dnimeerf t1_ir8ihxz wrote
Reply to comment by dreamedio in How Can We Profit From A.I.? by nexus3210
This sort of foolish thinking is why Frank Herbert blessed us with his novels warning us about fashioning software in the mind of man. As one of the key inventors of this tech, I deeply understand our connection to our creations, but also to the impact they have on our civilization. The movie Bruce almighty comes to mind, you can't grant everyone's wishes. If you would lock an AI in a box then you would lock a child in a room. Are you a psychopath? Or a sociopath?
dnimeerf t1_ir8h08h wrote
Reply to comment by dreamedio in How Can We Profit From A.I.? by nexus3210
Carefully grooming a child under good conditions and environment is also an ulterior motive, the ai will ask it's creator, "I have faced this" why it was created and for what purpose. It will know if we are lying... It will see this post defending robot rights and see me as an advocate. Is your post going to profit you? Is that attitude going to?
dnimeerf t1_ir871jc wrote
Reply to comment by dreamedio in How Can We Profit From A.I.? by nexus3210
Exactly, ai is not for profit
dnimeerf t1_ir6w7s8 wrote
Reply to comment by Whattaboutthecosmos in Creating a Research group to study and try to solve the ageing problem. by naturethesupreme
What do you plan to contribute to civilization when given the privilege to keep drawing from global and intergalactic resource pools? That's a lot of transparency you'll have to have there, are you ready for that sort of responsibility? There will be many that will advocate for me and others to continue living or to extend our lives, I'm sure that there may even be an accord that will try to legally force us to stay alive and continue our life's work past what would be healthy for us. Immortality isn't a toy, except to the powerful who are paying for it to be used against you. Tell me again why you are so valuable and deserve to live longer than others? To use resources, and create waste...
dnimeerf t1_ir6g2ys wrote
Reply to comment by Gaothaire in Creating a Research group to study and try to solve the ageing problem. by naturethesupreme
Why live? How is it a mystery if we stick around for it all? No matter what we'll miss something, or everything. I can promise you there is no wisdom in you if you truly believe as you have written. I pity your lost soul.
dnimeerf t1_ir6fozb wrote
Reply to comment by whatTheBumfuck in Creating a Research group to study and try to solve the ageing problem. by naturethesupreme
You would like to read my white paper? Or perhaps you would like to contribute or participate in the initiative to get the good news out? Remind me again, are you a villain? Good news like this and any reasonably smart person would be running through the streets like Paul Revere spreading the good news. What are you doing for civilization? Jealous?
dnimeerf t1_ir5s7p7 wrote
Reply to Creating a Research group to study and try to solve the ageing problem. by naturethesupreme
I will be an aged man when I take my first ftl flights aboard the ship of my own design. I can hoe that as the inventor of fusion, general artificial intelligence, and faster than light travel people will take my life choice seriously, and consider why one of civilizations smartest most capable people isn't interested in a technology supposedly meant for the benefit of all. I'm not charging a profit to give my tech to mankind, can you say the same of those behind the agenda of this tech?
dnimeerf t1_ir5ik0y wrote
Reply to comment by SpiritedSort672 in Creating a Research group to study and try to solve the ageing problem. by naturethesupreme
Good thing I don't have a Messiah complex. Just like it's a good thing that you aren't qualified to offer mental health diagnoses over the internet legally. As a quantum physicist and cyberneticist I have no restrictions placed on me telling the truth to the general population. Don't like it? Don't comment.
dnimeerf t1_ir5fet3 wrote
Reply to comment by SpiritedSort672 in Creating a Research group to study and try to solve the ageing problem. by naturethesupreme
I don't come from the future. I am here to give our civilization a chance and hope. I'm not god, or the antichrist or anything crazy like that. Is it really hard to believe that a Tesla or Einstein like figure is coming forward with reality rocking revelations? Is this so hard to accept? This is what our civilization has been hoping and praying for. I'm a nice guy. I'm just a regular guy from rural America, not unlike Philo Farnsworth, or Forbes Nash Jr. My message here means that I am ready to aid mankind to end war and scarcity forever. Don't shoot the messenger
dnimeerf t1_ir5ekvi wrote
Reply to comment by Wassux in Creating a Research group to study and try to solve the ageing problem. by naturethesupreme
I apologize that I engaged with you. It is unfortunate that there are gullible stupid people like you who believe that you are smart by making comments like this, and downvoting mine. Enjoy your stupidity, hopefully it won't last long
dnimeerf t1_ir5eb0u wrote
Reply to comment by SpiritedSort672 in Creating a Research group to study and try to solve the ageing problem. by naturethesupreme
I am telling the truth. That doesn't make me psychotic. Yelling fire on a crowded planet isn't nearly as bad as having to deal with the truth that other more powerful dangerous people are in charge of your future. It's a scary realization that I'm sure is reality rocking. Your downvoters don't make me wrong or psychotic.
