 features from a used/refurbished or old stock 13 pro from another retailer but yes you can technically get those from the 14 pro too
anyways my 2 cents is i personally don’t think the 14 pro is worth $400 more than the 13. i can live without 120hz, the dynamic island looks like a gimmick to me, safety features while nice to have i wouldn’t use them & then the 48mp cam would take up too much storage. imo the only features id be looking foward to are the zoom cam, macro cam & the AOD. but $400 more worth it? i personally wouldn’t, id rather save the money & get a 13. it’s still a great value phone & you get most of everything you’d need
however don’t get me wrong if ur drooling over some of those features the 14 pro has then sure go for it, as it’s not in a bad situation to get like the base 14 is but me personally i’d rather save $400
dislikebuttonz t1_j67d19t wrote
Reply to comment by KoneKone15 in Weekly What Should I Buy Thread and Order/Shipping Thread by AutoModerator
either available on carriers/other retailers or as the dude stated, used/refurbished from literally anywhere
dislikebuttonz t1_j67cv56 wrote
Reply to comment by uhmare in Weekly What Should I Buy Thread and Order/Shipping Thread by AutoModerator
if i were you i’d honestly keep the 11 and get the macbook. doing work on uni is more important than having the latest phone. you can definitely wait until the 15 judging from what u said
dislikebuttonz t1_j67cqxs wrote
Reply to comment by _KillingEve_ in Weekly What Should I Buy Thread and Order/Shipping Thread by AutoModerator
Do you plan on buying new straight from apple or used/refurbished elsewhere?
and what’s your ideal budget looking like?
dislikebuttonz t1_j67cksd wrote
Reply to comment by Cyb3rOperator in Weekly What Should I Buy Thread and Order/Shipping Thread by AutoModerator
How long do you plan to keep your phone before your next upgrade?
dislikebuttonz t1_j67chdv wrote
Reply to comment by throawayconfuso in Weekly What Should I Buy Thread and Order/Shipping Thread by AutoModerator
the 11 should last you 3 years so i would take that tbh especially if ur more on a budget
but honestly a 13 is good also if you wanna play it safe & keep it even longer
as for the 11 being “oUtDaTeD” i wouldn’t worry about that. it still has the new all screen design & has face id so if people think it’s outdated then they’re just trying to put you down imo
dislikebuttonz t1_j67cair wrote
Reply to comment by throwaway936184 in Weekly What Should I Buy Thread and Order/Shipping Thread by AutoModerator
not bad
dislikebuttonz t1_j67c7cx wrote
Reply to comment by skilzpwn in Weekly What Should I Buy Thread and Order/Shipping Thread by AutoModerator
You want the best battery life but don’t care for the cameras? 14+
maybe a 13 pro max if you can find one used/refurbished because if you do it should be around the 14+s price range new. but if you buy new then def a 14+
If you’re on a budget consider an 11 pro max as it’s also a beast altho make sure it’s battery health is good
dislikebuttonz t1_j627fee wrote
Reply to Recommendation for parent (60+) by T-TheCOOKIE
obviously not everyone is the same, but in my case my grandpa (72yrs old) got a XS Max a few months ago as he upgraded from a 7+. i thought he would have trouble using it but nope he didn’t need help figuring out the gestures after i showed him ONCE. Just ONCE but after that he learned himself pretty quickly how to navigate the phone which surprised tf out of me as he doesn’t know jack about modern tech
i would personally teach her how to use the phone incase she struggles but if you do it shouldn’t be too bad. with that being said definitely opt for the 12 pro but make sure the battery has decent health
dislikebuttonz t1_j2ftlzg wrote
Reply to comment by Intrepid-Button-4231 in Weekly What Should I Buy Thread and Order/Shipping Thread by AutoModerator
not sure tbh i’ve never sold or bought any phones from online
however i will say try out “backmarket.com” i’ve seen youtube ads promoting that, apparently they do certified refurbished phones. Try going there cuz honestly the prices i’m seeing rn for a 13 pro/13PM aren’t bad at all starting from $750ish
dislikebuttonz t1_j6pjcgq wrote
Reply to comment by MrBeyonde in Weekly What Should I Buy Thread and Order/Shipping Thread by AutoModerator
no it really doesn’t tbh. any normal person closes their apps after they’re done using it due to muscle memory. just get a 13