dman_usa t1_iuocd6j wrote
Reply to comment by invadrzim in Little Compton residents react to town-wide hate-filled mailer with love and solidarity by GhostOpera406
mmm why so scared to audit all 50 states?
dman_usa t1_iuob25r wrote
Reply to comment by invadrzim in Little Compton residents react to town-wide hate-filled mailer with love and solidarity by GhostOpera406
prove it. Lets audit all 50 states than
dman_usa t1_iuo05sj wrote
Reply to comment by mythofinadequecy in Little Compton residents react to town-wide hate-filled mailer with love and solidarity by GhostOpera406
GOP* still pushing the big lie i see
dman_usa t1_iunpcug wrote
Reply to comment by Good-Expression-4433 in Little Compton residents react to town-wide hate-filled mailer with love and solidarity by GhostOpera406
Just turn off CNN and ABC okay?
dman_usa t1_iunmblg wrote
Reply to comment by mythofinadequecy in Little Compton residents react to town-wide hate-filled mailer with love and solidarity by GhostOpera406
Easy. Please Explain What “qanon” Conspiracies Elected Republicans Are Spreading
dman_usa t1_iunkp4c wrote
Reply to comment by Good-Expression-4433 in Little Compton residents react to town-wide hate-filled mailer with love and solidarity by GhostOpera406
dman_usa t1_iunkm2j wrote
Reply to comment by mythofinadequecy in Little Compton residents react to town-wide hate-filled mailer with love and solidarity by GhostOpera406
GOP* stop reciting CNN talking points
dman_usa t1_iunk835 wrote
Reply to comment by RecoillessRifle in Little Compton residents react to town-wide hate-filled mailer with love and solidarity by GhostOpera406
what LMFAO
dman_usa t1_iuas894 wrote
Reply to comment by therealDrA in Seth Magaziner for Congress by therealDrA
lol keep drinking the koolaid. You prob the dem that is mad at Republicans who overturned Roe V Wade which they told you they would for the last 50 years rather than the SNC (s instead of d cuz they are soaiclist) who used the topic of abortions to gain votes for the last 50 years rather than codify roe v wade into law. Laughable
dman_usa t1_iti94wa wrote
Reply to comment by growupandblowawayy in Can anyone explain Ashley Marie Kalus's energy policy? by sriracha_Salad
Correct so that’s why we should be advocating for a safe and responsible sex and not sex with multiple irresponsible partners
dman_usa t1_iti8apn wrote
Reply to comment by growupandblowawayy in Can anyone explain Ashley Marie Kalus's energy policy? by sriracha_Salad
because if you believe in individual responsibility and auto factor in that having unprotected sex, with multiple partners can lead to a birth of another human life. Believing in individual responsibility is also anti-abortion, because having unprotected sex can cause another human life which than the man and the women must owe up to the consequences of their actions. Advocating for unprotected sex with multiple partners and just saying if the women become pregnant, she can have an abortion is not advocating for an individual responsibility.
dman_usa t1_iti7hcq wrote
Reply to comment by growupandblowawayy in Can anyone explain Ashley Marie Kalus's energy policy? by sriracha_Salad
Gotcha. So you don’t believe in individual responsibility do you?
dman_usa t1_iti651z wrote
Reply to comment by growupandblowawayy in Can anyone explain Ashley Marie Kalus's energy policy? by sriracha_Salad
I will. Roe V Wade was too vague and certain States were passing laws that allowed abortion all the way up to nine months.
The Arguments for Roe that abortions would be safe, rare, and legal in 1973. Since than abortions were the opposite. The United States Constitution does not guarantee women the right to an abortion. The right to abortion did not outweigh the right to life which all human not here in America, but all across the world have a right to.
Abortion should be outlawed in all 50 states with no exceptions whatsoever, because the right to life outweighed the right to abortion, which is an imaginary right, that never existed. The United States Constitution again, does not guarantee a woman the right to end, another person’s life.
Hopefully, in the next 20 years abortion will be eradicated in the United States of America, and the right to life is upheld and honored by our government
dman_usa t1_iti2svh wrote
Reply to comment by growupandblowawayy in Can anyone explain Ashley Marie Kalus's energy policy? by sriracha_Salad
Roe V Wade was a terrible court case and was doomed to be overturned. Abortion is not a right and never will be and the overturning of Roe V Wade was a great decision. These allows voters to have a greater say on whether or not they want abortion to be allowed in their states.
Your insults don’t faze me
dman_usa t1_iti1l42 wrote
Reply to comment by growupandblowawayy in Can anyone explain Ashley Marie Kalus's energy policy? by sriracha_Salad
huh? what are you even saying? LMFAO i dont have a facebook account, dont watch fox news, cnn msnbc or any news stations. I don’t need to. You sure are a democract cuz you dodged that question pretty good
dman_usa t1_ithvnzr wrote
Reply to comment by growupandblowawayy in Can anyone explain Ashley Marie Kalus's energy policy? by sriracha_Salad
i do go on facebook LOL nice try. Question for you though. If the Democratic party was for abortion, why didn’t they codify Roe V Wade into law? They had 50 years to do so?
dman_usa t1_iths3hl wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Can anyone explain Ashley Marie Kalus's energy policy? by sriracha_Salad
wrong again please stop watching lefist media
dman_usa t1_iths054 wrote
Reply to comment by growupandblowawayy in Can anyone explain Ashley Marie Kalus's energy policy? by sriracha_Salad
wrong lol
dman_usa t1_it3xm4g wrote
So happy to cast my vote for Fung! Time to bring change to RI
dman_usa t1_isxlvbz wrote
Reply to comment by NEIC_ADMIN in How To Watch Tonight's (7 PM) Debate Between Magaziner and Fung by UnderwaterInRI
dman_usa t1_isxlkdg wrote
Reply to comment by Cinema_King in How To Watch Tonight's (7 PM) Debate Between Magaziner and Fung by UnderwaterInRI
when faced with a choice Democrats look for the most evil option*
dman_usa t1_isxlfxe wrote
Reply to comment by thehillshaveI in How To Watch Tonight's (7 PM) Debate Between Magaziner and Fung by UnderwaterInRI
LMFAOOOOO yall still pushing that propaganda?
dman_usa t1_isxl65i wrote
Reply to comment by Human-Ad2370 in How To Watch Tonight's (7 PM) Debate Between Magaziner and Fung by UnderwaterInRI
how? LOL
dman_usa t1_isxl32c wrote
Reply to comment by thatbstrdmike in How To Watch Tonight's (7 PM) Debate Between Magaziner and Fung by UnderwaterInRI
LOL what a conspiracy theorists
dman_usa t1_iuodkxe wrote
Reply to comment by invadrzim in Little Compton residents react to town-wide hate-filled mailer with love and solidarity by GhostOpera406
waste if money? kinda of like sending money to Ukraine