doctorzoom t1_j1up9yg wrote
Reply to comment by Turksarama in Battery swapping spurs Kenya's electric motorbike drive by For_All_Humanity
Split the big battery into easily managed cells. A bike would take 1 cell, a mini car 4, etc.
doctorzoom t1_j1uoy9j wrote
Reply to comment by LiquidVibes in Battery swapping spurs Kenya's electric motorbike drive by For_All_Humanity
If you could charge them fast enough, you'd only need a small amount of batteries at the swap points.
doctorzoom t1_j1upqua wrote
Reply to comment by Turksarama in Battery swapping spurs Kenya's electric motorbike drive by For_All_Humanity
Could be a team of people. Could be the folks that are in the coal mines, gas and oil fields. Each swap station visit would feel like a pit stop.