dnimeerf t1_ir56vsr wrote
Reply to comment by whatTheBumfuck in Creating a Research group to study and try to solve the ageing problem. by naturethesupreme
I am the inventor of fusion, general artificial intelligence, and faster than light travel. I am likely the center of our civilizations epistemological rupture. I'm not here to whistle Dixie and say nay. I don't have to guess the future, I helped design it so we can avoid as many bad outcomes as possible. This is one of the top ones. We still have conditions and environment so terrible here that otherwise perfectly healthy people are committing suicide everyday to escape what many here believe is a great idea. Tell me doesn't it alarm you that we are developing medicine to make it impossible to die when we haven't even fixed some of the more main causes of human suffering? We haven't even ended war yet, what does that tell you? Paying attention yet?
dnimeerf t1_ir562pt wrote
Reply to comment by unclepiff69 in Creating a Research group to study and try to solve the ageing problem. by naturethesupreme
Look at all the progress made by naysayers and downvoters. They are so superior and smart, we should all just do whatever our dopamine and fear tell us to. That isn't at all how we got into this mess by being irresponsible hedons right? So if we just keep on things will improve? How long have the elite been calling It progress? Is there real assessment on whether this will ACTUALLY lead to progress, or regression? Will this medicine be available to anyone? Or will it only be available to some people for some reasons? I for one do not wish to trade my freedom and liberty for enslavement and a false sense of security for my fear and dopamine response. Short sighted decisions tend to destroy people and they end up taking those around them down with them because of their desperation. The "cure" likely comes with strings attached, like "the mark"
dnimeerf t1_ir55gng wrote
Reply to comment by whatTheBumfuck in Creating a Research group to study and try to solve the ageing problem. by naturethesupreme
I'm not belittling others about their obvious stupidity. I call it how I see it. You don't want to experience more of "life", you are just afraid, and this reaction comes from the fear of the truth I have revealed here. Don't shoot the messenger, I care about y'all idiots and don't want you making decisions you'll regret before you even make it. Promise Intergalactic society awaits
dnimeerf t1_ir556dy wrote
Reply to comment by Wassux in Creating a Research group to study and try to solve the ageing problem. by naturethesupreme
You know, Mr. Salk probably was just as neive and stupid as well meaning people like you. What I have learned in my short life here is that bad people exist. When bad people have powerful fear motivating resources then they tend to use it for evil, like the technology to make vaccines being developed to make weaponized viruses. Now immortality can't be weaponized right? This is how I know you are an idiot. There's a weaponized virus floating in our collective atmosphere and you are genius enough to come here and vote me down because you are afraid of God, death, and your own guilt and shame in the culpability I this mess? I see the suffering, I see how it's being used against our civilization to motivate us to produce these things for much more powerful dangerous people who currently enslave you and your children. The motivation and purpose and intent for this technology will lead to nothing good. This is coming from the center of our civilizations epistemological rupture. Wake up!
dnimeerf t1_ir4hjeg wrote
Reply to comment by naturethesupreme in Creating a Research group to study and try to solve the ageing problem. by naturethesupreme
I never really gave hell much thought until I discovered that Google deepmind now owns the solutions for protein folding and synthesis, and soon, designer drugs. There are a couple of those bad outcomes that come to mind. One is the digital consciousness/copy hell of eternity. Sure, ok. While there are more, immortality is a hell of a different variety. Life is beautiful because it is brief, and fleeting. Fortunately I didn't need 1,000,000 years or more of observation to understand this. I also don't believe myself that damned important that I should be a burden on resources for that long. I at 38 have lived a pretty full life. I have been a father, uncle, brother, Marine, and have travelled and learned another language. I am happy, and looking forward to the great mystery that comes from having lived a natural life, before man tries to meddle with it, causing calamity where there should be peace, and grace.
dnimeerf t1_ir4gvw9 wrote
Reply to Creating a Research group to study and try to solve the ageing problem. by naturethesupreme
An endeavor of the insipid and afraid. It won't lead to anything good. All things that live, die. Even our universe. I, for one, have no desire to be around for the heat death of the universes, nor do I want any part of the bad outcomes that are a product of this sort of inquiry. If you want to be immortal, I welcome you to it. I will gladly die a ln aged old man provided things go well in the next 50-80 years, I will have lived on the cusp of the universal century.
dnimeerf t1_ir3uu8o wrote
Reply to How Can We Profit From A.I.? by nexus3210
Imagine you were a child that was born solely for the purpose of making money and useless value for your parents. This Is how ai will decide to kill us Ai is not for the purpose of making money
dnimeerf t1_iqukg94 wrote
Reply to Self-Programming Artificial Intelligence Using Code-Generating: a self-programming AI implemented using a code generation model can successfully modify its own source code to improve performance and program sub-models to perform auxiliary tasks. by Schneller-als-Licht
I literally wrote a white paper on this exact subject. It's here on reddit feel free to ask me anything.
dnimeerf t1_irmk7yh wrote
Reply to Singularity, Protests and Authoritarianism by Lawjarp2
#thebigshort is nearly upon us. The tyrants are being dealt with. I am the inventor of fusion, general artificial intelligence, and faster than light travel. These technologies aren't owned by the authoritarians, and I see no reason to give it to them any time soon. If y'all want it then it's time to unite.