dojijosu t1_ivyih6l wrote
Reply to comment by wegandi in Free Staters might actually have *more* legislative control now in the state House thanks to the even split? -- Brown said. “So the narrow margin had the effect of actually creating a budget that was farther to the right.” Could get interesting. by AMC4x4
We don’t know who the majority will be.
The current majority leader is a pragmatist. He’ll go whichever way the wind blows.
dojijosu t1_ivybf2r wrote
Reply to comment by AMC4x4 in Free Staters might actually have *more* legislative control now in the state House thanks to the even split? -- Brown said. “So the narrow margin had the effect of actually creating a budget that was farther to the right.” Could get interesting. by AMC4x4
Credit where it’s due, NH Republicans don’t take kindly to overt attempts to force them to do stuff. And the FS movement ain’t subtle. Pretty sure the FS reps will come out with a ransom list and the GOP will tell them to get bent.
dojijosu t1_ivubg4r wrote
Reply to Free Staters might actually have *more* legislative control now in the state House thanks to the even split? -- Brown said. “So the narrow margin had the effect of actually creating a budget that was farther to the right.” Could get interesting. by AMC4x4
I think what is more likely is what "reasonable" Republicans we have left are going to find they have more in common with Democrats then the FS loonies.
dojijosu t1_ivtz530 wrote
“First-term Rep. Melissa Blasek of Merrimack, named assistant majority leader in September, placed ninth in a district with eight seats. Blasek is also executive director of Rebuild NH, a liberty-minded group that led the opposition to pandemic lockdowns and vaccine mandates. While Blasek lost, most of the nearly 150 candidates Rebuild NH endorsed won their races.”
Melissa Blasek is the one who claimed that COVID didn’t kill former Speaker elect Dick Hinch, it was, and I quote “that damn mask.” She went as far as to say the medical examiner was on the take from big COVID.
dojijosu t1_ivthavo wrote
Reply to comment by Nyurena in Smiling Fetterman asks Oz if he’d mind slowly repeating concession for 5th time by rollotomasi07071
With the GOP every accusation is a confession. Whenever they complain about witch hunts, it makes me strongly suspect them of black magic.
dojijosu t1_ivt5a2o wrote
Reply to comment by --Cr1imsoN-- in Smiling Fetterman asks Oz if he’d mind slowly repeating concession for 5th time by rollotomasi07071
This is where we are? When a Republican admits they lost an election they lost they get points?
dojijosu t1_ivpaagy wrote
Reply to comment by lMickNastyl in Trump blames Bolduc's loss on election denial flip-flopping. by lMickNastyl
When you have to win a primary among howler monkey Trumpers, you deny the election results. When you have to win a general election with normal people you say it was legit. That’s just Sun Tzu, baby.
dojijosu t1_ivnkcsx wrote
Reply to comment by Alternative_Push5798 in Who got your vote? by uzernaimed
As, apparently, is New Hampshire.
dojijosu t1_ivlds24 wrote
Reply to comment by lMickNastyl in Who got your vote? by uzernaimed
Sure, if you like someone who lives in New Jersey.
dojijosu t1_ivkjs2y wrote
Reply to comment by UnfairAd7220 in Who got your vote? by uzernaimed
I’ll say Bolduc is probably the least problematic Republican you had in that clowncar of a GOP primary. So net-gain if he does win. But I really don’t think he will.
dojijosu t1_ivkccx0 wrote
Reply to comment by ThunderySleep in Who got your vote? by uzernaimed
Shamelessly? Proudly! You’ve cultivated your voters into mindless zombies. We just threw them a little fresh meat and they started eating themselves.
dojijosu t1_ivkacqu wrote
Reply to comment by ThunderySleep in Who got your vote? by uzernaimed
Oops. Did they? Did they squirt some gasoline on the dumpster fire that is the GOP electorate?
dojijosu t1_ivk8dii wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Who got your vote? by uzernaimed
Wrong race.
dojijosu t1_ivk8bmh wrote
Reply to comment by FreezingRobot in Who got your vote? by uzernaimed
Democrat here. This was your year, NHGOP. All you had to do was put up someone who didn’t look like he’d be at home on a street corner yelling about how the Commies are trying to corrupt his precious bodily fluids with 5G vaccines.
You didn’t.
dojijosu t1_iuk0ly9 wrote
Reply to comment by BowTiedAgorist in Police: Nashua man found asleep at wheel with crack pipe in hand charged with DUI by ExileInCle19
Are you a replicant?
dojijosu t1_iuj805x wrote
Reply to comment by BowTiedAgorist in Police: Nashua man found asleep at wheel with crack pipe in hand charged with DUI by ExileInCle19
dojijosu t1_iua5tjz wrote
Reply to comment by AuthorSnow in Manchester felon gets nearly 3 years in prison after posting videos of himself holding handgun by Peeeculiar
Then it should be re-written to reflect that, wouldn’t you agree?
dojijosu t1_iu9shg9 wrote
Reply to comment by NEED_TP_ASAP in Manchester felon gets nearly 3 years in prison after posting videos of himself holding handgun by Peeeculiar
But why not? The 2nd amendment isn’t conditional. It doesn’t say anything about reasons it should be suspended or rescinded.
dojijosu t1_iu8xpmt wrote
Reply to Manchester felon gets nearly 3 years in prison after posting videos of himself holding handgun by Peeeculiar
Where my “shall not be infringed” people at?
dojijosu t1_iu44sjf wrote
Reply to Manchester, NH by Flineki
Looks like a Stephen King book cover.
dojijosu t1_itzhv4x wrote
Reply to comment by bonez3113 in Man on meth arrested for burglary after found in home with ax, Seabrook police say by rabblebowser
I always pick “I would have shot him” for my New Hampshire comments section Bingo card.
dojijosu t1_itpr0ug wrote
Reply to comment by Tullyswimmer in State Rep Kat McGhee is accused of using $150,000 in government funds to close down a public beach at Rocky Pond in Hollis (now accessible to just her and a few other families) by kauffj
If true, that’s not developed in the article. Notice that the article never actually approaches an accusation of wrong doing. Just lots of insinuation of “who knows where” and such.
dojijosu t1_itng7d3 wrote
Reply to comment by pahnzoh in State Rep Kat McGhee is accused of using $150,000 in government funds to close down a public beach at Rocky Pond in Hollis (now accessible to just her and a few other families) by kauffj
Nothing to apologize for. Sounds like her community bought a pond. Kinda sucks for the locals, but that’s all that happened. The language in this hit piece was laughably dramatic.
So know, I dare not yet draw the blade of apology from the scabbard of… I don’t know… not-wanting-MAGA-morons running anything? It’s your metaphor.
dojijosu t1_itn8lw1 wrote
Reply to State Rep Kat McGhee is accused of using $150,000 in government funds to close down a public beach at Rocky Pond in Hollis (now accessible to just her and a few other families) by kauffj
So... a Democrat and her HOA bought some property?
dojijosu t1_iw2j3eq wrote
Reply to comment by hellsongs in Child care centers worry about background check changes by smartest_kobold
It’s cool. 5nd is kind of famous for having the worst takes. It’s his gimmick.