With Nasa making some strides in sending a "message" between 2 virtual wormholes it got me thinking again on Alcubierre and his famous paper. One of the biggest challenges to warping space-time is the enormous energy requirements and the use of exotic negative mass particles. A while ago however i believe a new paper was released that brought the necessary power requirements down to some significant percentage of the suns output.
My question is, if we could somehow generate the necessary energy tomorrow. Could we warp space-time even on a small scale? Do we know what the physics or engineering requirements are to warp space-time? Or is it just a matter of dumping enormous amounts of energy into something like a magnetic field
dogCerebrus t1_izacr6o wrote
Reply to Ask Anything Wednesday - Physics, Astronomy, Earth and Planetary Science by AutoModerator
With Nasa making some strides in sending a "message" between 2 virtual wormholes it got me thinking again on Alcubierre and his famous paper. One of the biggest challenges to warping space-time is the enormous energy requirements and the use of exotic negative mass particles. A while ago however i believe a new paper was released that brought the necessary power requirements down to some significant percentage of the suns output.
My question is, if we could somehow generate the necessary energy tomorrow. Could we warp space-time even on a small scale? Do we know what the physics or engineering requirements are to warp space-time? Or is it just a matter of dumping enormous amounts of energy into something like a magnetic field