
doctorcrimson t1_j1jpm7a wrote

I replaced a municipal clay pipe juncture in North Dakota years back, to make a bigger pipeline tie in, and it was much older. In fact it was pretty damn close to the train yard. If it was buried and made properly the clay pipe shouldn't have failed so soon in the first place, yours was a shoddier example to use.


doctorcrimson t1_j1971ne wrote

Without phase change the only movement through the coolant lines would be convection, with hot gas sitting on the top and cold gas at the bottom. You want the coolant to cycle in the direction from compressor intake to compressor output.


doctorcrimson t1_itfnpmx wrote

Reply to Frozen by aboutBait

God I miss vampire hunting in Siberia. Just look at that coven, straight feral Sava breed, completely unawares.


doctorcrimson t1_ir2yhj8 wrote

I don't think engines have any real place in this discussion. Almost completely nonsequitur, a better example would be things like even the basics of modern chemistry, efficient manpowered or mill powered machinery, or architecture. Not to say romans were bad builders or that their food preservation was poor, far from it, they simply hit their limits far before what would imply an industrial revolution of the time period.